Legislation authored by Harold Lester Kennedy

Includes legislation with Harold Lester Kennedy as the primary author for the 46th through 47th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

47th Regular Session
HB 39 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statues; extending the provisions of the free pass law to include the families of furloughed, pensioned, and superannuated employees.
HB 854 Caption: Relating to authorizing independent school districts, upon the order of their trustees, with the consent of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to execute an oil and/or gas lease, or sell, exchange, and convey the minerals, or any part thereof, belonging to said school district, and to apply any proceeds to the purchase of necessary ground or to the building or repairing of schoolhouses or to the credit of the local maintenance fund.
HCR 66 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Thursday, March 13, 1941, and ending on Monday, March 17, 1941.
HCR 69 Caption: In memory of R.M (Bob) Johnson of Palestine, Texas.
HCR 169 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning Thursday, May 22, 1941, and ending on Monday, May 26, 1941.
HCR 189 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Thursday, May 29, 1941, and ending on Monday, June 2, 1941.
HCR 228 Caption: Granting the Legislature permission to adjourn sine die on June 20,1941.
46th Regular Session
HB 131 Caption: Relating to providing that the County Commissioners Court adopt the system of photographic recording of instruments.
HB 174 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; creating a double platoon system for fire departments for all cities having 10,000 population or over, according to the last preceding federal census, providing for maximum daily working hours.
HB 840 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the setting of any steel trap, snare, or deadfall in certain counties for the purpose of taking any fur-bearing animals for a period of two (2) years; providing a penalty for violation of this Act.
HB 1077 Caption: Relating to providing for more adequate and equitable salary for County Superintendents of Public Instruction in certain counties.
HR 63 Caption: In memory of Ella V. Spencer of Henderson County.