Legislation authored by Hop Halsey

Includes legislation with Hop Halsey as the primary author for the 47th through 48th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

48th Regular Session
HB 629 Caption: Relating to providing for equalization of taxes in Counties having a population of not less than twelve thousand, six hundred ninety three (12,693) nor more than thirty thousand (30,000), according to the last Federal Census, and containing a valuation of twenty-five million ($25,000,000.00) Dollars or more; providing for control of public schools and educational interests of such Counties.
HB 647 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas Technological College at Lubbock, Texas, to select and convey to the City of Lubbock, a municipal corporation of Lubbock County, Texas, a tract of land not exceeding five (5) acres upon the campus of the said College for the purpose of erecting thereon an auditorium building to be paid for by the city of Lubbock, the instrument conveying said property to set forth said purposes and to provide that the said tract so selected and conveyed shall revert to the said College for its original use as a part of the property of Texas Technological College in the event said property should cease to be used for said purpose, and authorizing the said Board of Directors of said College to permit ingress to and egress from the said auditorium.
HB 717 Caption: Relating to providing for the waiver of pay by any State or District Officer in any branch of the government while on active military duty, and for the waiver by him of the emoluments of his office in favor of the person filling his office during such military service.
HCR 115 Caption: Granting the State Board of Control the authority to purchase used equipment to re-equip the woodworking shop of Texas Technical College.
HR 228 Caption: In memory of Paul Cole, Lieutenant.
47th Regular Session
HB 44 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; relative to representative re-districting.
HB 207 Caption: Relating to validating certain County Line Independent School Districts; providing for the validating of all acts of the Board of Trustees of any such County Line Independent School Districts relative to elections or contracts.
HB 241 Caption: Relating to authorizing the trustees of the Crosbyton Independent School District in Crosby County to borrow a certain sum with which to pay outstanding obligations and to refinance and liquidate outstanding and past due indebtedness of said District, and to issue interest-bearing time warrants therefor, without an election.
HB 250 Caption: Relating to fixing the minimum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in the Crosbyton Independent School District for the purpose of maintenance, payment of bonded indebtedness, and payment of such time warrants as may be legally authorized and issued by said District; providing for election authorizing issuance of bonds.
HB 364 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article pertaining to the salaries of elective County Superintendents and to office and traveling expense.
HB 516 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas Technological College to accept from private sources a gift of building stone for the construction of on the campus of said school of a Museum, Social Science and Anthropological Research building; making a certain appropriation for the purpose of constructing said building.
HB 773 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas Technological College to purchase insurance on the building and contents of certain buildings located on the College campus; appropriating sufficient funds.
HB 774 Caption: Relating to fixing the maximum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in certain independent school districts with a certain scholastic population.
HB 861 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes changing the length of the terms of District Court and the time of holding the terms of the District Court in certain counties constituting the One Hundred and Sixth Judicial District of Texas.
HB 946 Caption: Relating to creating a Special Road Law for Crosby County, Texas, providing that said County may fund or refund the indebtedness outstanding against its Road and Bridge Fund as of April 10, 1941, by the issuance of funding bonds.
HB 947 Caption: Relating to creating a special road law for Yoakum County, Texas; providing that said County may fund or refund into coupon bonds the scrip and time warrants outstanding against its Road and Bridge Fund as of the 12th day of May, 1941.
HB 1019 Caption: Relating to validating consolidation of certain school districts, wherein a majority of the voters of each of the affected districts approve such a consolidation at an election held for such purpose.
HB 1034 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court of Yoakum County to improve and maintain public roads and highways heretofore laid out or constructed, and to construct public roads and highways hereafter laid out by the County, whether such public roads or highways are inside or outside of any incorporated city or town in such county.
HCR 14 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session of the House and Senate for the purpose of inaugurating the Governor-Elect and Lieutenant Governor-Elect.
HCR 174 Caption: Recalling S.B. 20 from the Governor.
HR 55 Caption: Relating to extending broadcasting privileges of the House.
HR 67 Caption: Relating to permission of statewide broadcasting stations to install equipment for the purpose of broadcasting legislature.
HR 190 Caption: Advocating W. Lee O'Daniel for United States Senator.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 47 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 47th Legislature; removing provisions applicable to certain counties with a certain population.
HB 62 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Directors of Texas Technological College at Lubbock, Texas, to select and convey to the City of Lubbock a certain tract of land for the purpose of erecting thereon an Auditorium Building.