Selected newspaper articles related to Leo Berman

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Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
State Rep. Matt Schaefer announces bid for fourth term serving Texas House District 6 Tyler Morning Telegraph  Robinson, A. 11/14/17
Former state Rep. Ted Kamel announced bid to retake House District 6 seat Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 10/31/17
Trump's immigration stance echoes state bills Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/18/15
Berman remembered for service, duty, faith Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/30/15
Leo Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/28/15
Former Arlington Councilman Leo Berman dies Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Gravois, J. 05/24/15
Former Texas House Representative Leo Berman passes away Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/24/15
Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them Dallas Morning News  Selk, A. 03/20/15
Amid fight from right, Straus poised for fourth term as House speaker San Antonio Express News  Rauf, D. 01/13/15
Some local reps to take aim at Straus Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/13/15
Texas' stance on immigration could soon change Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/15/14
Smith County GOP backs plan to oppose Straus as House Speaker Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/23/14
Incumbent Rep. Matt Schaefer defends seat from Ogle Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/05/14
State representative candidates share views: Shaefer stands by work in House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/09/14
Speakers tout gun ownership and constitution Tyler Morning Telegraph  Texcucano, V. 02/24/13
Legislature shifts gears on immigration Austin American Statesman  Editorial 02/16/13
Symphony League honors Representative Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/28/12
Representative Berman honored for 14 years of service Tyler Morning Telegraph  Harper, F. 10/26/12
Texas the next battleground for immigration legislation? Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 06/26/12
State Rep. Leo Berman prepares for end of term Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/17/12
Illegal Immigrant Students Face College Quandary Tyler Morning Telegraph  Guevara, E. 06/15/12
GOP primary moves Legislature more to the right Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/31/12
Tea party candidates still flexing muscle in Texas Houston Chronicle  Vertuno, J. 05/31/12
Did new voting lines doom incumbent East Texas legislators? Longview News-Journal  Jones, P. 05/31/12
Experts: Redistricting fuels primary results San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 05/31/12
County GOP chairman: Berman defeat not surprise Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/31/12
Schaefer ousts 7-term incumbent Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/30/12
Gov. Perry pays visit to Lindale, endorses east Texas candidates Tyler Morning Telegraph  Monzingo, T. 05/24/12
Endorsements offered for Smith, Phillips Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 05/13/12
Berman, Schaefer compete for seat Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/13/12
Texas House District 6 seat: campaign finance report Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/03/12
Rep. Berman says cancer in remission Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 04/27/12
Schaefer attacks Berman’s record Tyler Morning Telegraph  Monzingo, T. 04/24/12
State watches as provisions against illegal immigration rise, fall across US Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/22/12
Tea party-backed lawmakers face intraparty tests Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/24/12
Criminal penalty proposals introduced, but none became law Austin American Statesman  Ashford-Grooms, M. 03/19/12
Berman, Schaefer clash on campaign promises, conservative ideals at debate Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/09/12
New primary date both good and bad Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 03/06/12
Berman combining work, outpatient care Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/19/12
Berman returns to work in district office part time Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/18/12
Texas lawmakers study ban on Sharia law Houston Chronicle  Kilday-Hart, P. 02/11/12
State Rep. Berman expected to leave hospital soon Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/31/12
Berman ready to fight cancer, continue campaign Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/29/12
State Rep. Leo Berman diagnosed with cancer Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/27/12
Berman hospitalized; Tuesday debate postponed Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/24/12
Schaefer Attacks Berman's Record In Initial Debate Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/20/12
Texas House District 6 incumbent, challenger report contributions Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/19/12
State payroll gift program to be reviewed Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 12/03/11
Challenger calls for first debate with Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/30/11
Texas Legislature looking to repeal immigration law Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/23/11
Big 12 not Legislature's focus Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 09/07/11
Legislators talk about Perry’s 2012 bid Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 08/17/11
Perry apparently has ties to Texas' Muslim community Abilene Reporter-News  Bethel, B. 08/16/11
Compromise necessary sometimes Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/07/11
Gop activist says Berman reneges on re-election plans Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/27/11
State Rep. Leo Berman announces re-election bid Tyler Morning Telegraph  Hilburn-Simmons, J. 07/19/11
Berman wants state to study Anthony-inspired law, prohibiting Sharia law use in courts Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/15/11
Schaefer officially announces run for State House District 6 Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/08/11
Legislature fails to pass sanctuary city ban Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/03/11
Sanctuary cities bill's death traces to powerful lobby Austin American Statesman  Garcia Jr., A. 07/03/11
Shariah law Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 07/03/11
Simpson rips state leadership over pat-down bill failure Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 06/30/11
Hispanic lawmakers rejoice at demise of sanctuary cities legislation Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 06/30/11
Lawmakers fail to pass TSA ‘groping' bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/30/11
Legislators pass $4 billion education cuts Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/29/11
Airport groping bill passes initial vote Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/28/11
Alternative education funding up in air Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/23/11
Perry signs Student Criminal Disclosure Law Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/21/11
Texas Monthly releases information behind ‘best, worst' list Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/17/11
Berman makes Texas Monthly's ‘worst' legislators list Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/16/11
Teacher stabbing sparks bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/14/11
GOP, Democrats debate how funds spread among school districts Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/10/11
Second ‘groping’ bill aimed at TSA introduced Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/09/11
Area lawmaker says special session won’t change state budget Longview News-Journal  Alford, J. 06/02/11
Medicaid, health reform bills among those that time ran out on Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Gondak, D. 05/31/11
Peña: Hispanic Republicans helped defeat anti-immigrant legislation Rio Grande Guardian  Bertron, J. 05/31/11
Illegal immigration bills had tough time in Texas Legislature Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/29/11
State budget cutting billions passes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/29/11
Eltife and Hopson step up to help finance center Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 05/29/11
End in sight; budget vote looms Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/28/11
Senator blasts Dewhurst in airport bill's failure Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 05/26/11
Berman: State leadership to blame for immigration bills not passing Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/26/11
Hotel tax bill awaits signature from Perry Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/26/11
Bill: Hotel taxes finance capital projects Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/25/11
Retired teachers eye wallets over insurance cost Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 05/21/11
Bill of the week Austin Chronicle  Nichols, L. 05/19/11
Seeds of discontent burn in Austin house Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/15/11
Claim on use of Islamic law is overblown Austin American Statesman  O'Rourke, C. 05/14/11
Point Austin: what do they conserve? Austin Chronicle  King, M. 05/12/11
Except for 'sanctuary cities,' most immigration bills stall Austin American Statesman  Eaton, T. 05/11/11
Texas House OKs bill outlawing sanctuaries El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 05/11/11
Texas House calls for immigration law enforcement Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tomlinson, C. 05/11/11
Texas House gives final approval to 'sanctuary cities' bill Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 05/11/11
Texas immigration bill spurs argument Longview News-Journal  Claridy, R. 05/11/11
House vote: increase immigration enforcement Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/11/11
House bill would toughen dog attack penalties Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/11/11
