Legislation authored by Julian Preston Greer

Includes legislation with Julian Preston Greer as the primary author for the 37th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

49th Regular Session
HB 228 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing for an increase in the amount of certain fees; providing for the elimination of certain fees and the addition of others; fixing the effective date.
HB 255 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act the filing of application for State aid.
HB 306 Caption: Relating to providing that County School Trustees of each county in the State of Texas shall hereafter possess the authority to consolidate contiguous school districts in their respective counties when it appears to said Board of County School Trustees that such consolidation will make for a more efficient system of public schools, and in cooperation with County Boards of School Trustees of neighboring counties shall have full authority to create County Line Districts for the same purpose.
HB 432 Caption: Relating to providing school districts may remain independent districts regardless of scholastic enrollment.
HB 705 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the refund of certain motor fuel taxes.
HB 706 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to allow the consolidation of independent school districts lying on each side of the county line.
HB 807 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes creating the State Board of Education; prescribing terms for the members thereof, prescribing certain qualifications for the membership and defining certain duties of the State Board of Education.
HB 808 Caption: Relating to defining the districts from which nine (9) members of the State Board of Education shall be elected.
HB 841 Caption: Relating to creating a "Permanent General Fund" to consist of all surpluses remaining in the General Revenue Fund and certain special Funds; providing for the income from said funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the upkeep of the State Government.
HJR 40 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that all state, district and county public officers who are elected at the next general election in November, 1946, and at each general election every four years thereafter, who are now elected for a period of two years, shall be elected for four years.
HJR 57 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that no severance of the title to oil, gas or other minerals in and under land from the fee simple ownership thereof shall hereafter be valid for a greater period of time than ninety-nine years from the date of such severance and so long thereafter as such oil, gas or other minerals shall be be continually produced therefrom without interruption of more than one (1) years duration, and on the expiration of such period the title to such previously severed oil, gas or other minerals shall revert to the fee simple owner or owners of the land.
HR 275 Caption: Authorizing certain committee to continue investigation in regard to Texas Sate Railroad.
43rd Regular Session
SB 94 Caption: Relating to appropriating four million dollars ($4,000,000) per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the next two fiscal years for the purpose of promoting the public school interests of rural schools and equalizing the school opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age living in small and financially weak districts, attaching conditions, regulations and limitations relative thereto, authorizing aid to such schools in accordance with the conditions herein specified; providing for penalties for violation of any of the provisiosn of this Act.
SB 106 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into congressional districts, naming the counties composing the same and providing for the elections of a member of the Congress of the United States from each district.
SB 142 Caption: Relating to the duties of the State Board of Education pertaining to teacher's certificates; protecting rights of teachers holding certificates under existing law.
SB 190 Caption: Relating to vesting full power and authority in the State Board of Education in all matters pertaining to the State scholastic census.
SB 195 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into Congressional Districts, naming the Counties composing the same, and providing for the election of a member of the Congress of the United States from each district.
SB 242 Caption: Relating to providing an emergency rural aid appropriation.
SB 243 Caption: Relating to providing that vocational education shall be a part of the public school system of Texas, and that it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to act as the administrative officer of all vocational education taught in the public schools in the State of Texas, and making it the duty of said administrative officert to appoint or empoy such employees in the administration of vocational education as may be needed or necessary and as may be provided for by law.
SB 387 Caption: Relating to organizing counties into county school units for school purposes; for the maintenance, administration, supervision, and control thereof; authorizing the State Board of Education to make rules and regulations pertaining thereto.
SB 415 Caption: Relating to promoting the public school interest and equalization of educational opportunities to all children of scholastic age located and living in each county of the State, for the scholastic year beginning September 1, 1933, and ending August 31, 1934, and likewise for the scholastic year beginning September 1, 1934, and ending August 31, 1935.
SB 430 Caption: Relating to providing that each person elected to the office of constable shall give bond to be approved by the commissioners court for such sum as said court may direct not less than $500.00 nor more than $1500.00 payable to the Governor and his successors in office, conditioned that he will faithfully perform all the duties required by law and will well and truly execute and return according to law all process warrants and precepts to him lawfully directed and delivered and pay over all sums of money collected by him by virtue of any such process or precepts, to whom the same are due, or their lawful attorney.
SB 545 Caption: Relating to requiring the Commission of the General Land Office to issue awards and keep the sales of school land surveyed under the provisions of certain statute, in cases where applications were not filed in the General Land Office within the time required by law.
SB 556 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into congressional districts, naming the counties composing the same, and providing for the election of a member of the congress of the United States from each district.
