Legislation authored by Ennis Carl Favors

Includes legislation with Ennis Carl Favors as the primary author for the 47th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

49th Regular Session
HB 89 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the allocation of funds from the Clearance Fund to the Old Age Assistance Fund.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to authorizing the County Commissioners' courts throughout the State of Texas to pay a bounty on certain predatory animals.
HB 112 Caption: Relating to defining "Condensate"; declaring the production of condensate in excess of transportation or market facilities or reasonable market demand to be waste and prohibiting such excess production.
HB 127 Caption: Relating to regulating and licensing convalescent homes; providing penalties.
HB 189 Caption: Relating to providing for a tax of four cents a gallon on aviation gasoline used within the confines of the State of Texas, and providing certain exceptions.
HB 281 Caption: Relating to providing for a gross receipts tax of two per cent (2%) upon all persons owning or operating airlines in the State of Texas which transport passengers of freight for hire.
HB 359 Caption: Amending certain Article relative to limits on the number of prescriptions physicians may issue within a certain time.
HB 576 Caption: Relating to creating the "Texas State Textbook Committee" providing the qualifications and terms of office for the members of said Committee; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict.
HB 590 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide for the collection of a tax on the intangible assets of each person, firm, partnership, copartnership, corporation or association of persons engaged in air commerce in the State of Texas.
HB 689 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing that all actions for recovery of real estate by virtue of superior title retentions and for the foreclosure of vendor's, deed of trust, mortgage, voluntary mechanic's or materialman's liens be instituted and powers of sale in mortgage and deed of trust be exercised within four years after the maturity date of the debt secured as to bona fide purchasers, mortgages or lessees unless extended; providing for the repeal of all laws in conflict.
HB 724 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article, providing that there shall be taxed as costs for attorney's fee one-half of the amount of the judgment rendered under said Article, and providing for a minimum amount of said attorney's fee costs.
HB 839 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by extending the authority of the representatives of the Department of Public Welfare in administering oaths and taking acknowledgments.
HJR 9 Caption: Proposing an amendment to exempt old age assistance recipients from the payment of ad valorem taxes under certain conditions.
HR 98 Caption: Extending invitation to Lieutenant Searcy Johnson to address the House.
HR 153 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to make certain investigations in regard to H.B. No. 12.
48th Regular Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the allocation of funds from the Clearance Fund to the Old Age Assistance Fund.
HB 47 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by changing the length of the terms of the District Court in Roberts, Wheeler, Gray, and Lipscomb Counties, constituting the Thirty-first Judicial District Court of Texas.
HB 168 Caption: Relating to defining "Condensate"; declaring the production of condensate in excess of transportation or market facilities or reasonable market demand to be waste and prohibiting such excess production.
HB 522 Caption: Relating to preserving deeds, conveyances, deeds of trust or other written contracts relating to real estate by making just and convenient regulations to each end; repealing all conflicting laws.
HB 708 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing for a hearing and award in certain cases before the Industrial Accident Board within thirty days where the employee is totally and permanently incapacitated.
HR 66 Caption: Naming Jannie Sue McLellan and Harriet McLellan as Mascots of the House.
HR 214 Caption: Designating Edward Dulaney Goodman as a Mascot of the House.
47th Regular Session
HB 101 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; authorizing an appeal from certain interlocutory orders of the County Court.
HB 102 Caption: Relating to authorizing any Commissioners' Court of any County of the State of Texas and the City Council of any incorporated city or town to cooperate with any Federal or State agency engaged in the administration of relief to needy and indigent people.
HB 103 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; eliminating the Fifty Cents (50) collected for General Revenue purposes, and the Twenty-five Cents (25) collected for county purposes.
HB 129 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the use of sweet and other natural gas under certain conditions for the manufacture of carbon black.
HB 164 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; providing for the taking of confessions before the County Judge and the County Attorney in any county where venue lies.
HB 191 Caption: Relating to defining "Barber Board"; declaring policy to promote and protect the public welfare, health and safety in its control and supervision of the barber profession as a public necessity; granting power and authority upon the State Board of Barber Examiners to make rules and regulations; providing certain penalties.
HB 210 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; relative to placing State Highway Patrolmen and Texas Rangers under certain bond, indemnifying all persons against damages accruing as a result of any illegal or unlawful acts of such law enforcement officers.
HB 211 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the use of sweet and other natural gas under certain conditions for the manufacture of carbon black.
HB 235 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); appropriating examination fees to Special Land Board for the purpose of defraying expenses; providing for the drawing of warrants by the Comptroller on requisition of the Commissioner of the General Land Office; transferring any sum remaining to the Permanent School Fund.
HB 645 Caption: Relating to permitting the use of convicts as guards in the Texas Prison System at the discretion of the Prison Board.
HB 811 Caption: Relating to providing that Commissioners Courts in certain counties shall have the power to provide facilities and financial aid to government agencies and bureaus having activities within the county.
HB 908 Caption: Relating to providing for the maximum maintenance and bond tax rate for school purposes in all common school districts in certain counties.
HB 941 Caption: Relating to providing for the deposit of moneys to the credit of a fund to be known as the "Social Security Account"; creating the Social Security Account in the office of the State Treasury.
HB 1015 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to hunt, kill, or pursue any wild deer, turkey, or antelope in Collingsworth County, Texas, for a period of two (2) years.
HCR 2 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session January 16 and 17, 1941 to hear a message from the Governor.
HCR 115 Caption: Requesting serious consideration of of the establishment of munition plants in the Texas panhandle by the Federal Government.
HCR 190 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk of the House to make corrections in H.B. No. 360.
HCR 271 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn sine die June 26, 1941.
HR 79 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
47th 1st Called Session
HR 21 Caption: Inviting W. Lee O' Daniel to address the House on Friday, September 19,1941.