Sanctuary cities bill puts schools in tough spot Valley Morning Star  Janes, J. 05/11/11
Texas House passes bill that would end sanctuary cities El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 05/10/11
Texas House passes 'sanctuary cities' bill Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/10/11
House OKs outlawing foreign law in Texas civil courts Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/10/11
No agenda guaranteed easy passage Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/08/11
GOP House members assert supermajority over ‘Sanctuary cities,' Tort reform legislation Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/08/11
Quote of the day: San Antonio Express News  A.P. Wire 05/07/11
Berman Responds To Critics Of Proposed Bill, May 4 Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 05/04/11
Committee wants to make English official language Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 05/02/11
How is the birther non-issue a state issue? Dallas Morning News  Editorial 04/30/11
East Texas will lose seat as House passes redistricting plan Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/29/11
In birth record brouhaha, no proof of denials from hospitals Austin American Statesman  Ashford-Grooms, M. 04/28/11
Texas lawmaker still has his doubts about Obama's birth Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 04/28/11
Bill would ban Sharia law in courts Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 04/26/11
Simpson's a rebel, but he's not a puppy hater Austin American Statesman  Eaton, T. 04/25/11
Birthplace proof sought in House bill Dallas Morning News  Shannon, K. 04/21/11
Redistricting maps would cause East Texas to lose political clout Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 04/20/11
Proposed budget cuts carve into Medicaid Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 04/17/11
House panel tackles immigration bills Austin American Statesman  Eaton, T. 04/14/11
Plenty of immigration bills put forward Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 04/14/11
Some fear immigration bills' slow progress Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 04/10/11
Texas Legislature considers banning courts from recognizing foreign religious, cultural laws Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 04/10/11
House eases test requirements Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/07/11
House budget leaves local service providers cautious Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 04/05/11
Surcharge program under scrutiny Wichita Falls Record News  Fibbe, K. 04/01/11
April fooles Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 03/31/11
Bill would raise hotel/motel tax to fund Gregg County events center Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 03/29/11
Bills would take illegal sodomy ban off books Austin American Statesman  Wermund, B. 03/26/11
State budget battle causes concerns statewide Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/26/11
Voter ID legislation passes House vote Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/25/11
House panel urged to kill driver surcharge program Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/23/11
PRO/CON VIEW: Should the Texas Legislature try to opt out of "Obamacare" or not? Beaumont Enterprise  Editorial 03/22/11
Message not so arresting Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/22/11
Texas Republicans push health care opt-out bills Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 03/18/11
Measures target national health care Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 03/18/11
Berman's proposed bill battles health care law Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/18/11
Perry OKs one-time Rainy Day fund use Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/16/11
Bill that would add 8% fee to remittances presented to panel El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 03/15/11
East Texas lawmaker plans to kill filing bill Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 03/15/11
Dems play hard ball Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/13/11
Let's get proficient in multiple languages (That includes English) Austin American Statesman  Dorn, E. 03/12/11
Bills would get rid of driver penalty program Austin American Statesman  Staff 03/08/11
Lawmakers call for eliminating driver surcharges Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 03/08/11
Bills target full-body scans, pat-down searches at Texas airports Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ahles, A. 03/08/11
They say they want a revolution - and members Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kennedy, B. 03/06/11
Two area House districts likely to join Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 03/06/11
Redistricting could cause east Texas to lose House seats Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/06/11
Tougher rules on abortion advance Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/04/11
'Anti-immigration feeling' decried El Paso Times  Licon, A. 03/04/11
Waging war on Hispanics in Texas Rio Grande Guardian  Shapleigh, E. 03/02/11
No documentation for 'birther' claim by state lawmaker Austin American Statesman  Ashford-Grooms, M. 02/27/11
TJC: cuts may be $7.1 million Tyler Morning Telegraph  Guevara, E. 02/25/11
TJC President Metke calls proposed cutbacks unfair, 'ugly' Tyler Morning Telegraph  Guevara, E. 02/24/11
Possible campus gun law spurs questions from area school officials Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 02/23/11
Secession rally Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/20/11
Tyler pastor opens Legislative session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/20/11
Abbott tells Republican club 'Obamacare' should be repealed Tyler Morning Telegraph  Worchel, D. 02/20/11
Local-level law enforcers oppose immigration bills Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 02/18/11
Law officers decry immigration bills El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 02/18/11
East Texas populations swell in 2010 census Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pearson, B. 02/18/11
Fashion forward Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/12/11
No plum positions for House members Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/11/11
Yielding the floor to fashion Austin American Statesman  Harper, M. 02/10/11
Freshman lawmaker satisfied with posts Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 02/10/11
Mexico birth certificates are common Austin American Statesman  O'Rourke, C. 02/09/11
A gentleman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 02/06/11
Hispanic Republicans tone down immigration talk Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 02/02/11
Dogs bill would require insurance Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/02/11
Texas on road to highway crisis San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 01/29/11
Hotel tax bill in Hopson's hands Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/20/11
Sen. Eltife cautious, optimistic on budget Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/20/11
Perry makes sanctuary cities a top issue for Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 01/18/11
Empty suits, empty seats Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 01/17/11
Euless state rep. confident voter ID bill pass this session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/15/11
Lege land: let the show begin Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 01/13/11
This way to the big top! Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 01/13/11
Resurgent GOP charts rightward course Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/12/11
Can't call 'em sellouts Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 01/12/11
Speaker Straus re-elected as 82nd Legislature convenes Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 01/12/11
Session opens on hopeful note as battle looms Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 01/12/11
East Texas legislators speak out about vote Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/12/11
Legislative preview: Anti-tax GOP confronts budget mess in Austin Longview News-Journal  Staff 01/09/11
No to Arizona law in Texas: El Paso leaders, groups to fight immigration bills El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 01/07/11
Immigration takes center stage - again Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/02/11
Rep. Berman Hopes Bill Would Stop Health Care Reform Enforcement Tyler Morning Telegraph  Reese, M. 12/09/10
Newly-Elected State Lawmakers Prepare For Upcoming Session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 12/07/10
Drunken-driving surcharges face challenges in court, Texas Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Henry, J. 12/06/10
An educated guess on students in Texas illegally Dallas Morning News  Hobbs, T. 12/05/10
Valley leaders meet today to plan opposition to Arizona-type bills Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 11/23/10
Wave of bills get tough on immigration El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 11/21/10
Local legislators prepare for session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/21/10
Quick opinion Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 11/20/10
RGV Hispanic Chamber to oppose Arizona-type legislation being passed in Texas Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 11/20/10
A&M student senate tuition bill fails Bryan Eagle  Patel, V. 11/19/10
State representatives file birth certificate bill filed for presidential candidates Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/17/10
Broad coalition being formed in Valley to oppose Arizona-style bills Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 11/17/10
Can the Texas House come to order? Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 11/15/10
Immigration, gun rights on lawmakers’ agenda Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 11/15/10
Republicans continue fighting trend Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/14/10
Speaker's race fuels GOP fight San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 11/13/10
