Legislation authored by William A. Morris

Includes legislation with William A. Morris as the primary author for the 36th through 37th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

37th Regular Session
HB 285 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the creation of the Nocona Independent School District.
HB 390 Caption: Relating to creating the Saint Jo Independent School District in Montague County, Texas.
HCR 24 Caption: Providing for a refurnishing of a hospital to serve old soldiers and their families.
HCR 30 Caption: Relating to the reimbursement of the Federal cotton tax.
37th 1st Called Session
HR 10 Caption: Inviting W.A. Alexander to address the House.
36th Regular Session
HB 72 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide and fix the compensation of county commissioners in certain counties.
HB 125 Caption: Relating to creating a county tax on dogs in this State, and providing for the assessment and collection of said tax, and providing for compensation to the assessors for assessing dogs for taxation, and providing for a penalty for the failure or refusal of any person to render his or her dog or dogs to the assessor for taxes, when requested to do so by the tax assessor, or any of his deputies.
HB 599 Caption: Relating to repealing certain acts; providing that the management and control of the schools of the City of Bowie shall be vested in the present board of trustees of the Bowie Independent School District; providing that the taxes on the territory now embraced in the Bowie Independent School District; providing that the taxes on the territory now embraced in the Bowie Independent School District, but without the corporate limits of the City of Bowie, shall be levied, assessed, and collected by the proper county authorities of Montague county, Texas, and turned over to the proper authorities of the City of Bowie, Texas, until such time as the City of Bowie shall extend its limits for school purpose only.
HR 146 Caption: Petitioning Congress to amend the Act of March 4, 1917 to permit proof of volunteer defensive service by affidavit of living witnesses.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 217 Caption: Relating to creating a Board of Examiners of Land Surveyors; prohibiting land surveyors from purchasing or being interest in the purchase of any public land; prescribing a penalty.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 66 Caption: Relating to reimbursing the members of the Commissioners' Court of Montague County for expense occurred by them as such Court in performing their official duties.