Legislation authored by William Benton Carssow

Includes legislation with William Benton Carssow as the primary author for the 45th through 45th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

45th Regular Session
HB 119 Caption: Relating to declaring all fraternal benefit societies organized or licensed under the provisions of certain Statute, to be charitable or benevolent institutions and exempting the funds of all such fraternal benefit societies from all and every State, county, district, municipal and school tax, including occupation taxes, other than taxes on real estate and office equipment when same is used for other than lodge purposes.
HB 424 Caption: Relating to regulating Industrial Homework; providing a penalty.
HB 820 Caption: Relating to authorizing cities of two hundred thirty thousand (230,000) to two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) population, according to the last preceding Federal Census, to aid housing projects of housing authorities or of the United States of America by furnishing parks, playgrounds, streets, and other improvements and facilities, by exercising certain other powers and by making agreements relating to such aid.
HB 821 Caption: Relating to declaring the necessity of creating public bodies corporate and politic to be known as housing authorities to undertake slum clearance and projects to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of low income.
HB 830 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that the Court may grant a new trial for misconduct of the jury or improper argument, or improper communications or statements received by the jury.
HB 1143 Caption: Relating to making certain emergency appropriations out of the General Revenue of the State of Texas for the State Commission for the Blind for the balance of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1937.
HCR 32 Caption: Granting Anna Smith, La Nelle Smith, and James A. Gallagher permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 43 Caption: Requesting Congress to appropriate the full amount of funds designated for the development of Vocational education programs under the George-Dean Act.
HCR 52 Caption: Authorizing the construction of a cold drink stand in the Walton State Building.
HR 97 Caption: In memory of Joseph A. Bobbitt.
HR 136 Caption: Inviting Stuart Chase to address the House.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 4 Caption: Relating to requiring, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a license for the racing of horses under the provisions of certain Act, that the applicant for such license shall, in addition to the requirements of Subsections 3 and 5 of said Act, file with and present to the Racing Commission, with his application, a certificate of the County Judge of the county where such racing is proposed to be held, showing that a majority of the qualified voters of such county have, at a special election held for that purpose, voted in favor of racing, and prohibiting the Racing Commission from issuing a license without such certificate.
HB 81 Caption: Relating to authorizing persons, firms and corporations to form associations or organizations to be known as Livestock Exchanges.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 49 Caption: Relating to empowering and authorizing cities and towns in the State of Texas having a population in excess of two hundred and thirty thousand (230,000) and not more than two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000), according to the last preceding or any future Federal Census, to enact ordinances authorizing city and town assessors, or assessors and collectors, to prescribe such assessment forms, lists, or statements for rendering property as will also serve as a tax roll without the necessity of recompiling such tax roll from the original assessment roll.
HB 102 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); slum clearance and housing projects; providing for the creation of housing authorities.
HB 103 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 45th Legislature (R.S.); authorizing cities, towns, counties, and other public bodies to aid housing projects of housing authorities or of the United States of America by dedicating, selling, conveying, or leasing any of its property to a housing authority or the Federal Government.
HCR 45 Caption: Granting Mrs. J. Albert Ackermann permission to sue the State of Texas.