Legislation authored by Roy Irving Tennant

Includes legislation with Roy Irving Tennant as the primary author for the 45th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

46th Regular Session
HB 18 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Section of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); conservation laws.
HB 334 Caption: Relating to the safety of design and construction of the alteration of or addition to the electric wiring and/or the plumbing and/or the heating system of any public school building and/or public hospital building.
HB 558 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation out of the General Fund of the State of Texas for the Secretary of State for the biennium beginning September 1, 1939, and ending August 31,1941, for the purpose of compiling, editing, indexing, binding, and distributing the current laws.
HB 657 Caption: Relating to providing the amount of salaries for the First Assistant to the Tax Assessor and Collector in certain counties.
HB 660 Caption: Relating to providing the salary of county superintendents of public instruction in certain counties according to the last preceding Federal Census and according to area in square miles of such counties; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict, to the extent of the conflict only.
HB 817 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for the number of deputy sheriffs in certain counties, etc.
HB 850 Caption: Relating to authorizing the citizens of Gregg County to adopt a County Home Rule Charter.
HB 851 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); extending oil conservation act to September 1, 1941.
HB 878 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the 38th Legislature (2nd C.S.); Gladewater County Line Independent School District in Gregg County and Upshur County, Texas.
HB 951 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; changing the basis for the collection of the franchise tax, etc.
HB 1080 Caption: Relating to authorizing the citizens of Gregg County to adopt a County Home Rule Charter.
HCR 65 Caption: Authorizing certain correction in the wording of HB 660.
HCR 95 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in the wording of HB 657.
HCR 103 Caption: Appointing Jane Neal of Gladewater High School official representative of Texas at the National Lions Club Convention.
HCR 154 Caption: Commending the City of Gladewater for its progressive spirit upon its Second Annual Gladewater Round-Up Horse Show and Rodeo.
HR 219 Caption: Expressing appreciation of the House toward Life Magazine for featuring the State of Texas.
HR 247 Caption: Endorsing Roy G. Terry's proposed solutions to economic problems.
45th Regular Session
HB 352 Caption: Relating to providing for the inspection of steam boilers; requiring a Certificate of Operation and registration of certain boilers; providing for penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of this Act and rules enacted pursuant thereto.
HB 443 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that corporations may be created by the voluntary association of three or more persons for the transaction of any lawful business or to promote or conduct any legitimate object or purpose in the manner provided by law.
HB 1095 Caption: Relating to empowering the County Commissioners' Court of each County to pass ordinances imposing taxes on dogs, quarantining dogs, impounding dogs, require muzzling dogs and requiring vaccination with rabies vaccine, to authorize destruction of ownerless, stray and unvaccinated dogs and dogs infected with rabies, impose a penalty for violation of ordinances and to authorize the Veterinary Department of the Livestock Sanitary Commission to aid and assist the County Commissioners Court in preparing ordinances investigating outbreaks, vaccinating dogs, etc.
HCR 134 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in H. B. No. 1135.
HR 68 Caption: In memory of Mrs. Joe Hill.
HR 149 Caption: Commending George Cox, the State Health Officer for his work in assisting the recovery efforts in New London.
HR 153 Caption: In memory of all the lives lost in the New London Explosion.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 41 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Governing Body of the Incorporated City of Gladewater, Gregg County, Texas to close that portion of Quitman Avenue lying between Block 4 and Block 20, and between Block 3 and Block 21 of the original townsite of said City in order that said street may be transferred to and used by the Gladewater County Line Independent School District for school purposes.