SCR 20 Caption: Providing for the receipt of a portrait of Major General Henry T. Allen by a joint session of the Legislature.
SCR 54 Caption: Granting J.H. Reagan permission to sue the State of Texas or the State Highway Commission.
SCR 55 Caption: Recalling SB 195 from the Governor.
SCR 90 Caption: Approving the suspension of certain joint rules on HB 528.
SR 57 Caption: In memory of James Richard Bond, Sr.
SR 63 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate possibilities of private offices for Senators.
SR 65 Caption: In memory of former Representative and Senator R.L. Williford.
SR 89 Caption: Endorsing Wright Matthews for the position of Assistant to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
SR 95 Caption: Providing for a suspension calendar.
43rd 1st Called Session
SB 24 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the preparation, checking, investigation and correction of the scholastic census, to the State Department of Education, providing money for salary, wages, supplies and necessary traveling expenses incident thereto for the sum of Seven Thousand ($7,000.00) Dollars, for the year ending September 1, 1934, and Seven Thousand ($7,000.00) Dollars, for the year ending September 1, 1935.
SB 63 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for the support and maintenance of the General Land Office and particularly making an appropriation for a special audit to be made by or under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office of all books and accounts of oil companies relative to the bonus and rentals due on sold public school lands.
SB 74 Caption: Relating to fixing the maximum amount of fees which county clerks can receive under the provisions of the Maximum Fee Bill in Counties having a prescribed population.
SB 93 Caption: Relating to authorizing the commissioners' court in certain counties to allow each county commissioner certain expenses for traveling and in connection with the use of his automobile on official business.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to the purchase of bonds by the State Board of Education and providing that the State Board of Education may purchase school bonds from the Board of County and District Road Indebtedness.
SB 108 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute relating to the authority of the County Board of Trustees to annex and detach from and annex to any school district territory contiguous to the common boundary line of the districts, and reenacting same with certain changes.
SB 113 Caption: Relating to the Athens Independent School District Tax Rate.
SCR 6 Caption: Requesting that the Planning and Coordination Committee for the Petroleum Industry divert a percentage of Texas-produced oil to be carried via railroads.
SCR 16 Caption: Authorizing the State Superintendent to pay certain sum to the Brownsboro Independent School District.
SCR 23 Caption: Providing for emergency appropriation from the unexpended balance of SB 242.
43rd 2nd Called Session
SB 69 Caption: Relating to authorizing the governing bodies of cities, towns and villages to reduce the required collateral of city depository banks in a sum equal to the amount of such deposits as may be guaranteed or insured by any Act of the Congress of the United States or by the Legislature of Texas.
SCR 13 Caption: Granting W.F. Sewell, Irma Sewell, and J.C. Lewis permission to sue the State Highway Commission and the State of Texas.
SCR 25 Caption: Declaring legislative intent regarding applications to lease unsurveyed school lands.
43rd 3rd Called Session
SCR 14 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #11 so that the Senate might introduce a bill designating fur-bearing animals property of the State.
SR 28 Caption: Inviting Senator-elect Clay Cotten to address the House.
42nd Regular Session
SB 239 Caption: Relating to renewing and extending Oil Gas Permit Number 13594 issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the State of Texas on the 23rd day of August, A.D. 1928, covering forty seven (47) acres of land, in the bed of the Neches River, located in Anderson and Cherokee Counties, Texas, so that the date of expiration of said permit be January 1, 1932.
SB 248 Caption: Relating to directing the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to pay out of Rural Aid Funds heretofore appropriated by the 41st Legislature as rewards for certain school district consolidations.
SB 252 Caption: Relating to creating a Special Road Law for Henderson County.
SB 263 Caption: Relating to appropriating two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the next two fiscal years for the purpose of promoting the public school interests of rural schools and equalizing the school opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age living in small and financially weak districts, attaching conditions, regulations and limitations relative thereto authorizing aid to such schools in accordance with the conditions herein specified.
SB 264 Caption: Relating to congressional redistricting.
SB 277 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to include in the provisions thereof the non-resident mutual assessment life, health and accident insurance companies.
SB 278 Caption: Relating to directing the State superintendent of Public Instruction to pay out of Rural Aid Funds heretofore appropriated by the 41st or 42nd Legislatures as reward to the Poynor School District and the Frankston Independent School District.
SB 290 Caption: Relating to providing that all the provisions of the laws of this State applicable to the life, fire, marine, inland, lightning, tornado or casualty insurance companies shall, so far as the same are applicable, govern and apply to all companies transacting any other kind of insurance business in this State.
SB 291 Caption: Relating to prohibiting Domestic Insurance carriers from doing business in any other State or territory of the United States without being legally admitted to do so under the laws of such State; providing for the revocation of the license of such carrier.