Republicans face a crucial choice on immigration San Antonio Express News  Stroud, S. 11/12/10
Bill filed in Austin mimics Arizona's Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/09/10
GOP lawmakers file anti-immigration bills El Paso Times  Hu, E. 11/09/10
Judge: State shouldn't mandate county building codes Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 11/09/10
State Lawmaker Berman Brands Texas Speaker "Disaster" Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/09/10
Republicans renew redistricting battle El Paso Times  Bracamontes, R. 11/08/10
A&M student senate opposes in-state tuition for illegal immigrants Bryan Eagle  Patel, V. 11/05/10
Garza: Big GOP majority brings SB 1070 closer to reality in Texas Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 11/05/10
GOP takes Travis seat in House rout Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 11/04/10
Margo's win tightens GOP grip on Texas House El Paso Times  Torres, Z. 11/04/10
Republican gains in Texas House may pose challenge to Strauss Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 11/04/10
Berman says Straus bought speaker votes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/04/10
Frost appears to be losing House seat Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 11/03/10
Officials: Redistricting won't be rowdy Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 10/27/10
Pundits: White should fight, but Perry should hide San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 10/25/10
'Time for the tiger to pounce,' says Gilbert, urging big Valley vote Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 10/22/10
ET speaker candidate pulls out of race Longview News-Journal  Evans, G. 10/20/10
Berman quits race for speaker Austin American Statesman  Wire Reports 10/19/10
Berman backs out of race for House Speaker Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 10/19/10
Chisum decides to run for Texas House speaker Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Shannon, K. 10/15/10
Rep. Tom Craddick says Chisum more conservative choice for speaker Midland Reporter Telegram  Thurber, K. 10/15/10
Chisum seeks speaker's seat Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/14/10
Chisum runs for speaker Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 10/14/10
Conservative from Pampa targets Straus San Antonio Express News  Shannon, K. 10/14/10
Big Money playing even bigger role in politics this year Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/09/10
Perry stance sparks uproar Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/06/10
Number of laws passing disturbing Texas trend Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 09/28/10
We must uphold Texas' prerogatives in public education Austin American Statesman  Berman, L. 09/17/10
Politicians lead debate on term limits by example Abilene Reporter-News  McNeely, D. 09/16/10
Lawmakers: too early to discuss new budget Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 09/12/10
Texas House speaker may face challenge from second Republican Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 09/08/10
Toss 'em out? Wait until 2012 cycle Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/05/10
State lawmakers' plate piled high with divisive issues Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 08/28/10
House speaker stops by Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 08/25/10
Birthright citizenship debate has major implications for DFW Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Branch, A. 08/22/10
History tells us to hold on for rough ride Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/08/10
Citizen debate is close to home Dallas Morning News  Jacobson, S. 08/08/10
Official calls ETCOG audit 'witch hunt' Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 08/06/10
Auditor: No ETCOG misconduct Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 08/05/10
Texas stands at the edge of the immigration cliff Fort Worth Star-Telegram    08/01/10
Immigration divides conservatives among GOP Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 07/31/10
Texas lawmakers to proceed with their Arizona-style immigration plans Fort Worth Star-Telegram    07/30/10
Shapleigh: SB 1070 is coming to Texas and Dewhurst will support it Rio Grande Guardian  Staff 07/30/10
Berman challenges attorney's statements Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 07/24/10
Immigration bill priority for House speaker candidate Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 07/22/10
School ratings change possible Tyler Morning Telegraph  Guevara, E. 07/13/10
Combative session on horizon Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/05/10
House leader draws heat from both sides Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 07/02/10
What's best for Texas? Dallas Morning News  Editorial 06/28/10
Stage set for Berman, Straus showdown Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/28/10
Wise decisions: GOP nominee smart to hold off on House speaker endorsement this early Longview News-Journal    06/27/10
Palin ignites crowd in Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Murphy, C. 06/27/10
Berman faces uphill battle Abilene Reporter-News  Varble, S. 06/25/10
State representative nominee won't endorse House speaker Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 06/24/10
Berman to run for speaker Austin American Statesman  Wire Reports 06/23/10
Tyler Republican announces challenge to Texas House speaker Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 06/23/10
Straus faces battle for speaker's post San Antonio Express News  Staff 06/23/10
Leo Berman Plans Run For Speaker Of The House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/22/10
Adams' fall was fast and furious Dallas Morning News  Jeffers Jr., G. 06/15/10
Border is thorny for state GOP Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 06/11/10
Pro: States need to enforce immigration law because feds aren't doing enough Victoria Advocate  Vazquez, L. 05/24/10
Gun-rights advocates pushing for open carry law in Texas Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 05/23/10
Ruling limits PAC donations Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/18/10
Immigration divides loyalist, GOP San Antonio Express News  Garcia, G. 05/10/10
Rep cracks wise but keeps his eye on future San Antonio Express News  Jefferson, G. 05/08/10
Smith says feds forced Arizona immigration law San Antonio Express News  Garcia, G. 05/04/10
OK, folks, let's see your IDs Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 05/03/10
That's the law, so get over it Austin American Statesman  Garcia Jr., A. 05/02/10
Passing immigration law in Texas would be a mistake Waco Tribune Herald  Carbajal, J. 05/02/10
Perry against Arizona law for Texas Dallas Morning News  Scharrer, G. 04/30/10
Law like Arizona's sought here Austin American Statesman  Wire Reports 04/29/10
3 Arizona cities considering challenge to immigration law Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 04/29/10
Texas legislators plan bills similar to Arizona immigration law Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 04/29/10
TV Personality Glenn Beck Makes Stop In Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Waters, B. 04/25/10
Number of illegal immigrants getting in-state tuition rises Dallas Morning News  Unmuth, K. 03/15/10
Support grows to nullify U.S. laws Austin American Statesman  Eaton, T. 02/20/10
Poll; majority doesn't favor deportation San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 02/15/10
Some hot issues untouchable Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/08/10
Republicans seek momentum in Friday night's gubernatorial debate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 01/29/10
Lawmaker: Medina is not ready to lead Texas Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 01/28/10
Berman urges caution with Medina Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 01/24/10
Old constitution issue remains red-hot topic Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 01/23/10
Cry for state's rights at rally Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 01/17/10
Campaign works to ‘fill banks' Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/08/10
Texas prison system not feeling economic strain Tyler Morning Telegraph  Dean, K. 12/18/09
Boston tea party anniversary: Berman addresses small crowd of demonstrators Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 12/17/09
Officials file for primary ballot spots Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 12/05/09
Let Texas use innovation to solve food stamp woes Houston Chronicle  Berman, L. 12/03/09
Rep. Berman lauds Texas College for achievements Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 11/19/09
Seeber announces he won't oppose Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/03/09
Staples in Tyler to gain support for Prop. 11 Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 10/28/09
Voting begins today for state amendments Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 10/19/09
Endorsements Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 10/18/09
Berman, Eltife address concerns over amendments Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 10/14/09
About 200 attend rally against health care reform Tyler Morning Telegraph  Dillard, C. 08/23/09
Starting next month, you better buckle up, even in the back seat Austin American Statesman  MacLaggan, C. 08/20/09
Tyler lawmaker introduced a children's seat-belt law that grew into something more Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kennedy, B. 08/19/09
Judge, Lawgiver, King Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 08/14/09
Uncertain opinion Texarkana Gazette  Editorial 08/05/09
Education access limit a bad move San Antonio Express News  Editorial 08/03/09
Hannity draws crowd at Tyler appearance Tyler Morning Telegraph  Gooch, K. 08/01/09
Texas Attorney General's ruling on in-state college tuition for undocumented students leaves issue unclear Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 07/29/09
Rick Perry is beginning to sound like a different Texas Republican: Ron Paul Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kennedy, B. 07/26/09
