Legislation authored by Alvin Eden Amos

Includes legislation with Alvin Eden Amos as the primary author for the 45th through 45th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

45th Regular Session
HB 107 Caption: Relating to requiring all railway corporations, persons, associations, companies, receivers or lessees operating a railroad within the State of Texas to furnish all conductors, brakemen, switchmen, or other employees having the duty of giving signals, with electric lanterns; providing a penalty for the violation thereof.
HB 151 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the charging of more than ten percent per annum on any transaction by any person, firm, partnership, or corporation, either directly or indirectly, and prohibiting any person or group of persons from assisting or attempting to assist in the evasion of any of the provisions of this Act; providing a penalty.
HB 152 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the payment of a pension of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars a month to all living Confederate Veterans, and a pension of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars a month to all widows of Confederate Veterans.
HB 201 Caption: Relating to regulating and controlling representation in legislative matters in the practice of influencing legislation by personal contact; prescribing limitations of such activities, outlining procedure for same and prescribing penalties for violation thereof.
HB 212 Caption: Relating to regulating the practice of lobbying, providing that no person, firm, corporation or association of persons shall purchase anything of value for any Member of either House of the Legislature; prescribing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 388 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing in all cases where a loss occurs and the insurance company liable therefor shall fail to pay such insurance within thirty (30) days after demand therefor, such company shall be liable to pay the beneficiary of such policy, in addition to the amount of loss, twelve percent (12%) damages on the amount of such loss, together with reasonable attorney fees, for the prosecution and collection of such loss.
HB 389 Caption: Relating to Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Criminal Statutes; regulating the packing and marking of packages and containers; providing penalties for the enforcement of this Act.
HB 713 Caption: Relating to providing liens for services rendered by persons, firms, and corporations with whom articles of wearing apparel and garments have been placed to be repaired, altered, dyed, cleaned, or pressed, or laundered and authorizing the sale thereof to pay charges for such services, and for the disposition of proceeds of such sales.
HB 859 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; primary election laws.
HB 878 Caption: Relating to providing that no contract for the printing or purchase of textbooks shall be entered into by the State Board of Education or other State Board or State Agency which does not expressly provide that printing thereof shall be done exclusively within the State of Texas.
HB 902 Caption: Relating to repealing the severance laws or statutes on severance of the State of Texas, and providing that all defendants indicted either jointly or severally for the commission of an offense growing out of the same transaction and committed by such defendants at the same time, may be tried jointly and at one and the same time, and that the testimony admissible against one defendant showing the commission of such offense by such defendant shall be admissible as to all of such defendants.
HR 215 Caption: Extending good wishes to Mrs. Clarence Farmer as she recovers from illness.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 16 Caption: Relating to providing that the Supreme Court, or any Court of Civil Appeals, shall have power, or authority, or jurisdiction to issue the writ of mandamus against a peace officer, or magistrate (except magistrates of appellate courts), as defined by the laws of this state, or against any county or district attorney, ton compel the performance of any act, or duty, which such peace officer, magistrate or district or county attorney is required by law to perform.
HB 34 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; authorizing the formation of private corporations to organize laborers, workingmen, wage earners and farmers to protect themselves in their various pursuits.
HCR 29 Caption: Directing the relocation of the State Board of Water Engineers and Reclamation Department offices to Fort Worth.
HR 44 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the involvement of the Texas Rangers with a labor strike at the Lone Star Gas Company in Fort Worth.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 147 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature (3rd C.S.); providing for a secretary and a clerk for the County Judges in all counties having a population of not less than 195,000 and not more than 200,000 according to the last preceding Census of the United States.