SB 292 Caption: Relating to requiring every insurance company not organized under the laws of this State to make a special deposit to file with the Board of Insurance Commissioners a bond with good and sufficient surety in a sum equal to twenty-five per cent of its premiums.
SB 293 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to provide that the deposits there-required or therein referred to shall be for the benefit of the Texas holders of the obligations of the depositor.
SB 367 Caption: Relating to providing relief for the Frost Independent School District of Navarro County, Texas, in order to aid said School District in rebuilding its properties and equipping its schools destroyed by the cyclone which struck the Community of Frost on May 6, 1930.
SB 399 Caption: Relating to providing for the employment of County Supervisors of rural schools.
SB 418 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts so as to provide that either the District Clerk or a Clerk appointed may discharge the duties of Clerk of the Administrative District.
SB 496 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into Representative Districts.
SB 538 Caption: Relating to providing free textbooks for cities of ten thousand or over according to the last preceding U.S. census.
SB 544 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to accept and award all applications for the repurchase of certain public school land located in El Paso County, Texas.
SCR 18 Caption: Relating to accepting portrait of Henry T. Allen.
SCR 27 Caption: Relating to the acceptance of the Greek flag.
SCR 40 Caption: Recalling S.B. 371 from the Governor.
SJR 31 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that the Legislature shall have power to provide that students within High School grade residing within School Districts having no High School may attend High School in any other District.
SR 97 Caption: In memory of Allie Nash Young of Kaufman.
SR 121 Caption: Electing children of Senate members to the office of mascot.
SR 161 Caption: In memory of J.H. Woods of Corsicana.
42nd 1st Called Session
SB 41 Caption: Relating to providing free tuition for all pupils over six years of age and not over twenty-one years of age in certain school districts; to providing for length of free term to be allowed transferred pupils.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts providing for the taking of fish from the fresh waters of Hunt County, Kaufman County and Rains County, Texas, and making it unlawful to take any such fish except by ordinary hook and line or by seine or net, the mesh of which is less than one and one-half inch square; fixing penalty.
SB 64 Caption: Relating to apportioning the state into Congressional Districts, naming the counties composing the same and providing for the election of a member of the Congress of the United States from each district.
42nd 2nd Called Session
SB 40 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to Average Weekly Wages
SB 41 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to worker's compensation.
SCR 11 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate advisability of State's taking over the McFarlin Farm.
42nd 3rd Called Session
SB 8 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering Building and Loan Associations, Savings and Loan Associations, Cooperative Banks, Homestead Associations, Insurance Companies and Savings Banks, or any Loan Company organized or incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, to subscribe for, and invest their funds in the stock of the Federal Home Loan Bank, of which it may be eligible to become a member, in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress known and cited as the "Federal Home Loan Bank Act."
SB 22 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Department of Education to pay out of the Rural Aid Appropriation for the payment of unpaid claims for the school year of 1931-1932.
SB 45 Caption: Relating to granting permission to E.A. Eliot and wife, Mrs. Hattie Eliot, to sue and maintain a suit against the State Highway Commission as such and the State of Texas and members of the State Highway Commission for damages to their land and crops by virtues of the construction of State Highway No. 32.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to granting permission to J.F. Bentley of Navarro County to sue and maintain a suit against the State Highway Commission as such and the State of Texas and members of the State Highway Commission for damages for killing two mules and injury to wagon and harness and personal injuries.
SB 47 Caption: Relating to granting W.F. Sewell and his wife Mrs. Irma Sewell, and J.C. Lewis to sue and maintain a suit against the State Highway Commission and the State of Texas and members of the State Highway Commission for damages to their land and crops which they claim by virtue of the construction of State Highway No. 32.
41st Regular Session
SB 56 Caption: Relating to regulating and fixing fees of Justice of the Peace in Criminal Actions tried before them; providing for a trial fee to be paid to the Justice of the Peace out of the County General Fund.
SB 67 Caption: Relating to the extension of teachers' certificates.
SB 68 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of Chapter 36, General and Special Laws of the Fortieth Legislature.
SB 128 Caption: Relating to the duties of the County Board of Trustees of public schools of this State, in certain counties, authorizing them to to condemn land for school purposes.
SB 211 Caption: Relating to pertaining to the term of office of trustees in common school districts; providing for filling vacancies in said office.
SB 217 Caption: Relating to the duties of trustees of common school districts in the control of the public schools.
SB 218 Caption: Relating to the administration of the public schools in certain common school and independent school districts.
SB 219 Caption: Relating to election of county boards of trustees.