Tuition for illegal residents up in air Austin American Statesman  Taboada, M. 07/25/09
Immigrant tuition law under review El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 07/25/09
Berman won't seek GOP nomination for governor Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 07/25/09
Ruling on in-state tuition for illegal immigrants clarifies little Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ayala, E. 07/25/09
Nichols says stimulus made for difficult recent session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/10/09
New law helps ensure consistent appraisal practices Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/10/09
Hundreds spend holiday protesting government’s actions, spending Tyler Morning Telegraph  Gooch, K. 07/05/09
Berman drops governor bid, swaps endorsements with Perry Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/04/09
Local lawmakers expect brief session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 07/01/09
Berman Lauded For Taxpayer Advocacy Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/28/09
Poll shows Perry ahead of Hutchison Austin American Statesman  Staff 06/25/09
Berman to quit race if Perry embraces ideas Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 06/24/09
Governor's race will eclipse current news Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/22/09
U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Gov. Rick Perry wage impressive expensive battle El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 06/22/09
To the right Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Recio, M. 06/21/09
Senate bill would allow purchase of DPS helicopter Tyler Morning Telegraph  Dean, K. 06/18/09
Politicians, observers assess blame for Texas Legislature needing special session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 06/15/09
Legislative session separates some in Austin Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 06/14/09
Berman may endorse Perry Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/14/09
Local lawmakers say session a success Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/14/09
ET lawmakers weigh in on 81st session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/14/09
Tyler lawmaker says he'll drop gubernatorial bid if Perry signs on to issues Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 06/12/09
Candidates offer a peak into beliefs with adviser picks Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 06/11/09
GOP primary for governor may become costliest in state history Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 06/09/09
Seeber to run for District 6 seat Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/05/09
Buckle up for big year in politics Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 06/04/09
Local lawmakers expect special session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 06/03/09
Texas Legislature adjourns after meltdown in Senate; special session looms Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 06/02/09
Lawmakers tackle big issues on final day Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/02/09
Legislation would address rural-area doctor shortages Tyler Morning Telegraph  Dillard, C. 05/31/09
As Capitol topic, immigration went from hot to cool Austin American Statesman  Yadron, D. 05/30/09
This session, both parties lose as red-hot legislation fizzles out Dallas Morning News  Ramshaw, E. 05/30/09
Rep. Berman to announce candidacy for governor week of July 4th Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/29/09
Unemployment insurance bill dies in House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/28/09
Berman: Democrats to blame for delay of Flores' disabled veterans bill Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/26/09
Colonia legislation stalls over citizenship amendment Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/25/09
Veterans are going to be unhappy with House inaction, says group leader Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/24/09
States’ rights resolution fails in House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/21/09
Local legislators deal with dead proposals Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 05/16/09
With time short in the Texas Legislature, bills' fate becoming clearer Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 05/15/09
Legislature might ratify amendment 45 years after fact Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/14/09
Immigration issue unlikely this session Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/11/09
'Dead zone' looms for bills in Legislature Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/10/09
Proposed state law would exempt Texas-made guns from federal regulation Beaumont Enterprise  Guy, C. 05/09/09
What's behind the sovereignty talk in Texas? Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Norman, M. 05/08/09
Local legislator co-authors tax exemption bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/07/09
Lawmaker aims at making Texas-made and -owned firearms exempt from federal regulation Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 05/04/09
Veterans Land Board chairman says long-term VA facility ‘very best’ Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/01/09
Bill limits gun regulation Longview News-Journal  Editorial 04/29/09
Court to decide validity of 'creation science' degree plan Dallas Morning News  Hacker, H. 04/21/09
Universities fight tuition bill Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/17/09
Budget additions herald fights ahead Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 04/16/09
Chancellors: denying tier-one status would hurt all of Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/16/09
Ads target 'stalling' on immigration measures El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 04/11/09
Governor Perry touts state’s rights measure Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 04/10/09
Calvin Clyde Jr. Celebrates 88th With Proclamations Tyler Morning Telegraph  Waters, B. 04/07/09
House takes on voter ID bill Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 04/06/09
House tentatively OKs shield law for journalists Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/02/09
Creationists get creative at the Capitol Austin Chronicle  Nichols, L. 03/26/09
Tyler secures stimulus funds for VA care center Tyler Morning Telegraph  Dillard, C. 03/21/09
Subverting science on religion's altar Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 03/20/09
Perry right to refuse stimulus funds Tyler Courier-Times  Berman, L. 03/19/09
Is the voter ID rule the new poll tax? Austin American Statesman  Harrington, J. 03/18/09
Creation institute end run planned Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 03/16/09
Separating wants, needs one key for budgeting Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 03/14/09
Backers offer ideas on tier one bill Dallas Morning News  Hacker, H. 03/12/09
Volatile voter id debate to hit state senate floor Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 03/10/09
Texas lawmaker takes aim at illegal immigrants Fort Worth Star-Telegram  McGee, P. 03/08/09
Attorney General Says Berman Can Run For Governor While In Office Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 03/06/09
Berman can keep seat during governor run Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/05/09
Protect immigrant rights, El Paso group says El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 02/27/09
East Texas lawmakers express reservations about gaming Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/25/09
Censure urged over 'go-home' remark Dallas Morning News  Funk, M. 02/24/09
A little decorum, please Dallas Morning News  Editorial 02/21/09
Martinez Fischer taking MALC beyond 'sí se puede' Rio Grande Guardian  Aguilar, J. 02/20/09
Angry words fly on immigration Dallas Morning News  Funk, M. 02/19/09
Lawmakers debate state role in immigration issues El Paso Times  Kreighbaum, A. 02/19/09
Lawmakers provide lively debate over state’s role in immigration policy Rio Grande Guardian  Aguilar, J. 02/19/09
Immigration emerges anew Dallas Morning News  Funk, M. 02/15/09
Separating Wants, Needs One Key For Budgeting Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 02/14/09
Merritt, Hopson get committee chairmanships Longview News-Journal  Staff 02/13/09
Texas House Committee Chairs Named; Region Well Represented Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/13/09
Texas State Legislators Optimistic This Year Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 02/08/09
Governor says Texas economy 'strong,' 'good' Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 01/28/09
Harmony in House - at least for now Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 01/14/09
Capitol eyes are already on 2010 Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 01/12/09
Legislature to consider establishing official state language Midland Reporter Telegram  Thurber, K. 01/12/09
Lawmakers optimistic as they size up speaker Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/11/09
With money tight, focus is on basics Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 01/11/09
Berman proffers praise to Craddick rule Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 01/11/09
Berman talks state franchise tax, illegal immigration Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pearson, B. 01/07/09
In Texas House, Craddick's supporters unite behind new candidate for speaker Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 01/06/09
Craddick to finish term after losing speaker job Midland Reporter Telegram  Thurber, K. 01/06/09
Craddick out of race; 2 in GOP vie for votes Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/05/09
Texas legislators will push more than a dozen immigration measures Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Garay, A. 01/05/09
Immigration gets a place on lawmakers' agenda Houston Chronicle  Pinkerton, J. 01/05/09
Texas House speaker said to throw in the towel Houston Chronicle  Castro, A. 01/05/09
Dissident GOP picks Straus to oppose Craddick Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/03/09
