Legislation authored by Joseph J. Olsen

Includes legislation with Joseph J. Olsen as the primary author for the 40th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

46th Regular Session
HB 549 Caption: Relating to amending and adding to a certain Act providing for the allocation and payment of a certain portion of the Gasoline Tax now set apart for the retirement of Road Bond Indebtedness to the use of Cities and Towns for the maintenance and construction of Public streets.
HB 730 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act of the 34th Legislature; creating a more efficient road system for Lavaca County.
44th Regular Session
HB 273 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization and incorporation of cooperative benefit associations, and declaring the policy of the State thereon.
HB 459 Caption: Relating to correcting malpractice in the building construction industry by safeguarding the public against the irresponsible practice of the profession of architecture.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 75 Caption: Relating to authorizing the separation or divorcement of public schools from municipal control in certain extended municipal school districts pursuant to an election to be held for that purpose.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 53 Caption: Relating to authorizing the separation or divorcement of public schools from municipal control in certain extended municipal school districts pursuant to an election to be held for that purpose.
42nd Regular Session
HB 46 Caption: Relating to providing for the conservation, preservation and rehabilitation of the soils of this state.
HB 123 Caption: Relating to safeguarding against the irresponsible practice of the profession of architecture; creating a Board of Architectural Examiners.
HB 712 Caption: Relating to exempting male persons residing in Lavaca County, Texas, and not within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, town or village, from road duty, and in lieu thereof requiring them to pay to the County Tax Collector of said County the sum of Three ($3.00) Dollars annually.
42nd 1st Called Session
HB 13 Caption: Relating to providing for the conservation, preservation and rehabilitation of the soils of this State, the elimination or prevention of root-rot and other diseases by crop rotation, providing percentage of each farm in this State which may be planted to cotton or other soil exhausting plants during the year 1932.
42nd 2nd Called Session
HB 7 Caption: Relating to declaring it mandatory upon the Constitution of Texas that the Legislature enact laws to compel conservation, preservation and development of the soil and its fertility and to preserve the public interest, general welfare and happiness of the people; declaring certain public policies of the State in respect to the conservation, preservation and development of the soil; affixing penalties for a violation of this Act.
HR 17 Caption: Relating to certain address over radio.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HCR 3 Caption: Reducing the pay of members of the Legislature during the third called session.
HCR 11 Caption: Relating to certain employment of employees of the State.
HR 22 Caption: In memory of William T. Bagby of Hallettsville.
41st Regular Session
HB 173 Caption: Relating to preventing fraud in the purchase of gasoline and oil and assuring correct measurement, and declaring the retail sale of gasoline and oil to be affected with a public interest.
HB 731 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the board of directors of the agricultural and mechanical college of Texas to establish and maintain an agricultural experiment station in Lavaca County.
41st 4th Called Session
HB 76 Caption: Relating to the road system for Lavaca County.
HR 27 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor to the students of Shiner High School.
40th Regular Session
HB 225 Caption: Relating to requiring all railway corporations operating a line of railway in Texas, to place switch lights on all their main line switches; providing penalties.
HB 293 Caption: Relating to providing that each party owning adjoining lands and using the same for stock purposes shall build and maintain their portion of the fence required to be built to separate said lands.