SB 234 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws prohibiting any Commissioners Court creating any annual current indebtedness which shall exceed the annual current revenues of any such County.
SB 239 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the purpose of promoting rural school education and equalizing the school opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age.
SB 305 Caption: Relating to the subject of change of general offices, machine shops, or round houses so as to include terminals.
SB 365 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws fixing the salaries of county school superintendents.
SB 377 Caption: Relating to preventing the purchase of automobiles by the State for the use of officers and employees.
SB 385 Caption: Relating to the State Board of Education; providing for the appointment of members of said board; making an appropriation.
SB 394 Caption: Relating to providing special provisions in the election laws of the State of Texas relating to voting machines.
SB 414 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Freestone County, Texas.
SB 430 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to supplement the rural aid fund.
SB 503 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the expenses of the Board of Managers of the Texas State Railroad.
SB 510 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Anderson County.
SB 527 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Anderson County, Texas.
SB 536 Caption: Relating to providing for a rural school supervisor in certain counties in lieu of teachers' institutes.
SB 574 Caption: Relating to providing for a rural school supervisor in certain counties in lieu of teachers' institutes.
SB 611 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to supplement the appropriation for rural aid.
SCR 35 Caption: Recalling Senate Bill No. 414 from the Governor's office for further consideration and correction.
SCR 38 Caption: Requesting the House to return H. B. No. 10 to the Senate for certain corrections.
SCR 39 Caption: Requesting the House to return S. B. No. 414 to the Senate for the purpose of obtaining a record vote.
SR 41 Caption: Providing for an increase in the daily number of Senate Journals that are printed.
41st 1st Called Session
SB 32 Caption: Relating to providing for the assessment and collection of taxes by independent school districts.
SB 33 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Statute; relating to the administration of the public schools in certain common and independent school districts.
SB 67 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to term of contract of superintendents, principals, teachers, or other executive officers in independent school districts.
SB 117 Caption: Relating to terms of the District Court in the Third Judicial District of Texas; amending a certain Statute.
SB 119 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Anderson County, Texas.
41st 2nd Called Session
SB 30 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the purpose of promoting rural school education and equaling the school opportunities afforded by the state to all children of scholastic age living in small and financially weak districts.
SB 78 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the traveling, clerical and other expenses of the Board of Managers of the Texas State Railroad.
SB 79 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the benefit of Slocum Consolidating School District No. 5 of Anderson County.
SB 113 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying and approving the Acts and proceedings of the county board of school trustees relating to annexation of territory in certain independent school districts.
SB 128 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying and approving the Acts and proceedings of the county board of school trustees relating to annexation of territory to certain independent school districts.
SB 164 Caption: Relating to providing for a rural school supervisor in certain counties in lieu of teachers' institutes.
SB 171 Caption: Relating to changing the law in reference to the number of witnesses required in support of certain matter contained in applications for pensions.
SB 182 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the erection of a monument in memory of John W. McFarlane.
41st 3rd Called Session
SB 8 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the erection of a monument in memory of John W. McFarlane.
SB 21 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the traveling, clerical and other expenses of the Board of Managers.
SB 23 Caption: Relating to providing for a rural school supervisor in certain counties in lieu of teachers' institutes.
SB 27 Caption: Relating to levying and collecting road tax in Freestone County.
SCR 1 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 3 to the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
41st 5th Called Session
SB 60 Caption: Relating to authorizing the repurchase of public school land in El Paso County, Texas.
SB 61 Caption: Relating to providing for a rural school supervisor in certain counties in lieu of teachers' institutes; prescribing the duties of said supervisor.
SB 66 Caption: Relating to extending any appropriation heretofore made for the year ending August 31, 1930, out of the general revenues for the purpose of promoting the public school interest of rural school and equalizing the educational opportunities afforded by the State to all children of scholastic age living in small and financially weak school districts, so that the same may be used for the next fiscal year if there be any remaining at the end of this fiscal year.
SB 93 Caption: Relating to directing State Superintendent of Public Instruction to pay out of rural aid funds heretofore appropriated by the 41st Legislature, Third Called Session, a certain sum of money, as a reward for consolidation to the Brownsboro Consolidated School District and the Mt. Calm Consolidated School District.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws providing supplemental State aid to certain school districts.
SCR 4 Caption: Urging Henry Ford to construct an industrial school in the city of Corsicana.
40th Regular Session
SB 8 Caption: Relating to appropriate Four Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the general revenue not otherwise appropriated, to supplement the state available school fund derived from all other sources for the support and maintenance of the public free schools of the state of Texas, for the scholastic year beginning September 1, 1927.
