Legislation authored by Benjamin Harry Lewis

Includes legislation with Benjamin Harry Lewis as the primary author for the 56th through 59th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

59th Regular Session
HB 56 Caption: Relating to the information contained in operators', commercial operators', and chauffeurs' licenses.
HB 285 Caption: Relating to time allowed for filing objections to award decisions in eminent domain proceedings.
HB 510 Caption: Relating to increasing the penalty for driving without a valid license or while such license is cancelled, suspended or revoked.
HB 511 Caption: Relating to filing fees for judges of district and criminal district courts and for justices of courts of civil appeals; amending the Texas Election Code.
HB 556 Caption: Relating to abolishing the doctrine of charitable and sovereign immunity from tort liability, with limitations, as applied to charitable institutions and cities.
HB 894 Caption: Relating to registration of voters; amending the Election Code.
HCR 132 Caption: Granting H. S. Moss and the Harry S. Moss Foundation permission to sue the State of Texas, the Texas Highway Department.
HR 104 Caption: Naming Douglas Alan Stroud and Paul Jeffrey Stroud as Mascots of the House.
59th 1st Called Session
HR 16 Caption: In memory of Lily V. Leonard of Dallas.
57th Regular Session
HB 131 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act increasing the penalty for driving without a valid drivers license, or while such license is cancelled, suspended or revoked.
HB 132 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act relating to the deposit of security following certain accidents, the proof of financial responsibility in certain instances, the suspension of certain licenses, registrations and nonresident operating privileges and certain penalties.
HB 419 Caption: Relating to creating Criminal District Court No. 4 of Dallas County.
HB 436 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes providing that jury determination of child custody may not be contravened by judgment of the court upon granting a divorce.
HB 468 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Insurance Code permitting fire and marine insurance companies, casualty insurance companies, and life insurance companies, to hold mineral and royalty interests reserved upon the sale of land acquired under foreclosure of loans contracted or for money due or which shall have been conveyed to them in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the legitimate business of the company or for money due or such as was purchased at sale under judgments, decree, or mortgages obtained or made for such debts prior to January 1, 1942.
HB 473 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into Congressional Districts; providing for the election of a Member of the Congress of the United State from each District.
HB 474 Caption: Relating to amending the Home Rule Charters validating certain proceedings of Home Rule Cities; validating the election proceedings whereby officials of such city have taken office; validating certain acts of such governing body of such city.
HB 489 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code relating to deposits of securities or lawful money of the United States or conveyance of real estate in trust in an amount equal to the legal reserve of all of the outstanding policies in force of any life insurance company; relating to the effect and value of deposits and amount of legal reserve; relating to fees for making deposits.
HB 490 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code providing for venue for prosecutions.
HB 491 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code relating to redefining the term "net assets" and providing for certain data processing systems to be considered as admitted assets of a life insurance company.
HB 670 Caption: Relating to specifically providing any husband and his wife with the power of creating out of their community property, joint estates, real, personal, or mixed, with rights of survivorship.
HB 693 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act abolishing the Motor Vehicle Inspection Fund and transferring all its funds to the General Revenue Fund of the State; providing an effective date.
HB 852 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to State property accountability and responsibility.
HCR 127 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature so either house may consider H. B. No. 419.
HR 10 Caption: Providing the compensation for employees of the House.
HR 224 Caption: Congratulating Mrs. Blanch Lange of Dallas for having a dormitory at Hardin-Simmons University.
HR 254 Caption: Electing the children of a Member of the House to the office of Mascot.
HR 283 Caption: Commending the Frank Paxton Company of Fort Worth and the Texas Lumbermen's Association for the gavels that the committee chairmen are using to conduct the business of the House.
HR 382 Caption: In memory of Mr. Jess P. Hope of Dallas.
HR 430 Caption: Welcoming the students of Richardson High School to the Capitol.
57th 1st Called Session
HB 152 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute to more clearly define the elements to be included in the facilities to be constructed by an eligible city for final delivery of treated water to such city so as to include the provision of intermediate reservoirs to be used wholly or in part for storing water from the water supply project, and to provide pumping equipment and pipeline facilities to and from such intermediate reservoirs.
