Legislation authored by Patrick Anthony Dwyer

Includes legislation with Patrick Anthony Dwyer as the primary author for the 42nd through 48th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

48th Regular Session
HB 46 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem, benefit and poll taxes that were delinquent on or before February 1, 1943, due to the State, any county, common school district, water improvement district, irrigation district, and other defined subdivisions of the State, it said taxes are paid on or before December 15, 1943.
HB 68 Caption: Relating to assuring full and equal accommodations, rights, and privileges to all persons of the Caucasian Race in all public places of business or amusement in Texas.
HB 404 Caption: Relating to levying additional taxes upon the sale of alcoholic beverages in this State; amending the Texas Liquor Control Act.
HB 411 Caption: Relating to legalizing operation of major horse race courses and fair park horse race course and parimutuel wagering in connection therewith under license from the Texas Horse Racing Commission, etc.
HB 513 Caption: Relating to the Municipal Motor Carriers Control Act; requiring all motor carriers operating within the incorporated limits of cities and towns and not under regulation of the Railroad Commission of Texas to carry insurance.
HCR 15 Caption: Inviting David Hill to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
HCR 19 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session of the House and Senate to hear the address by David Hill.
HCR 60 Caption: Inviting Francisco Javier Gaxiala, Minister of National Economy of Mexico, to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
HCR 105 Caption: Relating to policy of the State in regard to the Caucasian race.
HR 225 Caption: Designating Norman Denny Nicholson, Jr. as a Mascot of the House.
HR 244 Caption: Providing for the House to stand at ease for a certain time.
47th Regular Session
HB 76 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes due the State and certain subdivisions before July 1, 1940.
HB 350 Caption: Relating to levying additional taxes upon the sale of alcoholic beverages in this State; providing penalties.
HB 785 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for the driver of any privately owned passenger automobile or commercial vehicle, not licensed to carry passengers, to pick up any person on the highway for transportation, with certain exceptions; providing for penalties.
HR 106 Caption: In memory of Walter E. Jones.
HR 130 Caption: Instructing Appropriations Committee to make a report on H.B. 322.
HR 145 Caption: Inviting Baroness Silvercruys, Mrs. Walter Fisher, and Mrs. J. Porter, to address the House on March 5, 1941.
47th 1st Called Session
HR 23 Caption: Endorsing President Roosevelt's foreign policy.
46th Regular Session
HB 178 Caption: Relating to the purpose of releasing the interest and penalties on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes that were delinquent on or before July 1, 1938 due the State or defined subdivisions of the State provided same are paid on or before November 1, 1941.
HB 287 Caption: Relating to levying additional taxes upon the sale of alcoholic beverages in this State; levying a gross proceeds tax of ten percent (10%) upon sales of liquor under a Dispenser's Permit; fixing penalties.
HB 451 Caption: Relating to defining certain words, terms and phrases used herein; levying a luxury tax of two percent of the gross receipts of the sale of all tangible personal property sold in this State; making it unlawful to violate certain provisions hereof and fixing the penalty.
HB 766 Caption: Relating to making it an offense for any motor transportation company, its agents or employees transporting passengers for hire to sell a seat in said motor transportation vehicle beyond the seating capacity of said motor bus or vehicle; prescribing penalties.
HB 1113 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the 46th Legislature (R.S.); releasing penalty and interest on city and independent school district taxes in certain cities.
HCR 170 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in HB 1113.
HR 136 Caption: Condemning personal references and derogatory remarks made against any of the heads of the three branches of government.
44th Regular Session
HB 80 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute; providing for abandonment of county parks when site is found undesirable.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 40th Legislature (R.S.); compensation and bond of County Judges of Courts at Law in Bexar County.
HB 452 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Criminal Statutes; increasing the punishment of persons guilty of libel.
HB 551 Caption: Relating to vesting the administrative control over drilling, production, transportation, and storage of crude oil and natural gas and their products and all powers and duties in the Natural Resource Commission.
HR 106 Caption: Wishing Louise Dunagan a speedy recovery from illness.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 120 Caption: Relating to levying a luxury tax of two percent of the gross receipts of the sale of all tangible personal property sold in this State; defining certain words, terms and phrases used in this Act.
