Legislation authored by Obel Lindsey McAlister

Includes legislation with Obel Lindsey McAlister as the primary author for the 46th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

49th Regular Session
HB 33 Caption: Relating to creating a Firemen's Civil Service in cities having a population of Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000) or more.
HB 46 Caption: Relating to providing for the filing of annual statements of cemetery perpetual care funds by perpetual care cemeteries, providing for the payment of filing fees to accompany such statements; providing penalties for the violations of the provisions of this Act.
HB 52 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay the Alliance Trust Company, Limited, for an overpayment of a foreign franchise tax.
HB 61 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay a claim due the Century Corporation for overpayment on its franchise tax.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes requiring those persons entitled to poll tax exemption to secure a new certificate annually.
HB 430 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to exempt certain corporations from collateralizing the sale of certain certificates when sold only to borrowers of the issuing corporation, etc.
HB 431 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts so as to delimit the definition of a loan broker by excluding therefrom institutions subject to supervision or examination by the Department of Banking.
HB 471 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article insofar as such Article relates to the fees to be paid to the County Clerk for filing and recording each rental lien or chattel mortgage deposited and for entering satisfaction for chattel mortgages.
HB 475 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article relating to recording instruments of writing.
HB 592 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relative to the compensation of probation officers.
HB 627 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to authorize the formation of private corporations for the purpose of acting as Executor under the last will or as an Administrator of the estate of any deceased person and as Guardian of any infant, insane person, idiot or habitual drunkard and as Trustee under any lawful trust committed to it by contract or under appointment of any Court of competent jurisdiction and as Agent for the performance of any lawful act.
HB 791 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide for authority of a wife to encumber, convey, or transfer her separate property when husband is in Armed Forces of the United States Government, and without the Continental United States.
HB 812 Caption: Relating to providing appropriate pains and penalties to prevent usury as provided in Section 11, Article 16, of the Constitution of Texas.
HB 869 Caption: Relating to validating all elections, election orders, election proceedings and amendments to charters annexing adjacent territories to or extending and prescribing the corporate limits, and ordinances excluding territory in all cities having a population of not less than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) and not more than two hundred forty thousand (240,000) inhabitants, as shown by the preceding United States Census.
HCR 9 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Thursday, January 18, 1945, and ending on Monday, January 22, 1945.
HCR 115 Caption: Suspending Joint Rules to take up and consider H.B. No. 46.
HJR 4 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that contracts for a greater rate of interest than Ten (10%) per cent per annum when secured by a bona fide lien on real estate, farm machinery and equipment, livestock, crops or farm produce shall be deemed usurious.
HR 73 Caption: Electing the children of house members to the office of mascot.
HR 200 Caption: Expressing cooperation with and confidence in President Harry S. Truman.
48th Regular Session
HB 32 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts relating to exemption of governmental agencies from payment of the State's license fees for motor vehicles.
HB 58 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts so as to exempt certain organizations for the promotion of amateur boxing and wrestling where the participants therein receive no remuneration.
HB 84 Caption: Relating to the leasing of lands owned by any water control and improvement district which has been, or may be, established to be a "Municipal District."
HB 222 Caption: Relating to the Teacher Tenure Act for Texas, defining teacher tenure, teacher and Board of Education; providing for the probationary period to entitle a teacher to the benefit of the Act and fixing the conditions of such probationary period.
HB 312 Caption: Relating to providing that after the effective date of this Act, delinquent taxpayers shall be permitted to pay such taxes in partial payments not to exceed twelve in number.
HB 349 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for a chief juvenile officer and assistants in certain counties.
HB 383 Caption: Relating to creating a firemen's and policemen's Civil Service law in cities in the State of Texas having a population of 10,000 or more; repealing all conflicting laws.
HB 758 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act in regard to local option on alcoholic beverages.
HCR 5 Caption: Providing for the inauguration of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
HR 26 Caption: Providing mileage and per diem for certain witnesses.
HR 143 Caption: Wishing the wife of Byron Utecht a speedy recovery form her illness.
HR 152 Caption: In memory of Ethel Grace Utecht of Austin, Texas.