Texas taxpayers spent $678 million on healthcare for illegal immigrants Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Chavez, A. 12/13/08
Study: illegal immigrants' care costs state $677 million Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 12/12/08
Language is no solution Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 11/30/08
Focus on state not federal matters Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 11/26/08
Legislators offer bills on rights of immigrants El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 11/19/08
Bills targeting illegal immigration likely to fuel clashes in Legislature Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/19/08
Republican files English-only bill again Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/18/08
New bills take tougher stance Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 11/18/08
Berman will file 9 bills about illegal immigration Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/13/08
Berman, others announce support for Craddick Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 11/11/08
Merritt retains seat with big win Longview News-Journal  Staff 11/05/08
Texas lawmaker challenges in-state tuition law Houston Chronicle  Carroll, S. 10/31/08
Uphill fight didn't keep Noriega from quest Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 10/21/08
Berman urges confidence in economy at teacher’s meeting Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 10/16/08
Democrat Noriega's uphill run tests skills honed in House, war Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 10/12/08
State legislators meet to protect values Tyler Morning Telegraph  Russell, A. 10/03/08
Lawmaker believes in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants violates federal law Fort Worth Star-Telegram  McGee, P. 10/02/08
Report says immigrant backlash a myth San Antonio Express News  Rozemberg, H. 09/12/08
Gov. Leo Berman? Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 09/11/08
Palin takes place in GOP history San Antonio Express News  A.P. Wire 09/04/08
Rep. Leo Berman at Republican convention Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 09/04/08
Nader says Texas law keeping him off ballot Brownsville Herald  McKenna, B. 06/03/08
Immigration issue may push Rep. Berman to run for governor Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 06/01/08
Congressman tells Legislature to back off immigration McAllen Monitor  Osborne, J. 05/10/08
Craddick: I have not decided which committee will handle immigration bills Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/10/08
Voter ID ruling clears path for Texas action Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 04/30/08
Texas legislators eye tough immigration laws Corpus Christi Caller Times  Editorial 04/29/08
Texas voter ID debate revived Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 04/29/08
Supreme Court upholds Indiana's voter ID requirement Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/29/08
Lawmakers determined to halt illegal immigration El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 04/27/08
States' lawmakers keep busy on immigration bills San Antonio Express News  Rozemberg, H. 04/25/08
Conservative lawmakers take new aim at illegal immigration Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 04/22/08
GOP legislators to revive debate on immigration El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 04/22/08
Leo Berman re-entering immigration battle in Texas Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/20/08
Oklahoma a glimpse of future? Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 02/14/08
Berman, others backing voter identification bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 02/05/08
Teen takes a stand against voter apathy Houston Chronicle  Falkenberg, L. 01/31/08
Berman heading up voter ID effort Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/27/08
House panel reopens debate over voter IDs Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/26/08
ID views heat up voter fraud hearing Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 01/26/08
Experts at odds on voter ID policy San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 01/26/08
Retired teachers receive '13th check' from state Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 01/17/08
Indiana voter ID case could affect Texas' own push on matter McAllen Monitor  Leatherman, J. 01/11/08
It's 'no sale' on this tax initiative Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Berman, L. 12/10/07
Non-citizen votes focus of House Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 11/30/07
Funds OK’d for Texas State Railroad Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 11/30/07
Craddick signs off on study for voter fraud Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 11/30/07
Texas College receives $631,000 in state grants Tyler Morning Telegraph  Waters, B. 11/29/07
States forced to take up illegal immigration issues Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 11/11/07
In the war on meth, pharmacy logs are an underused weapon Austin American Statesman  Roser, M. 11/04/07
Voters to consider 16 constitutional amendments Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 10/14/07
Leo Berman urges Prop. 3 support Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 10/07/07
Ex-official: let younger teens work at polls Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 10/05/07
Rep. Brown will seek sixth term Tyler Morning Telegraph  Mallette, C. 09/20/07
Rep. Chisum, Rep. Berman visit UT Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Waters, B. 09/20/07
Rep. Fred Hill won't seek re-election Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 09/19/07
Bill's failure spurs local solutions Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, D. 06/30/07
Immigration not addressed much by Legislature El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 06/25/07
Tough Okla. law on illegal immigration called model Fort Worth Star-Telegram  McGee, P. 06/21/07
Legislature in review Dallas Morning News  Goolsby, T. 06/10/07
Swinford wins statesman status from admirers, critics alike Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/04/07
State budget includes $71.8M for UT Tyler Texarkana Gazette  Graham, A. 05/28/07
Craddick stands his ground as fighting continues Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/27/07
Mutiny in the Texas House Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/26/07
Leadership, legislation litter floor of House Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/24/07
ID plan puts spotlight on voter fraud Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 05/23/07
Water bill passes without ET lakes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Knight, S. 05/23/07
Legislature water debate pits rural against urban Tyler Morning Telegraph  Knight, S. 05/20/07
Voting rights Houston Chronicle  Staff 05/17/07
Taxpayers deserve end for obsolete 1995 tax Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 05/15/07
State, area leaders gather in Austin for conference Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 05/10/07
Lawmaker assails use of the term 'illegal aliens' Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/09/07
February primary endorsed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 05/09/07
Perry won't veto, sign cancer bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/09/07
Security bill sails through House Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/08/07
Border security plan endorsed by House Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 05/08/07
House OKs border-security bill Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 05/08/07
Border bill gets preliminary OK Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 05/08/07
House approves border security bill by big margins McAllen Monitor  Hernandez, E. 05/08/07
House gives tentative approval to border security bill Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/08/07
Bill to fight border crime gets House nod San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 05/08/07
Lawmakers are suddenly in a hurry to pass bills San Antonio Express News  Ratcliffe, R. 05/07/07
Anti-immigrant bills tarnish GOP Valley Morning Star  Editorial 05/06/07
State parks land funds Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/03/07
Bills on the chopping block Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/29/07
Capitol brief 2 Austin Chronicle  Smith, A. 04/26/07
House clears way for campaign finance bill Houston Chronicle  Sandberg, L. 04/25/07
House bill clarifies business donations San Antonio Express News  Staff 04/25/07
House OKs voter ID bill Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 04/24/07
Voter ID bill passes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/24/07
Few fans of campaign changes Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/22/07
House measure targets spending on political ads Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 04/19/07
Handgun-privacy bill advances in the House Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 04/19/07
Berman leads appeal to Craddick Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/12/07
Austin break comes to end Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/09/07
Door might still be open for state measures on immigration Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 04/09/07
Legislature passes key bills, axes the duds and laughs in between Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/08/07
This weekend's Special Session focuses on immigration Rio Grande Guardian  Staff 04/07/07
Rep. Berman wants Legislature to consider immigration bills Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/05/07
Creative endeavors rewarded Austin American Statesman  Van Ryzin, J. 04/03/07
Bill that shouldn't see the light of day buried San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 04/03/07
State immigration efforts flop San Angelo Standard Times  Meighan, T. 04/03/07
Chairman may block many immigration bills Fort Worth Star-Telegram  McGee, P. 03/30/07
Swinford trims immigration bills from agenda Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/29/07
