Legislation authored by William Edgar Thomason

Includes legislation with William Edgar Thomason as the primary author for the 35th through 42nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

42nd Regular Session
SB 77 Caption: Relating to validating election of County School Superintendents.
SB 108 Caption: Relating to providing for the licensing and regulation of the business of making loans in sum of three hundred dollars or less at a greater rate of interest than ten per centum per annum.
SB 111 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code by prohibiting deer hunting with dogs in certain counties.
SB 112 Caption: Relative to declaring State Game Preserves to be a public use and authorizing the State Game Fish and Oyster Commission to purchase land when needed for use as State Game Preserves.
SB 113 Caption: Relative to prohibiting the sale, offering for sale or having in possession for the purpose of sale any fish taken from the waters of the Sabine River, Attoyac River, Angelina River and the Neches River.
SB 127 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to the organization and operating expenses of the State Highway Department, so as to increase the compensation of the members of the Commission and to require them to devote their full time to the duties of office.
SB 136 Caption: Relating to providing for changing and prescribing terms and times of holding the Courts in the Second Judicial District of Texas.
SB 155 Caption: Relative to amending the Penal Code in reference to storage of Wild Game Birds, Wild Fowls and Wild Game animals.
SB 175 Caption: Relating to repealing Senate Bill No. 483, Chapter 174 Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-First Legislature.
SB 265 Caption: Relating to providing for a Rural School Supervisor in certain counties in lieu of Teachers' Institutes.
SB 380 Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of private corporations for the purpose of acquiring and owning lands owned by private corporations and/or Trust Estates, operating by and through Trustees under Declaration of Trust, and acquired on or before March 1, 1931, from which the timber has been cut and removed, wholly or in part, for lumbering purposes.
SB 391 Caption: Relating to providing for the prompt payment of the salary and expenses of official shorthand reporters.
SB 392 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the benefit of Fastrill Common School District No.10 of Cherokee County on account of the recent destruction of the school buildings and facilities in the territory now composing said district.
SB 579 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of an inspector and expert rebuilder of pianos and other musical instruments.
SB 592 Caption: Relating to trapping methods in certain counties.
SB 629 Caption: Relating to providing for a Rural School Supervisor in certain counties in lieu of Teachers' Institutes.
SJR 15 Caption: Proposing an amendment limiting the power of suspending laws in this State to the Legislature and providing that the Legislature may delegate to the department of the State Government charged with the duty of enforcing and administering the game and fish laws of this State such powers as the Legislature may from time to time desire to delegate.
42nd 2nd Called Session
SB 19 Caption: Relating to validating the organization and creation of all School Districts and validating all bonds voted, authorized and or sold and or now outstanding of said Districts.
42nd 3rd Called Session
SB 50 Caption: Relating to the repeal of certain school law.
41st Regular Session
SB 48 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles of the Penal Code relating to cutting down or destroying any tree or timber upon any land not his own; increasing the penalty.
SB 92 Caption: Relating to the making of bonds for the securing of County Deposits, declaring who may make such bonds and the amount and character of the security that may be accepted by the Commissioners Court to secure such deposits.
SB 174 Caption: Relating to providing for the office of District Attorney in the Second Judicial District of Texas to perform the duties of a District Attorney under the Constitution and laws of this State.
SB 272 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds by towns and villages incorporated for free school purposes only.
SB 291 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for San Augustine County, Texas.
SB 310 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Jasper County, Texas.
SB 315 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation for the Assistant Adjutant General at three thousand dollars annually, payable monthly.
SB 334 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners' Court of Tyler County, Texas to issue bonds of said county for the purpose of funding or refunding indebtedness incurred for Road and bridge purposes and to levy a tax in payment thereof.
SB 358 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment or election and term of office of school trustees in all independent, consolidated and rural high school districts.
SB 374 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person to fish by means of a net in the counties of Cherokee, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Angelina, Sabine, Newton, Jasper and Tyler.
SB 375 Caption: Relating to the killing of wild birds and animals in certain counties; providing a penalty.
SB 466 Caption: Relating to hunting licenses; providing penalties.
SB 470 Caption: Relating to providing for payment of salaries of County Commissioners in Nacogdoches County out of the Road and Bridge Fund.