HB 154 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act to grant certain powers and authorities to any political subdivision or municipal corporation which constructs a dam at Iron Bridge Crossing after January 1, 1958.
HCR 7 Caption: Granting Eula Mae Lasater permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 10 Caption: Directing the creation of a Electronic Computer Coordinating and Use Committee.
HR 87 Caption: Directing the Texas Legislative Council to study the issue of treatment for mentally ill children.
HR 154 Caption: Requesting river authorities in the State to make no special charges to citizens on public waters except for those prescribed by fishing and hunting laws.
57th 3rd Called Session
HCR 2 Caption: Granting J. L Prince Trucking Company permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 45 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate restoration of historic paintings in the House Chamber.
HR 163 Caption: Directing the creation of an interim committee to study the Texas examining and licensing boards.
56th Regular Session
HB 366 Caption: Relating to defining and regulating the business of giving bail in criminal and quasi-criminal cases, actions or proceedings; providing certain penalties.
HB 369 Caption: Relating to providing for automatic suspension of driver's licenses upon conviction for operating a motor vehicle at an excessive rate of speed in certain instances.
HB 388 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure by providing that the jury in capital cases shall be selected as in ordinary felony cases when the death penalty is not sought by the state.
HB 495 Caption: Relating to providing requirements for employment in public schools, public junior colleges, and state colleges and universities; setting out administrative procedures for filing and inspection, making violation an offense and prescribing the penalty therefor.
HB 613 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension of the Enforcement of Support Act to cases where the petitioner and respondent are residents of or domiciled in different counties of the state; providing for transfer of proceedings in certain cases from one district court where previous order had been entered to the responding county under this act and for jurisdiction in the responding county.
HB 754 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code of the State of Texas so as to permit the use after December 31, 1959, of the Commissioners 1958 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table with adjustments for female risks.
HB 810 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code so as to require every report, statement, certificate, affidavit or other document required by or under any provision of the Insurance Code or Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Insurance to be acknowledged, sworn to, or made under oath, and to be filed or deposited with the State Board of Insurance or the Commissioner of Insurance, to be verified by written declaration under penalties of perjury.
HB 811 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code relative to deposits of securities or lawful money of the United States or conveyance of real estate in trust in an amount equal to the legal reserve of all of the outstanding policies in force of any life insurance company.
HCR 28 Caption: Directing the creation of a Commission on Problems of the Juvenile Offender.
HR 121 Caption: Commending Lee F. Bock for his service to children in the Dallas area.
HR 421 Caption: Electing the children of a Member of the House to the office of Mascot.
HR 441 Caption: In memory of Thomas Lamar Peeler, Jr.
HR 452 Caption: In memory of Alice Flack Blundell.
HR 512 Caption: In memory of Harry C. Withers of Dallas.
56th 1st Called Session
HB 58 Caption: Relating to fixing and making certain the amount of compensation to be paid District Judges from County Funds by counties which now have, or may hereafter have, a population of six hundred thousand (600,000) or more, according to the last preceding Federal Census, and having eight (8) Civil District Courts, three (3) Criminal District Courts, and at least one (1) Court of Domestic Relations and at least one (1) Juvenile Court.
HCR 17 Caption: Granting John I. Cave and A. B. Cave permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 42 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature to allow either house to consider H. B. No. 58 at any time.
HCR 47 Caption: Instructing the House Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in H. C. R. No. 17.
HR 25 Caption: Requesting Allen Duckworth of the Dallas Morning News to return to Austin to report on the Special Session.
56th 2nd Called Session
HB 50 Caption: Relating to fixing and making certain the amount of compensation to be paid District Judges from County Funds by counties which now have, or may hereafter have, a population of six hundred thousand (600,000) or more.
HCR 17 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature to allow either house to consider H. B. No. 50 at any time.
HR 80 Caption: In memory of Jere R. Hayes of Dallas.
56th 3rd Called Session
HB 5 Caption: Relating to requiring the purchase of a permit for the privilege of purchasing alcoholic beverages in the State of Texas; providing for administration, enforcement and penalties.
HR 38 Caption: In memory of Minnie Lila Paul Duckworth and her son Allen M. Duckworth.