King: House will not consider immigration bills the state cannot defend in court Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 03/29/07
Lawmaker says options limited on immigration San Antonio Express News  Staff 03/29/07
Berman: earlier primaries give Texans more sway Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 03/29/07
Panel chair to kill immigration bills Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 03/28/07
Texas joins 'national primary day' states Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 03/28/07
Immigration bill denial in House angers Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/28/07
Immigration proposals falter Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 03/27/07
Global warming a threat to water supply in Texas Houston Chronicle  Cappiello, D. 03/27/07
West Texas delegates back in Austin Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/26/07
House bill proposes combining school districts McAllen Monitor  Perry, D. 03/24/07
More apply to be citizens Dallas Morning News  Solis, D. 03/19/07
February primary gaining support Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 03/19/07
Texas contemplates moving presidential primary to Feb. 5 Abilene Reporter-News  McNeely, D. 03/18/07
Bills seek eye tests for older drivers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 03/15/07
Following pack makes sense for Texas primaries Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/10/07
Feb. 5 primary gets big push Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 03/08/07
Alonzo's bill to move primaries forward will be heard by elections panel Wednesday Rio Grande Guardian  Staff 03/06/07
Fighting voter fraud Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 03/01/07
Berman ready to rock the boat (and the vote) Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 02/28/07
Beware, 80th Legislature: the eyes of Latino voters are upon you Amarillo Globe-News  Almager, D. 02/26/07
Berman bill draws fire from health officials, governor Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/23/07
Cost may stall ballot paper trail Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 02/22/07
New resolution lets lawmakers exceed spending cap by billions Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/21/07
Property tax relief extended to elderly Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/21/07
Tax cuts likely to go to voters Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 02/20/07
House OKs tax cuts for seniors, disabled Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 02/20/07
Tax break for older Texans gets House OK San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 02/20/07
He had no business saying that Austin American Statesman  Editorial 02/19/07
Lawmaker pulls bill for employer sanctions San Antonio Express News  Ratcliffe, R. 02/17/07
Anchia, businesses to fight migrant bills Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 02/16/07
Largest business association joins fight Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 02/16/07
GOP leaders support moving up vote date Austin Chronicle  Staff 02/15/07
Elections chairman favors earlier primary Dallas Morning News  Staff 02/15/07
Legislators abuzz over prospect of Texas primaries in early February San Antonio Express News  Shannon, K. 02/15/07
Immigration efforts raise legal questions for some Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 02/14/07
Early primary benefits Texans San Angelo Standard Times  Meighan, T. 02/06/07
Speaker runs out of plums in the House Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 02/05/07
ETexans relatively unscathed in speaker's race Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 02/04/07
Lawmaker seeks 14th Amendment ruling San Angelo Standard Times  Berman, L. 02/02/07
Will Texas join in primary trend? Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 01/31/07
Alternatives for prisons in discussion Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/31/07
Officials react to task force's plan on appraisal reform Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/27/07
Leo Berman named chair of committee Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/27/07
Berman bill aims to close loophole on rendering aid Laredo Morning Times  Dean, K. 01/24/07
East Texas lawmakers oppose legalizing casino gambling Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/21/07
Texas, let's do the right thing San Antonio Express News  Editorial 01/18/07
Berman helps author bill for parks money Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/17/07
Lawmakers pitch variety of solutions Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 01/15/07
This won't help Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 01/15/07
Fiscal discipline urgent with monster surplus Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 01/11/07
Bad bill likely to be the first of many more Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kennedy, B. 01/09/07
Geren pledges to back Pitts for speaker Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 01/08/07
Tough issues mark session Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/07/07
Rein it in Houston Chronicle  Editorial 01/07/07
Hot-button issues facing Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/06/07
Pitts guarantees he'll dethrone Craddick Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 01/05/07
Debate on illegal immigration policy to resume in 80th legislature Midland Reporter Telegram  Guy, C. 01/05/07
Deal sets up speaker showdown Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 01/04/07
Illegal workers the talk of Texas Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 01/03/07
Lawmaker discusses issues facing the next Legislature Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 12/20/06
Border security is likely to be lawmakers' focus El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 12/17/06
Lawmaker wants to look at ending deregulation Galveston Daily News  Schladen, M. 12/16/06
House committee wants reform before adding beds for prison system Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 12/15/06
Don't expect tough immigration talk from Perry Dallas Morning News  Davis, M. 12/10/06
Shapiro, Dewhurst proffer new education proposals Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 12/10/06
Fighting inertia, Perry charges ahead Austin American Statesman  Editorial 12/09/06
Group to fight lawmaker's bill targeting birthright citizenship Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 12/09/06
Texas' costs, gains tallied Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 12/08/06
Report: immigrants aid economy, but strain local services El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 12/08/06
Strayhorn tallies impact of illegal immigration Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 12/08/06
Lawmakers aim at revamping TAKS tests Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 12/08/06
Reasonable words on immigration Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 12/08/06
Texas digest Austin American Statesman  Staff 12/07/06
Perry urges guest-worker program Austin American Statesman  Staff 12/07/06
Perry assails some limits on migrants Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 12/07/06
Perry: idea of border fence 'preposterous' Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/07/06
Perry softens tone on border Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 12/07/06
Some lawmakers say they’ll nip anti-immigrant legislation in the bud McAllen Monitor  Pierson, E. 12/07/06
Legislator defends immigration bill San Antonio Express News  Rozemberg, H. 12/07/06
Lawmakers vow to fight anti-immigrant legislation Valley Morning Star  Pierson, E. 12/07/06
Gov. Perry opposes Rep. Leo Berman's immigration bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 12/06/06
Coalitions to present views on immigration El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 12/05/06
Lifting lamp beside door at our border El Paso Times  Shapleigh, E. 12/03/06
Immigration may override other topics at border meeting McAllen Monitor  Pierson, E. 12/03/06
State initiatives can force hard immigration reform Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 12/03/06
State representative wants to use technology to fight meth production Longview News-Journal  Holland, A. 12/01/06
Berman honored for legislation that limits meth manufacture Tyler Morning Telegraph  Hilburn, J. 12/01/06
Funding cuts force choices for mental health centers Longview News-Journal  Isaac, J. 11/26/06
Lawmakers will start the new session with unusual proposals Waco Tribune Herald  Genz, D. 11/25/06
Legislators' bill to target people in Texas illegally El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 11/19/06
Lawmakers: immigration heating up Texas Capitol McAllen Monitor  Pierson, E. 11/19/06
Debate on birthright citizenship is revived Austin American Statesman  Castillo, J. 11/18/06
Latino backlash against GOP immigration policy a gift to Demos San Antonio Express News  Stroud, S. 11/18/06
Officials files ethics complaint Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 11/17/06
Wrong approach Houston Chronicle  Editorial 11/16/06
Deny children of immigrants, and Texas will suffer San Antonio Express News  Chapa, R. 11/16/06
The wrong road Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 11/15/06
Legislators file early bills, give glimpses of agendas Austin American Statesman  Castro, A. 11/14/06
Migrants targeted in flurry of bills Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 11/14/06
Parties use early filings to play to political base Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 11/14/06
Legislators pitch bills for new year McAllen Monitor  Pierson, E. 11/14/06
Legislators start making pitches San Antonio Express News  Elliott, J. 11/14/06
Some in House vow tough immigration bills Fort Worth Star-Telegram  McGee, P. 10/14/06
Consumption tax could help fix appraisal system Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 10/05/06
Physician's cause takes turn for worse Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 08/27/06
