Legislation authored by Frank Howington

Includes legislation with Frank Howington as the primary author for the 46th through 47th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

47th Regular Session
HB 53 Caption: Relating to making theft of peanuts or peanut hay a felony; prescribing certain penalties.
HB 336 Caption: Relating to the regulation of the poultry egg industry in the State of Texas, providing that all persons engaged in the business of buying and/or selling and/or dealing and/or trading in eggs, and/or manufacturing any egg by-product in the State of Texas shall be licensed; making it unlawful to sell, offer or expose for sale eggs unfit for human consumption; providing for penalties.
HB 390 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to increasing the load limit on commercial motor vehicles, truck-tractors, trailers, or semi-trailers, operated on the public highways of this state to 20,000 pounds, for a period of two years from the effective date of this Act.
HB 801 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act removing Comanche County from the provisions of said law.
HCR 164 Caption: Granting District Judges leaves of absence.
HCR 168 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die on May 31, 1941.
HR 106 Caption: In memory of Walter E. Jones.
HR 346 Caption: Relating to the creation of an advisory committee known as the "Sitting and Watching Committee."
46th Regular Session
HB 156 Caption: Relating to validating an election transferring certain lands from The Evans Common School District No.7, in Mills County to The Mullin Independent School District, Mills County.
HB 273 Caption: Relating to making theft of peanuts or peanut hay a felony; prescribing penalties.
HB 666 Caption: Relating to declaring it unlawful to take, hunt, trap, ensnare, kill, or attempt to kill by any means whatsoever any pheasants, blue quail, or bobwhite in Comanche County for a period of four (4) years from and after the passage of this Act; providing a penalty therefor.
HB 1084 Caption: Relating to repealing local game bill for Comanche county.
HB 1117 Caption: Relating to requiring any person hunting any quail in Comanche County upon the private lands of another person in Comanche County, to first obtain and have in his possession a written permit; providing a suitable penalty for violation of any provision of this Act.
HB 1140 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Sections of the Acts of the 46th Legislature (R.S.); County School Superintendent's salary.
HB 1144 Caption: Relating to giving the Commissioner's Court authority to fix the salary of the Commissioners in certain counties; providing for the effective date of the Act.