Legislation authored by Walter Christian Schwartz

Includes legislation with Walter Christian Schwartz as the primary author for the 54th through 55th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

55th Regular Session
HB 173 Caption: Relating to regulating the handling and sale of chicken eggs within this State; placing administration of the Act in the Commissioner of Agriculture; prescribing penalties.
HB 491 Caption: Relating to requiring a special audit of county records in any county upon a petition of at least thirty per cent of the qualified voters of the county.
HB 696 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to prescribe certain electors and procedures incident to election of county school trustees.
HB 834 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Building Commission to expend funds appropriated for location and erection of markers, monuments and memorials commemorating historical events and incidental purposes directing the Texas State Historical Survey Committee to advise and assist the Commission; making an appropriation.
HB 869 Caption: Relating to validating Austin County Water Control and Improvement District No. 2 and declaring it to be a validly existing and operating conservation and reclamation District.
HCR 77 Caption: Requesting the Texas Legislative Council to study the State parks system.
HCR 87 Caption: Instructing the Senate Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in S. B. No. 32.
HR 302 Caption: Congratulating the Charros Club of the University of Texas on their first Inter-Collegiate Rodeo.
HR 358 Caption: Commending the students of Bellville Elementary School for their interest in state government.
HR 455 Caption: Commending the students of Sealy High School for their interest in state government.
HR 480 Caption: Commending the students of Brenham Elementary School for their interest in state government.
HR 536 Caption: Congratulating Charles Frank Schmidt on his retirement from the teaching profession.
55th 2nd Called Session
HR 92 Caption: Congratulating the Bellville High School Brahmas for the district and bi-district championships.
HR 93 Caption: Congratulating the Brenham High School Cubs for winning the 10 AAA football title.
54th Regular Session
HB 457 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to kill, or attempt to kill, wild turkey or trap or molest same in Austin, Burleson, Lee and Washington Counties for a period of five (5) years; providing a penalty.
HB 740 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take, trap, hunt, kill, or attempt to kill wild deer in Washington County, for a period of five (5) years from and after October 15, 1955; providing a penalty.
HB 915 Caption: Relating to the permissible degrees of relationship between members of the commissioners court and officers and employees appointed by such court in certain counties of this State.
HR 145 Caption: Commemorating Texas Independence Day.
HR 285 Caption: Welcoming the students of Sealy High School to the State Capitol.
HR 351 Caption: Welcoming the students of Brenham Independent School District to the State Capitol.
HR 352 Caption: Commending Wiley Cheatham for his service to the community.