Perry appoints Garrett Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 08/22/06
Lowering taxes for seniors Waco Tribune Herald  Anderson, C. 07/15/06
Property tax fix fails the most vulnerable Austin American Statesman  Naishtat, E. 06/02/06
In case you were wondering... Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Naishtat, E. 05/22/06
Bonds will allow ET universities to expand Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/16/06
Two weeks before court deadline Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/16/06
House bill may mean big money for universities Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 05/12/06
Business tax expansion plan passes in House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/26/06
Lawmakers pass finance bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/25/06
Health care groups backing Gov. Perry's school finance plan Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/20/06
Perry rolls out specific details of tax proposal Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 04/19/06
Lawmakers tackle school funding Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 04/18/06
No excuses for failure in school finance task Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 04/14/06
Perry touts committee's tax plan Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/05/06
New law puts dent in homemade meth Houston Chronicle  Korosec, T. 04/03/06
Drug law called 'better on paper' Dallas Morning News  Michaels, D. 03/23/06
Berman retains position Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/08/06
Term limits again issue in House District 6 race Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 02/18/06
House District 6 candidates report on finances Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/17/06
Two competing in House 6 race Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 02/17/06
Young Republicans plan candidate meet-and-greet Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/12/06
Candidates tout qualifications at forums Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 02/10/06
Rep. Berman files report on finances Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/29/06
State candidates make positions known at forum Tyler Morning Telegraph  Collette, M. 01/20/06
Perry opens re-election bid, talks of progress Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 01/11/06
Political races will keep Texas temps plenty hot Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 01/08/06
Legislators failed to get school finance job done Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 08/21/05
Legislators unhappy with special session outcome Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 08/16/05
Legislature, Perry split on support for Eltife-Ellis bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 08/05/05
Craddick urges leaders to pull plug on session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 08/05/05
Cold meds go behind counter Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 08/02/05
Meth crackdown kicks in with new law Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blaney, B. 08/02/05
Back in session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 07/22/05
Lawmakers still at odds over tax bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 07/20/05
Divided House narrowly OKs tax proposal Tyler Morning Telegraph    07/08/05
Perry pushes finance plan Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 06/25/05
Perry signs meth measures Austin American Statesman  Staff 06/16/05
Should constituents release Berman from term limits? Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 06/15/05
Should voters release Berman from pledge? Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 06/11/05
Reaction to Berman change anticipated Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 06/11/05
Berman says he'll run but may renege on '98 term-limits pledge Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 06/08/05
East Texas lawmakers grade 2005 Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 06/05/05
Legislature has way to go to discard failure label Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 06/03/05
House passes bill aimed at illegal drug production Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Morrison, E. 05/28/05
19% hike in budget planned Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 05/27/05
Bill blocking drug ingredient looms San Angelo Standard Times  Eaton, T. 05/27/05
Berman's meth measure bound for governor Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/27/05
Courthouse weapons bill OK'd Houston Chronicle  A.P. Wire 05/26/05
Near lawful status Wichita Falls Record News  Eaton, T. 05/26/05
DAs, judges may carry weapons Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 05/25/05
Legislators give selves, judges pay increases Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/21/05
House approves parental consent on abortion bill Tyler Morning Telegraph    05/18/05
Bills to restrict meth medications pass House, Senate Beaumont Enterprise  Lane, J. 05/15/05
Bill to cut interest fees for reservists dies Corpus Christi Caller Times  Eaton, T. 05/14/05
Meth bill passes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 05/13/05
Cheerleader bill gets mixed vote from ET Reps Tyler Morning Telegraph    05/05/05
Senate plan reduces property while raising sales, sin taxes Tyler Morning Telegraph    05/03/05
Property tax measure again stalls in House Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 04/22/05
Latest revenue caps bill comes up short Tyler Morning Telegraph    04/22/05
Board lets UT Tyler start doctorate plans Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/22/05
Debt relief for reservists pending San Angelo Standard Times  Eaton, T. 04/15/05
Amid meth concerns, bills targeting labs hit roadblocks San Antonio Express News  Kriel, L. 04/13/05
Bill watch San Antonio Express News  Staff 04/12/05
GOPs, Dems join each other on both sides of gambling bill Abilene Reporter-News  Meighan, T. 04/03/05
At a glance Houston Chronicle  Staff 04/01/05
Senate bill lifts wineries' spirits Tyler Morning Telegraph  Collette, M. 03/31/05
Speed trapped Dallas Morning News  Hancock, L. 03/27/05
Oklahoma meth labs vanishing after new law Houston Chronicle  Cobb, K. 03/27/05
House Bill caps home appraisals Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/23/05
East Texas reps say legislators can now focus on other needs Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/16/05
Perry, others due big raises? Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 03/11/05
House approves school overhaul Tyler Morning Telegraph    03/10/05
Smith County schools fare well with HB 2 Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 03/08/05
Bill would add DAs to gun law Tyler Morning Telegraph  Middleton, M. 02/27/05
State looks at UT health center as possible VA home site Tyler Morning Telegraph  Wonzer, S. 02/05/05
Tired of this? Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 02/04/05
House legislators clash over CHIP coverage Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 02/03/05
Colonias may have light shone on them McAllen Monitor  Pierson, E. 02/03/05
Legislator proposes state tax Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/28/05
East Texans gain clout in state capitol Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/28/05
ETexans react favorably to Gov. Perry's address Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/27/05
State bill may cut JJAEP funds Laredo Morning Times  Arce, A. 01/19/05
Lawmakers back mitigation bank Texarkana Gazette  Sheridan, J. 01/17/05
Reforms, transportation legislators' top priorities Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/16/05
Senate school plan cuts property taxes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/13/05
Session opens with renewed optimism Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/12/05
School finance primary target for Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 01/04/05
Legislature should record final votes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 12/05/04
Berman bill makes meth manufacture difficult in Texas Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 11/24/04
Berman wants tough law for meth cooks Tyler Morning Telegraph  Hilburn, J. 11/11/04
Meth put on watch Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 10/27/04
Legislation may ease school funding woes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 10/14/04
School finance system ruled unconstitutional Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 09/16/04
Chance of 2nd special session low, Perry says Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 06/30/04
Session possible in July, August Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 06/29/04
New way to fight meth war Beaumont Enterprise  Lane, J. 06/27/04
Okllahoma meth-lab busts slide Dallas Morning News  Hamilton, A. 06/22/04
Child agency stirs parental anger Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 06/03/04
Lawmakers confront school woes Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 04/21/04
25,000 kids may lose coverage San Antonio Express News  A.P. Wire 03/28/04
Kids risk loss of health coverage Dallas News  Garrett, R. 03/26/04
Thorstenson reps intensely questioned at forum Tyler Morning Telegraph  Junek, G. 01/16/04
Rep. Merritt votes against state reorganization bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Knaupp, C. 10/15/03
Many ET legislators support house's reorganization bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 10/14/03
Senate approves redistricting plan Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/13/03
Legislators get close to decision Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/08/03
Dewhurst confident ET to like map Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/08/03
Rep. Berman opposes map Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 09/25/03
3rd special session set Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 09/10/03
Berman proposes off-year legislative budget sessions Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 09/03/03
Redistricting plan set for debate Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 07/07/03