SB 483 Caption: Relating to creating a special road law for Cherokee County, Texas, requiring surety bonds of Road over-seers, containing provision that said county may fund the legal indebtedness outstanding against its road and bridge fund as of January 1, 1929, setting forth the method of said operation.
SB 506 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any student attending any State educational institution in this State to belong to or be a member of any Greek letter fraternity sorority or club; prescribing a penalty.
SB 523 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws fixing the maximum fees and excess fees that may be retained by the county attorney of certain counties.
SB 560 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation of County Commissioners in certain counties and prescribing how same shall be paid.
SB 564 Caption: Relating to protect the rights of the public to fishing and hunting and for park purposes in the waters of Caddo lake and lands adjacent thereto.
SB 595 Caption: Relating to providing for the administration of schools in certain classes of counties.
SCR 37 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to inspect certain property for the feasibility of constructing a suitable facility for the treatment of "the unfortunate insane".
SJR 21 Caption: Proposing an amendment fixing the compensation of the State Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Treasurer and the Commissioner of the General Land Office; making an appropriation.
SR 42 Caption: Providing newspapers and supplies for the Senate librarian.
SR 64 Caption: Ordering Senator Holbrook's memorial address at the funeral of the late Senator I. D. Fairchild printed in the Journal.
41st 1st Called Session
SB 55 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Control to select and set aside so much of the lands of the Texas Penitentiary at Rusk, Texas as may be requisite and necessary for the use of Rusk State Hospital.
SB 70 Caption: Relating to validating matters and things heretofore done and performed in Wells Independent School District No. 8.
SCR 8 Caption: Commending various organizations and people in Kingsville for their hospitality.
41st 2nd Called Session
SB 24 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay the increase in the salary of the Assistant Adjutant General of the State.
SB 48 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles; providing for the appointment or election and term of office of school trustees in all independent, consolidated and rural high school districts.
SB 66 Caption: Relating to exempting veteran soldiers and others serving in the Spanish-American War from payment of fees or charges in State Institutions, schools or Colleges of this State to the same extent that those serving in the World War are exempt from same under the laws of this State.
SB 105 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the court reporter in certain judicial districts.
SB 125 Caption: Relating to re-appropriating and extending the appropriation made for the Texas Department of Forestry of the A. and M. College for the purchase of forest land in the longleaf pine section, said appropriation being for the two fiscal years ending August 31, 1929.
SB 132 Caption: Relating to the duties of the County Board of Education and the County Superintendent of certain counties; providing the method of election of the County Board of Education.
SB 135 Caption: Relating to setting aside certain penitentiary lands for Rusk State Hospital.
SB 172 Caption: Relating to forfeiture of school land in San Augustine county.
SCR 29 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 172 to the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
41st 4th Called Session
SB 36 Caption: Relating to the duties of the county board of trustees of the public schools of certain counties.
SB 60 Caption: Relating to providing for a maximum amount to be budgeted by the county board of school trustees.
SB 79 Caption: Relating to regulating the killing of wild turkeys in the counties composing the Third, Fifth, and Fourteenth Senatorial Districts.
41st 5th Called Session
SB 45 Caption: Relating to providing for a maximum amount to be budgeted by the county board of school trustees for annual office and traveling expenses of the county superintendent of public instruction.
SB 92 Caption: Relating to subjecting to taxation for school purposes all land in Cherokee County, Texas, owned by the State of Texas and Prison Commission of Texas, except the land heretofore set aside for the Rusk State Hospital, but including the land heretofore set aside to the Agricultural and Mechanical College for re-forestration purposes.
37th Regular Session
HB 117 Caption: Relating to a certain Act promoting public school interest of rural schools.
HB 118 Caption: Relating to independent and common school districts; providing for the levy and collection of maintenance taxes by such districts.
HB 121 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding an occupation tax on the sale of pistols; providing a penalty.
HB 184 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding an appropriation for vocational education.
HB 223 Caption: Relating to a certain Act validating, ratifying and confirming certain titles to lands in the Baltazar de la Garza grant of land in Nacogdoches County, abandoning all claims of the State of Texas to said lands.
