Legislation authored by Arthur Wellington Griffith

Includes legislation with Arthur Wellington Griffith as the primary author for the 43rd through 43rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

43rd Regular Session
HB 161 Caption: Relating to amending certain article of the Penal Code of 1925 relating to license for hunting with gun.
HB 162 Caption: Relating to providing that the governing body of any incorporated town or city in excess of 5,000 inhabitants, shall be authorized to levy a tax of two mills for each $1 of taxable property within such city or town for the purpose of raising funds for the poor or the Community Chest; providing for the method of distribution of said funds.
HB 172 Caption: Relating to providing that if any person shall charge, receive, or collect interest in excess of the legal rate of ten percent (10%) as provided for in certain statute, he shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a felony, and shall be confined in the penitentiary for not more than two years.
HB 173 Caption: Relating to providing that any single, unmarried person, whose parents are deceased, or divorced, shall be entitled to the same homestead exemption as is provided for in certain statutes.
HB 323 Caption: Relating to releasing all interest and penalties on registration fees on motor vehicles for which a license fee is due on or before January 31, 1933, and extending the time of payment of same until May 1, 1933.
HB 329 Caption: Relating to regulating the avocation and art of barbering, prescribing such sanitary rules and regulations in order to insure the proper sanitary conditions and to prevent the spreading of diseases; providing a penalty therefor.
HB 365 Caption: Relating to procedure of election precincts on ballots cast.
HB 366 Caption: Relating to procedure of election precincts on ballots cast.
HB 391 Caption: Relating to providing that all saleslady employees of any person, corporation, or association, shall receive a minimum wage of twelve dollars per week; providing that certain persons shall not be within the terms of this Act, upon application to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and his approval of the same, exempting certain persons who are not sales employees, providing for a penalty.
HB 712 Caption: Relating to preventing intrastate commerce in certain commodities and articles produced or manufactured in industrial activities, in which persons are employed more than five days per week or six hours per day.
HB 819 Caption: Relating to defining the term "plumber" or "plumbing" in connection with certain statutes.
HB 907 Caption: Relating to providing that each bale of cotton shall have a metal tag affized to the tie, show the bonded gin number and bale number, and by further providing for the receipts to be issued by said ginner, and the length of time that the duplicate receipt is to be kept by said ginner.
HCR 84 Caption: Authorizing the State Treasurer to place $500 into the General Revenue Fund.
HCR 97 Caption: Granting Maud Richow permission to sue the State of Texas.
HJR 24 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 11, of Article XVI, of the Constitution of the State of Texas, by adding to said Section 11 further provision, authorizing parties to contract for a greater rate of interest than ten (10) per centum, where the amount borrowed is not in excess of the sum of three hundred dollars ($300).
HR 38 Caption: Providing for the posting of times of committee meetings.
HR 67 Caption: Providing for the presentation of a gavel to Speaker of the House Coke R. Stevenson.
HR 137 Caption: Granting use of the Hall of the House to the State Board of Medical Examiners.
HR 174 Caption: Granting use of the Hall of the House for the exhibition of motion pictures showing the construction of the highway between Laredo and Mexico City.
HR 178 Caption: In memory of House chaplain John C. Mitchell.
HR 183 Caption: Recommending that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation rebuild the Austin-Marble Falls Highway.
HR 190 Caption: Inviting Representative J. Manly Head to sing before the House.
43rd 1st Called Session
HB 14 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the governing boards of the several State-supported institutions of collegiate rank to except and exempt from the payment of all fees, dues, and charges, except for lodging, board, and clothing, all citizens of Texas who have resided in Texas for a period of not less than twelve (12) months prior to the date of registration, and who served as nurses of, or as members in, the armed forces of the United States during the Spanish-American and/or the World War.
HB 98 Caption: Relating to providing for the investigation and study of wages of women and minors employed in trade and industry in the State of Texas.
HB 99 Caption: Relating to defining the term "plumber" or "plumbing," in connection with certain statutes.
HB 140 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for traveling expenses for the Commissioners and secretary of the State Commission for the Blind for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1933, and ending August 31, 1935.
43rd 2nd Called Session
HB 20 Caption: Relating to the license fees for the registration of motorcycles, side cars, and passenger automobiles.
HB 42 Caption: Relating to providing for an appropriation to pay the necessary expenses incurred by the previous passage of the resolution passed at this Special Session whereby the Secretary of State was instructed to dispose of or burn the unnecessary voluminous records that have been accumulated from time to time within the Department of the Secretary of State.
HB 54 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the State Commission for the Blind; authorizing the State Commission for the Blind to employ an additional stenographer.
HB 153 Caption: Relating to creating a water conservation and reclamation district as a public corporation under certain statute.
HCR 19 Caption: Inviting Deloss Walker to address a joint session of the Legislature.
HCR 42 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule #11 so that the House might consider SB 66.
43rd 3rd Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay claim of Miss Maude Reichaw, account injury by State Highway truck, out of the funds of the State Highway Department; authorizing the payment of said claim on the taking effect of this Act.
HB 22 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the State Commission for the Blind; authorizing the State Commission for the Blind to employ an additional stenographer.
HB 93 Caption: Relating to granting to Miss Maude Reichaw permission to bring suit against the State of Texas and the State Highway Department as in other civil cases; placing venue in Travis County, Texas.
43rd 4th Called Session
HB 46 Caption: Relating to the licensing of operators of motorcycles and passenger automobiles; providing for exceptions to drivers in this State who are duly licensed in other States.
HB 50 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to be used by the State Depository Board to pay rent for safety deposit boxes rented by the Board from any bank located in the City of Austin for the purpose of depositing securities, where such obligations for rent have been incurred by the State Depository Board pursuant to certain statute.
HCR 6 Caption: Memorializing President Roosevelt and the State Board of Control to appoint a retired army officer to direct and supervise the dispensation of relief.