Rep. Berman may run for congressional seat Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 07/02/03
Strayhorn rejects $117.4B budget Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 06/20/03
Perry touts medical malpractice limits on Wednesday Tyler stop Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/15/03
Gov. Perry signs tort reform bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 06/12/03
Lawmakers expect special session Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/08/03
Reasons to be proud Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 06/03/03
House kills high-tech database proposal Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 05/28/03
Off-campus violence could be a trigger Austin American Statesman  Staff 04/26/03
CHIP cuts eased in House Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 04/26/03
Child health care under knife Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 04/26/03
Lawmaker's claims disputed Austin American Statesman  Staff 04/22/03
Old, new Texas face off in battle over budget cuts El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/21/03
Holding the line -- on compassion Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 04/20/03
ETexans Berman, Hughes appointed to national, southern groups' panels Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/20/03
House puts its focus on austerity Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 04/19/03
GOP muscle steers debate over budget Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 04/16/03
Staples steps in to protect Texas State Railroad park Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/13/03
Two doctors offer testimony on fetal pain prevention bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 04/09/03
Committee approves budget bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 04/08/03
State's strict school discipline law comes under fire Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Deller, M. 04/06/03
CHIP cuts would drop nearly half of covered Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 04/06/03
Texas House supports Bush, war by 136-3 vote Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 04/03/03
A brief war of words as House lauds Bush Houston Chronicle  Villafranca, A. 04/03/03
Group speaks out against tort reform in legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 03/26/03
Proposed bill to limit access to veterans' records San Angelo Standard Times  Meighan, T. 03/03/03
Hunting, fishing license bills greet lawmakers Houston Chronicle  Tompkins, S. 02/27/03
Delegation takes needs to Austin Tyler Morning Telegraph  Krantz, L. 02/24/03
Legislators should back Perry's fiscal planning Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 02/13/03
Issues await legislators Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 01/11/03
Traffic safety would benefit from cameras at stoplights Austin American Statesman  Editorial 01/05/03
Automated camera issue back in focus Corpus Christi Caller Times  Meighan, T. 01/04/03
It's 'go' again for red-light camera bill Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 01/02/03
ETex officials plan for 78th Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Macias, A. 11/17/02
Airport open house Tyler Morning Telegraph  Slight, R. 08/18/02
Rep. Berman hopes to place senior taxes in deep freeze Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 04/14/02
Berman wants county superintendents again Tyler Morning Telegraph  Junek, G. 02/13/02
Redistricting nearing completion with incumbents gaining strength Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 12/02/01
Merritt, Ratliff, Staples say plan probably final Tyler Morning Telegraph  Covey, M. 11/29/01
Rep. Leo Berman to receive Freedom and Family Award Tyler Morning Telegraph  Covey, M. 07/22/01
Rep. Berman talks about redistricting Tyler Morning Telegraph  Covey, M. 07/19/01
Student transfer bill weighed San Antonio Express News  Castro, M. 05/01/01
Keep hands off or go to jail San Antonio Express News  Editorial 02/07/01
Measure seeks tougher penalties for violence against sports officials Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Lopez, T. 02/05/01
Mount Pleasant Senator tapped for presiding job by colleagues Tyler Morning Telegraph  Justice, C. 12/29/00
Incumbents triumph in state House races Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 11/15/00
Berman likely to keep seat in Texas House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Lynch, G. 11/08/00
Teacher health insurance top priority for Republican state rep. Leo Berman Tyler Morning Telegraph  Lynch, G. 10/08/00
TNRCC backs 'unclassified' status for East Texas cities Tyler Morning Telegraph  Upshaw, A. 06/01/00
State agency to cap gas additive usage Tyler Morning Telegraph  Upshaw, A. 04/06/00
Hunt county doctor to announce candidacy for state senate post Tyler Morning Telegraph    11/14/99
ET lawmaker says Proposition 9 to create compensation board Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 10/29/99
Rep. Leo Berman works to alter requirements to veterans' benefits Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 10/27/99
Berman honored Tyler Morning Telegraph    10/03/99
Berman proposes bill to force commissioner pay referendum Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 09/29/99
Harvey launches state senate bid Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 08/25/99
State increases funds for UT Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Waters, B. 08/24/99
Tyler rancher Harvey ponders another bid for state senate Tyler Morning Telegraph    08/15/99
Berman says he'll seek another term Tyler Morning Telegraph  Junek, G. 07/23/99
Berman says legislation will help businesses Tyler Morning Telegraph  Spivey, S. 06/10/99
Rep. Berman responds to letter on CHIP vote Tyler Morning Telegraph  Berman, L. 06/03/99
POW measure killed in House Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/27/99
Salute to Wohlgemuth Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Berman, L. 05/24/99
Bill allowing cameras at intersection must wait two more years Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 05/12/99
House OKs bill creating court in Wood County Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 04/29/99
Berman tabbed for service on House Veteran Coalition Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 04/18/99
Berman supports reforestation and conservation legislation Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 03/28/99
2 ET Reps push covenant marriage bill Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 03/07/99
Beer ads don't belong in state park program San Antonio Express News  Haire, J. 02/17/99
ET MADD Chapter to lobby in Austin Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/07/99
New House members learning the ropes Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 01/28/99
Bush urges Texas to set example in 'National Spotlight' Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 01/28/99
Lawmakers outline goals for 76th Texas Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 01/10/99
Berman to take oath of office noon Tuesday at State Capitol Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 01/10/99
Freshman aims to derail retirement gravy train Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 12/20/98
Berman keeps state retirement campaign pledge Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 12/09/98
Berman prefiles bill regarding civil judgments payment statute Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 12/02/98
NASA awards $100K grant to Jarvis Christian College Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 11/29/98
Berman starting legislative work early Tyler Morning Telegraph  Edwards, M. 11/15/98
ET Legislators listen to business concerns Tyler Morning Telegraph  Spivey, S. 11/10/98
Legislative candidates debate issues at Chamber Forum Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pratt, T. 09/10/98
Berman, Emmert, oppose Texas Healthy Kids Corp. Tyler Morning Telegraph  Ellis, M. 08/14/98
Sharp to pick up endorsements from 3 metroplex mayors Monday Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 08/02/98
ET delegation tabbed to join Texas Silver Haired Legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph    06/07/98
Politics Tyler Morning Telegraph    04/26/98
Berman tops Kamel in District 6 slugfest Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pratt, T. 03/11/98
League of Women Voters distributing primary voters guides in Tyler Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 03/01/98
Abbott to deliver keynote address at GOP President's Day dinner Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/22/98
Berman leads Kamel in District 6 second filing period contribution Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/18/98
Smith County Democrats to unveil 'patients bill of rights' on Monday Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/15/98
Kamel outgains, outspends Berman in District 6 state rep. race Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 02/14/98
Latest donor study has Kamel, Berman disputing impact Tyler Morning Telegraph  St. 01/28/98
Report to Governor shows high demand for signing interpreters Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 01/04/98
Community meeting planned Tuesday in Tyler to address 'home' issues on Nov. 4 ballot Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/26/97
State Democratic chairman says 'revival' among Democrats will benefit all Texans Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 10/12/97
Leo Berman prepared to halt 'deceitful' actions of legislature Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 09/25/97
Tuesday rally celebrates passage of education legislation Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 08/10/97
Tyler LWV members honored with new statewide award Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/08/97
Taxpayers group plans Tuesday meeting Tyler Morning Telegraph  Staff 06/01/97
Berman announces bid for State House Tyler Morning Telegraph  Pratt, T. 05/18/97
Berman tells plans to oppose Milford Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/19/78