Legislation authored by Jess Alexander Baker

Includes legislation with Jess Alexander Baker as the primary author for the 30th through 35th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

35th Regular Session
HB 223 Caption: Relating to creating a special fishing law for Hood and Somerville counties.
HB 611 Caption: Relating to authorizing women to vote in primary elections.
HB 655 Caption: Relating to creating a special fish law for Hood and Somervell counties.
HJR 9 Caption: Proposing an amendment giving women the right to vote.
35th 4th Called Session
HJR 2 Caption: Ratifying the recent constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors within the United States.
34th Regular Session
HB 469 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute requiring County Judges to be licensed lawyers.
HJR 36 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment changing the number of inhabitants required to separate the offices of Sheriff and Tax Collector; making an appropriation.
HR 91 Caption: Providing for a Capitol elevator operator to work on Sundays.
34th 1st Called Session
HR 11 Caption: Administering the oath of office to member-elect J. W. McComb.
32nd Regular Session
HB 106 Caption: Relating to the use of the Capital Building.
HB 108 Caption: Relating to providing for the collection of an occupation tax on retail dealers in all cold drinks to which have been added morphine, phenacetin, opium, cocaine, caffeine, heroin, alpha or beta eucaine, chloroform, cannabis indica, chloral hydrate, or acetanalid, or any derivative or preparation of any such substances.
HB 120 Caption: Relating to occupation taxes.
HB 133 Caption: Relating to expenses of candidates.
HB 164 Caption: Relating to increasing the liability of all employers of laborers for injuries received while in discharge of duties.
HB 210 Caption: Relating to regulating and fixing the passenger fare on all railroads; providing for the redemption of all tickets sold by such companies.
HB 259 Caption: Relating to requiring county tax collectors to pay city treasurers such proportion of road and bridge taxes as are levied and collected within the corporate limits of such city or town.
HB 271 Caption: Relating to preventing the addition of cocaine, caffeine, acetanilid, morphine, phenacetin, opium, heroin, alpha or beta eucaine, cannabis indica, or chloral hydrate, to any food or drink or substance intended to be used as food or drink; prescribing a penalty.
HB 276 Caption: Relating to erecting memorials to commemorate the service of Texas soldiers during the war between the states.
HB 277 Caption: Relating to appropriating so much as my be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Comptroller of Public Accounts in the enforcement of the liquor and revenue laws of this State.
HB 278 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any railroad company from granting to any person or association of persons special or exclusive right to solicit the transfer of passengers or baggage; fixing penalties.
HJR 8 Caption: Relating to amending Section 2, Article 6, of the Constitution of the the State of Texas, relating to suffrage.
HJR 16 Caption: Relating to authorizing the grant of aid in the establishment and maintenance of a home for the disabled and dependent wives and widows of Confederate soldiers and sailors and such women as aided the Confederacy.
HR 7 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a page to attend W.S. Stepter.
HR 8 Caption: Authorizing contract for telephones to be used by members and officers of the House.
HR 9 Caption: Providing appropriations for newspaper subscriptions for members of the House to be paid for out of the contingent House fund.
HR 10 Caption: Providing appropriations for postage stamps for use by members of the House to be paid for out of the contingent House fund.
HR 11 Caption: Providing for publication of the House Journal.
32nd 1st Called Session
HR 6 Caption: Providing appropriations for newspaper subscriptions for House members to be paid out of the House contingent fund.
31st Regular Session
HB 7 Caption: Relating to the establishment, maintenance, and government of a State Normal School, to be located at Thorp's Spring and be known as the Brazos Valley Normal.
HB 9 Caption: Relating to providing for compulsory attendance in the public or private schools of children between the ages of seven and seventeen.
HB 36 Caption: Relating to defining and regulating the business of private banking; providing penalties.
HB 113 Caption: Relating to amending an act entitled an Act to amend Article 3381, Title IX, Chapter 4, of the Penal Code, as amended by the Twenty-fifth Legislature, page 24, as amended by the Twenty-ninth Legislature, page 56, Chapter 44, relating to carrying arms. .
HB 143 Caption: Relating to providing for the more effective regulating and supervision of banks of deposit or discount, or both deposit and discount, and banking and trust companies in this State, organized under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 10 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the Twenty-ninth Legislature, and known as the State Banking Law, providing additional safeguards for the protection of depositors and other creditors of such institutions, providing that all such institutions shall be mutually liable, pro rata, for the payment of the liabilities of each such institution, to its guaranteed depositors, and defining the Guaranteed Deposits and the Guaranteed Depositors of such institutions; providing for the creation of a State Banking Board, and describing its powers and duties, etc.
HB 153 Caption: Relating to amending Section 90, Chapter 11, of the general election laws, Twenty-ninth Legislature, First Called Session, relating to expenses of candidates for office.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to amending Articles 527 and 529n of the Penal Code of the Twenty-fourth Legislature; Article 529h of Chapter 98 of the Acts of the Twenty-fifth Legislature; Article 2518t of Chapter CLXXV (175) of the Acts of the Twenty-sixth Legislature; Article 529s of Chapter CXXX (130) of the Regular Session of the Twenty-seventh Legislature, 529g of Chapter 90 of the Twenty-ninth Legislature; Articles 2518c, 2518c1-2, 2518k, 2518m, 2518q, 529e, 529j, 529o of Chapter CXXVI (126) of the Thirtieth Legislature, and adding thereto Article 2518k 1-2 referring to licenses required of dealer in fish and Article 529j 1-2 referring to the screening of pumps, and repealing Articles 2514 and 529x of Chapter 90 of the Twenty-ninth Legislature.
HB 497 Caption: Relating to amending Hood county road law, relating to pay of Hood county road commissioners.
31st 1st Called Session
HB 3 Caption: Relating to amending Articles referring to licenses required of dealers in fish and oysters, referring to the screening of pumps, etc., and appropriating out of the fish and oyster fund $3000 thereof and authorizing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner to use and expend said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of improving and reviving the natural oyster beds in Matagorda Bay, relating to the duties and powers of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner.
30th Regular Session
HB 424 Caption: Relating to amending the special road law for Hood County, Texas, fixing the amount to be paid by citizens of that county, to be exempt from road duty for a year.
HB 443 Caption: Relating to expenses of candidates.
HB 720 Caption: Relating to increasing the punishment for carrying concealed weapons.
HJR 17 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 2, Article 6, of the Constitution of the State of Texas, so as to extend the privilege of suffrage to women.