Legislation authored by William Edward Watts

Includes legislation with William Edward Watts as the primary author for the 37th through 38th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

38th Regular Session
SB 165 Caption: Relating to creating the Boyce Independent School District in Ellis County, Texas; defining its boundaries.
SB 166 Caption: Relating to amending statutes relating to county auditors.
SB 300 Caption: Relating to providing the manner in which notice may be given by a party to a proceeding before any commission board, or other administrative agency in this State.
SB 333 Caption: Relating to providing that in all cases where any bond is now or may hereafter be required to be given or executed by the State Treasurer, or any of his clerks or deputies, that said bond shall be conditioned as now provided by law and shall be executed by some surety or bonding company authorized to do business in this State.
SB 346 Caption: Relating to incorporating the Ennis Independent School District in Ellis County, Texas for free school purposes only.
SB 403 Caption: Relating to validating the Midway Common School District No. 44 of Johnson County as the same is described in the order of the county board of school trustees of Johnson County, dated June 3, 1922.
38th 2nd Called Session
SB 72 Caption: Relating to relieving certain schools and school districts of the State by validating certain school districts, and where such districts have undertaken to provide for the issuance of schoolhouse bonds or the levying of special taxes for any lawful school purposes, validating such bond issues and taxes.
SR 16 Caption: Directing the Texas Employers' Insurance Association to withhold enacting certain recommendations from a special committee report adopted during the 38th Regular Session until further legislation is enacted by the legislature.
37th Regular Session
SB 320 Caption: Relating to the extending of the time for the prospecting for oil and gas on school lands, under the terms of Oil and Gas permits.
SCR 20 Caption: Granting Irwin T. Ward permission to leave the State on absence.
37th 1st Called Session
SB 47 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Fire Insurance Commission to transfer unexpended balances from the appropriation of the 36th Legislature, to a fund to provide payment for printing.
37th 2nd Called Session
SB 11 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay for the printing of the general basis schedules by the State Fire Insurance Commission, and for traveling expenses.