HR 255 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate the transactions of the Judicial Districts of Texas.
HR 296 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate the Judicial Districts of Texas.
47th Regular Session
HB 156 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (2nd C.S.); providing that apportionment to respective counties for the benefit of its officers salary fund shall be on the basis of fourteen cents per capita.
HB 157 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); providing for the payment of certain traveling and other necessary expenses.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to the Comptroller of Public Accounts to be apportioned to the counties under the terms of a certain Act.
HB 219 Caption: Relating to creating a Firemen's and Policemen's Civil Service law in certain cities; providing for the creation of a Civil Service Commission and the appointment of Commissioners and Chairman; providing and defining the functions, duties, and powers of the Commission; providing certain penalties.
HB 316 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of delinquent taxes to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the respective counties of the State in equal installments at the option of the taxpayer; providing the penalty and interest be calculated up to the date of the first installment payment.
HB 325 Caption: Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relative to requiring the payment in full of claims within a certain period; making it unlawful for any individual, firms, co-partnerships, corporations or associations other than those defined in this Act, to engage in the business of providing burial or funeral benefits; making it unlawful for any individual, firms, co-partnerships, corporations or associations operating under this Act as burial associations, to conduct their business under the name of a life insurance company or advertise it as such.
HB 623 Caption: Relating to restraining persons from holding a State elective or appointive office and being a candidate for another State office during his term of office, with certain exceptions.
HB 786 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes providing for the sale of a homestead by the wife, if her separate property, or the community property of husband and wife, where the husband is insane or has permanently abandoned the wife.
HB 844 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes so as to no longer require a married woman to acknowledge a conveyance privily and apart from her husband.
HB 913 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes to provide for the filing of a birth record in the county where the birth occurred or where the parents resided at the time of the birth.
HB 981 Caption: Relating to permitting estates of deceased Texas citizens to take advantage of savings in Federal income taxes, authorized under Section 162 of the Federal Revenue Code.
HCR 51 Caption: Authorizing the Federal Life Insurance Company to sue the State of Texas.
HJR 8 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that not exceeding ten (10c) cents on the one hundred ($100.00) dollar valuation in any year may be used out of any of the constitutional funds for the purpose of maintaining hospitals owned or operated in whole or in part by the county, and for the relief of paupers.
HJR 11 Caption: Proposing a ratifying amendment to the Constitution to the United States which amendment empowers the Congress to limit, regulate and prohibit the labor of persons under eighteen years of age.
HR 61 Caption: In memory of Edgar L. Bradford, Jr., of Fort Worth.
HR 93 Caption: Relating to the installation of a public address system.
HR 196 Caption: Inviting Phil Spitalny and his all-girl orchestra to appear before the House.
HR 311 Caption: Opposing any further increase increase in state governments costs and taxation.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 44 Caption: Relating to authorizing two or more cities with a certain population to jointly acquire airports by purchase, gift, devise, or by the power of eminent domain, or in any other lawful manner.
46th Regular Session
HB 128 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Articles of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; providing that where two or more persons are charged with the same offense or offenses, such persons may be tried jointly upon the same transaction or undertaking.
HB 159 Caption: Relating to granting permission to A. B. Murdock to bring suit against the State of Texas and/or Highway Department in a Court of competent jurisdiction, for damages resulting by reason of the Texas State Highway Department withholding a certain sum as liquidated damages, which is due and owing to the said A. B. Murdock, for labor and material furnished in the building of Texas State Highway No. 34 in Tarrant County, Texas.
HB 198 Caption: Relating to providing for the interchange of teachers between schools in certain independent school districts and foreign countries or states.
HB 527 Caption: Relating to providing for a more adequate and equitable salary of County School Superintendent in certain counties.
HB 689 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the registration of motorcycles or passenger vehicles.
HB 705 Caption: Relating to providing funds and revenues for the policemen's relief and retirement fund in certain counties.
HJR 20 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the duration of all offices not fixed by the Constitution to two years, shall not apply to appointive offices of any municipalities that are placed under the terms and provisions of Civil Service but the duration of such offices shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Service Law.
HR 309 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the alleged teaching of communism and other un-American theories in institutions of higher learning.