Legislation authored by Arren Calvin Buchanan

Includes legislation with Arren Calvin Buchanan as the primary author for the 35th through 37th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

37th Regular Session
SB 66 Caption: Relating to fees to be paid by applicants for licenses as embalmers and the annual fees to be paid by registered embalmers, to provide a penalty for the violation thereof or the failure to pay such fees.
SB 102 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of a State Forester, providing for the duties, etc.
SB 186 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale of the University of Texas state lands, etc.
SB 343 Caption: Relating to providing an appropriation to carry out previous authorized plans for the completion of school on Ferguson Farm known as the State Training School for Negro Boys.
37th 1st Called Session
SB 53 Caption: Relating to providing for a State Warehouse Commission.
36th Regular Session
SB 3 Caption: Relating to providing for the registration of land titles in this State, prescribing the procedure, the duties of officers in relation thereto, the venue, the form of registration certificates and the recording thereof; for the appointment of examiners and fee to be charged in such proceedings to establish permanent land lines and corner, and prevent delinquent taxes.
SB 4 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the maintenance and operation of pool halls within this State and defining the term pool hall; fixing a penalty for a violation of this act and providing that the Attorney General, or any district or county attorney, may, either in term time or in vacation, apply to the district judge of the district wherein such pool hall is located, or to any district judge in Travis County for an injunction to prohibit the maintenance and operation of such pool halls and providing for the issuance of temporary injunctions and restraining orders.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles prescribing eligibility of state, county, precinct and municipal officers of this State, and prohibiting issuance of certificates of election to any one ineligible to hold office in this State and prohibiting the issuance of certificates of party nominations of ineligible candidates and prohibiting the placing of the name of any ineligible candidate upon the ballot for any general or special election.
SB 238 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to lease the lands owned by the State under the control and management of the Board of Prison Commissioners known as the penitentiary lands, and the land under the control and management of the Board of the Institution for Training of Juveniles, located in Coryell County, Texas, to any person, firm or corporation, desiring the right to prospect for and develop petroleum oil or natural gas thereon.
SB 315 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts providing that the Live Stock Sanitary Commission shall as far as possible destroy and eradicate fever carrying ticks, contagious, infectious and communicable diseases of live stock, and shall establish special quarantine districts, where necessary.
SJR 7 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that every person, male or female, subject to no constitutional disqualifications who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years shall be deemed a qualified elector.
SR 12 Caption: Adding Senator Woods to the Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
SR 99 Caption: Inviting former Senator C.W. Taylor to address the Senate.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 17 Caption: Relating to dogs; the prevention of the spread of hydrophobia by dogs, promotion of livestock industries and the protection of livestock and poultry from damage by dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs; providing penalties.
SB 115 Caption: Relating to providing that any person who is the owner of any dog which is accustomed to run, worry or kill sheep or goats shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
SB 119 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to prohibit the issuance of certificates of party nominations of ineligible candidate, and prohibiting the placing of the name of any ineligible candidate upon the ballot for any general or special election.
SB 120 Caption: Relating to creating the Academy Consolidated Independent School District.
SB 149 Caption: Relating to the relief of railway corporations having charters granted or amending since the first day of January 1892 and which have failed or are about to fail to construct their roads and branches within the time required by law.
36th 3rd Called Session
SB 71 Caption: Relating to making certain emergency appropriations out of the general revenues for the several institutions and departments of the State Government, and providing for the payment of certain sums out of the special game fund for the years ending August 31, 1920 and August 31, 1921.
SR 9 Caption: Extending the privileges of the floor to Matthew Hall, former senator of Nebraska.
36th 4th Called Session
SB 2 Caption: Relating to defining who are qualified electors and entitled to participate in elections; fixing the venue of all suits involving the validity of any provision of this Act in Travis County.
35th Regular Session
SB 42 Caption: Relating to providing for the registration of land titles, prescribing the procedures, the duties of Officers in relation thereto, the venue, the form of registration certificates and the recording thereof for the appointment of examiners and fees to be charged.
SB 356 Caption: Relating to providing that when board of equalization fixes value of property too high, the owner of same may make affidavit and advertise same for sale of purpose of fixing true value.
SB 365 Caption: Relating to creating a Commission for the Study of Epilepsy.
SB 366 Caption: Relating to requiring railroad companies and receivers of railroad companies contesting in any suit in any court to make certain reports to the Railroad Commission of Texas.
SB 465 Caption: Relating to incorporating the Valley Mills Independent School District, in Bosque and McLennan Counties, Texas.
SCR 15 Caption: Providing for a committee to draft a bill completely revising the statutes relating to ad valorem taxation.
SJR 2 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that the legislature shall have the power to release the payment of delinquent taxes where no action is brought within four years to recover such taxes after same become delinquent.
SR 91 Caption: Inviting former Senator C.W. Taylor to address the Senate.
SR 93 Caption: Providing that the communication from H.C. Poe is printed in the Senate Journal.
35th 1st Called Session
SB 15 Caption: Relating to creating the Armstrong Independent School District in Bell County.
SR 15 Caption: Inviting Jacob F. Wolters to address the Senate.
35th 2nd Called Session
SB 6 Caption: Relating to creating the Center Oak Independent School District of Bell County, Texas, with certain metes and bounds.
35th 3rd Called Session
SB 13 Caption: Relating to establishing and maintaining at the Ferguson State Farm in Madison County, Texas a school for the education and training of delinquent and incorrigible negro boys, to be named and known as the State Training School for Negro Boys, the government and management of which shall be vested in the Board of Prison Commissioners of this State.
35th 4th Called Session
SB 72 Caption: Relating to amending an Act to reorganize the 27th and 35th Judicial Districts of the State of Texas and to fix the time for holding court therein; to fix the time for holding Court in the counties of the 27th Judicial District.
SB 82 Caption: Relating to creating the Gatesville Independent School District in Coryell County.
SB 99 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the support and maintenance of the State training school for juveniles located at Gatesville, Texas, for the current fiscal year ending August 31, 1918.