Legislation authored by Otto Wahrmund

Includes legislation with Otto Wahrmund as the primary author for the 31st through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

35th Regular Session
HB 623 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment of a Pasteur institute and bacteriological laboratory.
HR 18 Caption: In memory of former State Representative John W. Flournoy of Bee County, Texas.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of Officers of the National Guard of Texas and prescribing their qualification and tenure of office; providing for the term and requirements for enlistment and the qualifications of enlisted men of the National Guard of Texas.
HB 10 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for expenses of the military forces of the State.
34th Regular Session
HB 660 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to make the rank of the Assistant Adjutant General and Assistant Quartermaster General conform with the regulations of the US War Department.
33rd Regular Session
HB 147 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of corporations for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining aerial tramways; empowering such corporations to condemn lands and issue stocks and bonds.
HB 724 Caption: Relating to providing more efficient road laws for Bexar County, conferring on the Commissioners Court of Bexar County control of all roads, bridges, drains and all works incident to same; providing for the adoption of rules governing same; providing for the abolishment of ex officio Road Commissioner, and prescribing the salaries of the Commissioners; prescribing penalties.
HB 820 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 3 of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1911 relating to the state militia.
HB 839 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 23 of the General Laws of the Thirtieth Legislature, so as to extend the time and prescribe the conditions for certain domestic and foreign corporations now in default, to pay to the Secretary of State franchise taxes and penalties and to have their rights to do business revived.
33rd 1st Called Session
HB 71 Caption: Relating to amending Article 7137 Revised Civil Statutes of 1911, and providing the election of the constable in each justice's precinct, his term of office, and providing that in cities of Eight Thousand or more inhabitants, such constable may by the consent and approval of the Commissioner Court of the County in which the Justice of the Peace precinct for which the constable is elected is located.
32nd Regular Session
HB 465 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the governor of the State to convey to the Texas District of the German Evangelical Synod of North America about twelve acres of land in Bexar County certain uses.
HR 33 Caption: Offering condolences to Roger Byrne for recent loss of two family members.
31st Regular Session
HB 399 Caption: Relating to increasing and fixing the salaries of the judges of the Supreme Court; Court of Criminal Appeals; Courts of Civil Appeals and the district Courts of Texas.
HB 400 Caption: Relating to amending Article 2220, Title XXXIX (39), Chapter 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes relative to the Administration of Community Property where there is no child or children and the husband or wife dies intestate or becomes insane.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to amending Article 2968, Title LV (60), Chapter Three relating to the rights of married women.