HB 302 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to free text books.
HB 303 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the compulsory attendance law.
HB 304 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to certification of teachers.
HB 332 Caption: Relating to providing for promotion of vocational rehabilitation.
HB 333 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the powers of school trustees in choosing a depository.
HB 347 Caption: Relating to making certain changes in the State course of study.
HB 556 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act securing greater efficiency in the distribution, etc., of uniform text books.
37th 1st Called Session
HR 29 Caption: Inviting former State Representative Eugene Nordhaus to address the Legislature.
36th Regular Session
HB 112 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment and maintenance of a State Home for Dependent and Neglected white children, to locate the same and and provide for its control and management, making appropriation for such purposes.
HB 149 Caption: Relating to providing for the sanitation, healthfulness and cleanliness and safety of swimming pools, public bathhouses, swimming and bathing places; regulating the granting and revocation of permits therefor from the State Board of Health; providing for the inspection of such places; declaring places and things in violation of this act to be nuisances dangerous to health and providing for the statement of same; making violations of this act misdemeanors; and providing for the punishment of same.
HB 206 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to notaries public so as to require, in addition to having engraved on the seal of such officer the words "Notary Public" and the name of the county for which such officer is appointed and the word "Texas," such officer to have engraved on his seal his name and initials.
HB 267 Caption: Relating to fixing the burden of proof as to heirship in suits by, or on behalf of, or by any person through or under any heir or heirs, in case involving the title to real estate or any interest therein, where deeds of conveyance or other instruments of writing have been executed and recorded according to law, for a period of twenty-one years, by such heir or heirs or any person or persons purporting in such deed of conveyance, or other instrument in writing, to be such heir or heirs.
HB 470 Caption: Relating to changing the boundaries of the Chireno Independent School District in Nacogdoches County, Texas, and providing that certain territory which before said act was passed, constituted Bethel Common School District in Nacogdoches County, Texas, shall be transferred to and remain a part of, and constitute Bethel Common School District in Nacogdoches County, Texas.
HB 492 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute in regard to wages of teachers.
HR 22 Caption: Dedicating Camp Mabry to the Thirty-sixth Division American Expeditionary Forces for their service in France.
HR 46 Caption: Endorsing pending federal bill that would allow for extra pay for honorably discharged soldiers.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 196 Caption: Relating to adding territory to the present Cushing Independent School District of Nacogdoches and Rusk Counties.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to amending the Teachers Certificate Code; arranging for reciprocity in certificates with other states and emphasizing professional training.
HB 170 Caption: Relating to conferring certain powers upon the Commissioner's Courts of the state; authorizing said courts to make appropriation out of county funds for farms cooperative demonstration work and home demonstration work.
35th Regular Session
HB 296 Caption: Relating to the election of county school trustees, the manner of having the names of candidates placed on the ballot, fixing the date and providing who shall participate in said elections.
HB 405 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment, maintenance and government of a State Normal College in Nacogdoches to be known as the East Texas State Normal College.
HB 408 Caption: Relating to creating the office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction; defining the duties of commissioners courts with relevance to said offices.
HB 608 Caption: Relating to creating the Chireno Independent School District in Nacogdoches county, Texas.
HB 609 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as the Woden Independent School District in Nacogdoches county, Texas.
HB 627 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of expense of surveying the boundary lines of common school districts.
HB 764 Caption: Relating to remitting certain State taxes to the Garrison Independent School District.
HB 848 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating the Mercedes Independent School District in Hidalgo county.
HCR 13 Caption: Providing for a joint meeting of the House and Senate Committees on Education.
HR 41 Caption: Relating to the payment to rent the use of typewriters.
HR 69 Caption: Granting the executive committee of Texas State Teacher's Association permission to use the House Chamber.
HR 105 Caption: Inviting Representative G.B. Terrell to read the "Appeal to the Powers" to the House.
HR 127 Caption: Commending the citizens of San Antonio for hosting the Members of the Legislature.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 71 Caption: Relating to accepting the benefits of an Act passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America for the promotion of vocation education; providing compensations for appropriations by local boards.
HR 34 Caption: Granting the University Scholastic League permission to use the House Cham