SB 123 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating the Poyner Independent School District lying in the counties of Henderson and Anderson in the State of Texas, defining the boundaries thereof.
SB 214 Caption: Relating to primary elections and nominations of candidates by political parties; providing a better method of selecting nominees of political parties.
SB 340 Caption: Relating to independent school districts being incorporated for free school purposes only and having according to the Texas scholastic census of 1926 not less than two hundred and eighty-five scholastics nor more than two hundred and ninety-five scholastics.
SB 381 Caption: Relating to fixing the fees of the constable for services rendered in business connected with courts of justices of the peace.
SB 466 Caption: Relating to providing penalties for persons willfully and maliciously destroying personal property.
SJR 32 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that any bill, resolution, measure or business introduced or initiated at a biennial session of the Legislature shall remain pending business during any session prior to the convening of the next biennial session thereafter, unless the Governor eliminates the same or a portion thereof in his proclamation.
SR 62 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a Legislative Committee to investigate free textbooks.
SR 93 Caption: Providing for expenses of the State Song Committee.
40th 1st Called Session
SB 11 Caption: Relating to appropriating one and a half million dollars per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the next two fiscal years, for the purpose of promoting rural school education and equalizing the school opportunities afforded by the state to all children of scholastic age living in small and financially weak districts.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to making provision for the continuance of teachers certificates for one year where the holder of same takes and passes four subjects or courses at a summer school of a State Teachers College or any other institution rated as first class by the State Department of Education, and defining the meaning of courses for the purpose of this Act.
SB 48 Caption: Relating to the duties of the County Board of Trustees of the public schools of this State, in all counties having not less than 34,000 and not more than 34,500 population, according to the federal census of 1920, authorizing them to condemn land for school purposes.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to providing for the issuance of road bonds in districts composed of any number of adjoining counties in this State; providing the necessary machinery and regulations as to the voting of same, and the disposition of the proceeds thereof for road purposes.
SR 35 Caption: Inviting former Senator J.H. Woods to address the Senate.
38th Regular Session
HB 192 Caption: Relating to promoting the public school interests of rural schools and those of small towns, of aiding the people to provide adequate school facilities for the education of their children.
HB 244 Caption: Relating to validating certain school districts where such districts have undertaken to issue school bonds or levy special taxes.
HB 288 Caption: Relating to the election of the county school trustees and prescribing addition duties of said trustees.
HB 325 Caption: Relating to requiring a record kept and report made of attendance of teachers at summer normal and county institutes and providing full pay for attendance upon teachers' institutes.
HB 397 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to supplement the amount of one million dollars appropriated for the aid of the rural schools for the scholastic year.
HB 426 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to allow the husband or wife to secure a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, when either the husband or wife has been convicted of lunacy in a court of competent jurisdiction.
HB 466 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to primary elections, prescribing the form of the ballot to be used at such elections, the manner of counting the votes and declaring the result of such election.
HB 534 Caption: Relating to providing for the censorship of moving picture films to be exhibited in Texas so as to prevent the exhibition of such films that are not of a moral, educational or amusing and harmless character; creating a Board of Censors of motion picture films.
HB 643 Caption: Relating to creating the Brownsboro Independent School District in Henderson County, Texas; defining its boundaries.
HJR 19 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Article 8 of the State Constitution providing for the exemption of cotton mills from taxation for a period of ten years.
HR 79 Caption: Inviting the Ebenezer Baptist Chorus to perform for the Members of the House.
38th 2nd Called Session
HB 23 Caption: Relating to promoting the public school interests of rural schools and those of small towns, aiding the people to provide adequate school facilities for the education of their children.
HR 11 Caption: Inviting the Ebenezer Choral Club of the St. John's Orphan Home to perform for the Members of the House.
38th 3rd Called Session
HB 51 Caption: Relating to the purpose of promoting the public school interests of rural schools and those of small towns, of aiding the people to provide adequate school facilities for the education of their children, by the appropriation of one and a half million ($1,500,000.00) dollars per year, for the next two fiscal years, ending August 31, 1924, and August 31, 1925, respectively.
HCR 20 Caption: Directing the enrolling clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 51.
HCR 21 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return H. B. No. 51 to the legislature in order to make certain corrections.
37th Regular Session
HB 104 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the suspended sentence law.
HB 210 Caption: Relating to a certain Act fixing the compensation of County Commissioners.
HB 309 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation of County Commissioners in counties having a certain population according to the last United States census.
HB 382 Caption: Relating to conferring certain powers upon county Commissioners' Court.
HB 497 Caption: Relating to hunting or killing quail in Henderson county.
HB 567 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the free text book law.