Selected newspaper articles related to William T. 'Bill' Moore

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Senator a champion of state’s beaches Houston Chronicle  Powell, N. 08/11/18
Texans bid farewell to 'Bull of the Brazos' Galveston Daily News  Borden, R. 05/31/99
Moore, 81, 'Bull of the Brazos' served 34 years in Legislature Austin American Statesman  Wear, B. 05/29/99
'Bull of the Brazos' dies Bryan Eagle  Borden, R. 05/29/99
Legislature ponders funding changes Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 01/18/97
Aggies' legislative fortunes take a hit Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 04/18/95
Lawmaker's tenacity helped forge Juneteenth Houston Chronicle  Makeig, J. 06/17/94
Senate panels kill 'Killer Bee' bills in boycott retaliation Austin American Statesman  Baker, J. 05/21/79
Bees' sting keeps Senate paralyzed Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 05/20/79
Senate filibuster wins approval for lay members on bar board Houston Chronicle  Fish, R. 03/22/79
Highway bill hits filibuster Houston Post  Bonavita, F. 03/31/77
Record filibuster stalls Legislature Corpus Christi Caller Times  Ford, J. 06/28/72
Panel OKs lower voting age San Antonio Express  Staff 01/28/71
Senate gives cold shoulder to McKool's bill on ethics Dallas Morning News  Davis, S. 01/27/71
McKool resolution derailed Dallas Times Herald  Staff 01/27/71
Amendment supported Houston Post  Staff 01/27/71
Filibuster holds up State Senate work San Antonio Express News    05/27/69
Senate drones toward record Austin American Statesman  Kuempel, G. 05/24/69
Filibusters stall UT-S.A. San Antonio Express News  Ford, J. 05/24/69
Legislators are locked in chambers Houston Chronicle  Beveridge, R. 05/23/69
Continued filibuster series bottles up UT-SA measure San Antonio Express News  Ford, J. 05/23/69
Moore filibusters to halt minimum wage bill vote Houston Chronicle  Brogan, M. 05/22/69
Talkathons halt Senate action on new colleges Houston Post  Gardner, W. 05/22/69
Filibuster stalls Corpus college bill San Antonio Express News  Ford, J. 05/21/69
Filibuster going on minimum pay Dallas Morning News  Banks, J. 04/23/69
Connally for crime code change Dallas Morning News  Gardner, W. 04/23/67
Smith snaps 'no comment' to governor's tax speech Dallas Morning News  Banks, J. 02/03/67
Filibuster hits U of H school aid Dallas Morning News  Banks, J. 04/03/63
Talk stalls San Angelo college bill Dallas Morning News  Banks, J. 01/26/62
New dash record set by Senator Dallas Morning News  Banks, J. 04/26/61
Senate passes toll road bill Dallas Morning News    05/06/53
Filibuster develops over toll road bills Dallas Morning News    05/05/53
Called to the stand, they wouldn't take one Dallas Times Herald  Sherrod, Blackie  01/15/81
'Bull of the Brazos' gives ex-colleagues a parting shot Dallas Morning News    01/14/81
'Bull' and 'Babe' finish off final chores at Legislature Houston Post    01/14/81
Moore says he'll cast vote for Reagan but won't reveal choice for 5th District Dallas Morning News  Bailey, Ernest  10/30/80
Moore retaining mementos of office San Antonio Light    10/02/80
Lobby group furnishes defeated state senator with way to keep seat Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  09/28/80
A bunch of buddies Dallas Morning News    09/12/80
Senators ignored law for defeated colleague Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, George  09/06/80
Sen. Bill Moore to be missed Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  07/07/80
'Brazos Bull' loved to lock horns Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  05/11/80
Bull's actions worse than bellow Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Larocque, Paul  05/11/80
'Bull of the Brazos' had accumulated political liabilities Dallas Morning News    05/05/80
Bull of the Brazos Austin American Statesman  Tyson, Kim  02/03/80
Senator makes himself clear Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  03/25/79
Stop the fighting Fort Worth Star-Telegram    03/23/79
Senate, Moor clash on bill Dallas Morning News    03/22/79
Schwartz wins round 2 Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  03/22/79
Senator's rift spurs committee proposal Austin American Statesman  McNeely, Dave  03/21/79
Feuding senators get Hobby's drift Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, George  03/21/79
Truce achieved in dispute between senators Houston Post    03/21/79
They make laws, too Lufkin News    03/21/79
Senators threaten to fight it out Abilene Reporter-News  Arnold, Ann  03/20/79
Senators' verbal sparring stops short of fisticuffs Austin American Statesman  McNeely, Dave  03/20/79
State senators lock tongues, threaten fisticuffs Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, George  03/20/79
Bull vs. Babe Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  03/20/79
Senators close to slugging it out Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  03/20/79
A heated exchange Houston Chronicle  Fish, Richard  03/20/79
Sens. Schwartz, Moore exchange angry remarks Houston Chronicle  Fish, Richard  03/20/79
Schwartz, Moore stop meeting with verbal potshots Houston Post    03/20/79
'Bull of the Brazos' loose in the Senate Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  01/11/79
Administrators, press under fire from Moore San Angelo Standard Times  Davis, Jim  04/27/77
Senate declares 'happy birthday' Austin American Statesman    04/08/77
Senators laughingly honor Bill Moore Houston Chronicle    04/08/77
Piney Point: that's the place Austin American Statesman    03/25/77
Sen. Moore does it again Austin American Statesman    03/24/77
Senate approves bill on nameless town Houston Chronicle  Fish, Richard  03/24/77
Moore state senate legend in his own full life time San Angelo Standard Times  Parks, Scott  03/13/77
Sen. W.T. Moore is 'Bull of the Brazos' Houston Chronicle  Keever, Jack  01/30/77
Moore: Senate bulldozer San Antonio Express News    01/30/77
Friends to honor Sen. Moore Dallas Morning News    10/12/75
Crownd, day will honor Sen. Moore Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  10/12/75
Austinite to coordinate day honoring Moore Austin American Statesman    09/13/75
Senator to be honored on 'Bill Moore Day' Houston Chronicle  Tutt, Bob  09/09/75
Bryan's Sen. Moore to be honored Oct. 14 Austin American Statesman    09/03/75
Moore's stand Austin American Statesman    06/13/75
Sen. Moore needs democracy lesson Fort Worth Star-Telegram    06/04/75
Senate becomes a corrida for 'Bull of the Brazos' Dallas Morning News    05/31/75
Moore flunks bill for student representation Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  04/26/73
Sponsor admits he'll profit from interest rate proposal Austin American Statesman  Fish, Richard  04/12/73
SDS isn't welcome, state senator asserts Dallas Morning News    08/16/68
Moore says SDS unwelcome at A&M Houston Post    08/16/68
Moore stays as head of committee Houston Post    03/18/65
Sen. Moore gets post on council Dallas Morning News    03/27/64
State Senator W.T. Moore files $200,000 libel suit Dallas Morning News    04/26/60
Sen. Moore announces for Congress Dallas Morning News    01/29/60
Scanned from microfilm - 324.23 roll 4 (1958) Microfilm    11/30/57
Sen. Moore, James Cage to testify Austin American Statesman    04/04/57