Legislation authored by Hyle Appleton Justice

Includes legislation with Hyle Appleton Justice as the primary author for the 39th through 40th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

39th Regular Session
HB 176 Caption: Relating to validating Common County Line Consolidated School District No. 3 of Henderson and Kaufman Counties.
HB 177 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to requiring that any district or county attorneys shall institute legal proceedings in certain cases so as to provide that it shall be the duty of such district or county attorneys to institute such proceeding as are necessary to recover such compensation as may be unlawfully paid to or received by any officer in the district; preventing the payment of such compensation.
HB 542 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating the Cross Roads County Line Independent School District lying in the counties of Henderson and Anderson in the State of Texas, defining the boundaries thereof.
HB 647 Caption: Relating to placing a closed season of three years on quail in the county of Henderson; providing a penalty for the violation of same.
HB 657 Caption: Relating to incorporating the Trinidad Independent School District in Henderson County, Texas, out of territory now comprising the Trinidad Common School District Number 6, Henderson County, Texas.
39th 1st Called Session
HB 277 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Four (4), in Henderson County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 305 Caption: Relating to creating Athens Independent School District in Henderson County, Texas.
HB 308 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number One (1), in Henderson County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 309 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Three (3), in Henderson County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.