HR 4 Caption: Inviting U.S. Congressman Richard Kleberg to address the House.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 17 Caption: Relating to levying a luxury tax of two percent of the gross receipts of the sale of all tangible personal property sold in this State; defining certain words, terms and phrases used in this Act; making it unlawful to violate certain provisions hereof and fixing the penalty therefor.
HCR 29 Caption: Requesting the Governor return H.B. No. 26.
HR 12 Caption: Memorializing Congress relating to the preservation of the San Jose Mission.
44th 3rd Called Session
HB 39 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to engage or assist in pool selling or bookmaking on horse races; providing penalties for the violation of any provision of this Act.
HB 86 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the calling of elections of officials therein and the appointment of election officers to hold such election unless the method is prescribed by the City Charter, providing that all election judges and clerks shall be selected as near as possible from different political parties or factions of the same party of said city.
43rd Regular Session
HB 113 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to liability of insurance companies so as to include fire insurance companies in the provision thereof.
HB 300 Caption: Relating to granting a moratorium against the foreclosures of mortgages and judicial liens upon all homesteads in the state of Texas, and suspending all foreclosures on both urban and rural homesteads for a period of one year from the passage of this Act, and providing that this act shall not inure to the benefit of hone owners who are financially able to pay.
HB 309 Caption: Relating to providing for the redemption of real property sold under the authority conferred by a lien upon said property.
HCR 22 Caption: Requesting the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to contribute five million dollars to the Home Loan Banks for the purpose of refinancing mortgage loans.
HCR 32 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to appear before the Board at Washington to request certain aid from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
HR 110 Caption: In memory of San Antonio Mayor C.M. Chambers.
HR 127 Caption: Endorsing Representative Preston Louis Anderson for the position of Mayor of San Antonio.
43rd 1st Called Session
HB 114 Caption: Relating to regulating the occupation of hairdressers and cosmetologists, to create a State Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists for licensing of persons, firms, co-partnerships, associations, or corporations to carry on and to teach such practices, to insure the better education of such practitioners, to provide rules regulating the proper conduct and sanitation of hairdressers and cosmetologists establishments and schools.
HB 151 Caption: Relating to the disposition of fees of office by county officers and to monthly reports.
43rd 2nd Called Session
HB 63 Caption: Relating to adding the words "ice dealers" after the words "fruit dealers, vegetable dealers" in certain law.
HB 114 Caption: Relating to prohibiting justices of the peace from adjudging fees in misdemeanor criminal cases in favor of constables and deputy constables, where the alleged offense was committed in a justice precinct other than the precinct in which such constable was elected or such deputy constable appointed, and prohibiting constables and deputy constables from collecting or receiving fees; fixing penalties.
HB 162 Caption: Relating to authorizing each county, and the commissioners court thereof, of the State of Texas, which has a population of more than 250,000, as shown by the last official Federal Census, to acquire, by purchase, lands for use as county public parks, and authorizing the commissioners court of each such county to issue and deliver bonds and/or time warrants in payment for such lands of not exceeding an aggregate principal amount of $25,000, without submitting the same to the voters.
HCR 31 Caption: Granting J.W. Beretta and J.W. Beretta Engineers, Inc. permission to sue the State Highway Commission.
HCR 34 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #11 so that the House might consider SB 78.
43rd 3rd Called Session
HB 108 Caption: Relating to providing that the two judges of the County Courts at Law Nos. 1 and 2, of Bexar County, Texas, shall not be required to furnish bonds.
HB 109 Caption: Relating to public works.
43rd 4th Called Session
HCR 9 Caption: Requesting that Texas congressmen support a program for old-age pension.
42nd Regular Session
HB 833 Caption: Relating to prohibiting fire insurance companies from cancelling any fire insurance polices because of an an act of arson until such act is judicially proven.
42nd 1st Called Session
HB 63 Caption: Relating to validating all issues of funding and refunding notes, bonds, warrants, time warrants and treasury warrants heretofore issued or authorized to be issued and attempted to be issued by any and all cities in the State.
42nd 2nd Called Session
HB 16 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of a board to be known as the State Agricultural Equalization Board, vesting in said board with the authority to buy, sell and deal in certain farm products and to promulgate rules regulating the future production of the farmers from whom the said board may purchase such products; providing penalties; making an appropriation.
HCR 34 Caption: Memorializing Congress to petition the appropriation of funds for the purpose of improving and constructing Federal Highways.