Legislation authored by Rienzi Melville Johnston

Includes legislation with Rienzi Melville Johnston as the primary author for the 35th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
SB 108 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to elections so as to expedite the counting and returning of the votes, by requiring the observance of standard time, by limiting the size of election precincts, by fixing the time for the opening and closing of the polls at earlier hours, by providing how unused return blanks shall be disposed of, by providing that the returns of primary elections shall be made in triplicate, by providing that primary elections shall be held on Tuesday, and by providing how officers of elections shall be compensated.
SB 113 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes by providing that no action for injuries done to the character or reputation of another by libel or slander shall be maintained unless written notice of the claim therefor has been given by the claimant to the adverse party or parties within ninety-five days after the accrual of the cause of action.
SB 114 Caption: Relating to fixing the venue of suits for damages for libel and slander.
SB 115 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to make privileged, without proof of actual malice, fair, true and impartial accounts of all executive and legislative proceedings, including all reports and proceedings in or before legislative committees, boards of managers of public educational and eleemosynary institutions, city councils and other governing bodies of cities or towns, commissioners' courts and boards of trustees of public schools.
SB 152 Caption: Relating to providing that the nominations by political parties of candidates for office of cities, of counties, or of subdivisions of counties and of districts where their territorial extent is limited to a particular county or part of same, shall be made either by a party convention or by a party primary election as now provided by law, ad that the nominations by political parties of candidates for all other offices shall be made by a primary convention held under the control and direction of the proper executive committee of the particular political party.
SB 207 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for the Prairie View State normal and Industrial College.
SB 340 Caption: Relating to increasing and fixing the salary of the superintendent of public instruction of Harris County, Texas.
SR 25 Caption: Favoring the immediate return of railroads to private ownership.
SR 54 Caption: Opposing government ownership of telegraph and telephone lines.
SR 66 Caption: Recalling HB 277 from the House for further consideration.
36th 1st Called Session
SB 3 Caption: Relating to declaring that in all elections to be held during the year 1919 wherein the qualified voters of Texas are to vote upon the adoption or rejection of certain constitutional amendments that all soldiers, marines and seamen employed in the Army or Navy of the United States shall be entitled to have the right to vote without having paid any poll tax; providing that elections so held during the year 1919 the vote so cast shall not be counted until the first day of December 1919 for the benefit of certain servicemen.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 127 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles of the Revised Civil Statutes and to exempt from taxation institutions of public charity.
SR 9 Caption: In memory of former Senator George B. Griggs.
35th Regular Session
SB 40 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to cover the cost of a fire-proof brick dormitory at Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College at Prairie View, Waller County, Texas.
SB 41 Caption: Relating to the creation of a hotel commission and prescribing punishment; making an appropriation.
SB 151 Caption: Relating to the subject of landlord's liens upon residences, storehouses or other buildings, prescribing the manner in which such liens shall be fixed and preserved.
SB 213 Caption: Relating to constructing the Legislative Office Building on certain land; making an appropriation.
SB 226 Caption: Relating to the pay of the Assistant Criminal District Attorneys of Harris County.
SB 256 Caption: Relating to limiting the size of election precincts and the number of voters therein.
SB 258 Caption: Relating to fixing the venue of suits for damages for libel and slander.
SB 259 Caption: Relating to providing that nothing in said title shall be construed to take away any now or heretofore existing defense to a civil action for libel, and preserving all such defenses.
SB 260 Caption: Relating to validating titles to land which patents have been issued for more than five years.
SB 261 Caption: Relating to providing that no action for injuries done to the character or reputation of another by libel or slander shall be maintained unless written notice of the claim therefor has been given by the claimant to the adverse party or parties within ninety-five days after the accrual of the cause of action.
SB 317 Caption: Relating to authorizing cities of over five thousand in population to adopt or amend their Charters by consolidation with an adjoining city in the same county under the name and government of the larger of said cities.
SB 353 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws by defining the offense of negligent assault and battery; fixing a penalty therefor.
SB 361 Caption: Relating to providing for the erection of a monument to Lawrence Sullivan Ross on the campus of the Agricultural and Mechanical College; making an appropriation therefor.
SB 409 Caption: Relating to providing for platting of streets, alleys, lots and blocks in subdivisions by owners or agents to conform to streets abutting on or to the same in all cities of five thousand population or more; providing a penalty.
SB 426 Caption: Relating to providing the manner of nominations by political parties of candidates for offices of cities, counties, etc.
SB 468 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles relating to the mode of preventing horses, cattle and certain other livestock from running at large in particular counties by exempting Waller County.
SCR 3 Caption: Designating March 2 as "Sam Houston Memorial Day".
SR 32 Caption: Inviting Congressman D.E. Garrett to address the Senate.
SR 44 Caption: Providing for the purchase of hand towels for use by the Senators and staff and a suitable rack and receptacle for them.
SR 86 Caption: Inviting former Senator F. Charles Hume, Jr. to address the Senate.
SR 109 Caption: Inviting Cyril Maud to address the Senate.
35th 1st Called Session
SB 57 Caption: Relating to giving any owner of real estate sold under execution, order of sale, etc., the right to redeem same within one year.
SB 63 Caption: Relating to creating the Cedar Bayou Independent School District in Harris and Chambers Counties.
SB 66 Caption: Relating to creating Common School District No. 9 in Dickens County, Texas.
SCR 15 Caption: Granting Ruse Tatum leave of absence from the State.
SR 31 Caption: Inviting Thomas H. Ball to address the Senate.
SR 51 Caption: Inviting O.B. Colquitt to address the Senate.
35th 2nd Called Session
SB 12 Caption: Relating to amending section 30 of the Harris county road law.
35th 3rd Called Session
SB 8 Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of home guards under the direction of the commissioners court of the county.
35th 4th Called Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to suspending certain laws during the period of the war between the United States and the Imperial German Government.
SB 21 Caption: Relating to creating the Sugar Land Independent School District in Fort Bend County, Texas.
SB 27 Caption: Relating to permitting railroad corporations, with permission of the Railroad Commission, to relocate or abandon track in or adjacent to a city of 50,000 inhabitants or more.
SB 59 Caption: Relating to amending the "Suspended Sentence Law".
SB 103 Caption: Relating to amending laws relating to the appointment of deputy county and district attorneys in certain counties.