Legislation authored by Daniel Campbell Dove

Includes legislation with Daniel Campbell Dove as the primary author for the 33rd through 34th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

34th Regular Session
HB 122 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of Rural Banking Associations for the purpose of extending productive loans at reasonable rates to its members for the promotion of agriculture; making an appropriation.
HB 171 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute exempting Confederate veterans from certain laws relating to receiving free passes from transportation companies.
HB 234 Caption: Relating to conferring additional power and authority upon State Banks and State Banks and Trust Companies; authorizing such institutions to create and maintain Land Loan Departments and regulating same; authorizing such institutions to issue bonds in connection with and as a part of said Land Loan Department; prescribing the method of securing such bond issues; authorizing the collection of certain fees.
HB 453 Caption: Relating to providing for the co-operation of the State and counties of Texas with the Federal Government in employing Farm Demonstration Agents and maintaining Demonstration Farms in several counties or districts; making an appropriation.
HB 564 Caption: Relating to amending Leon County road law.
HJR 5 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the purchase of lands by the State for purposes of sale to actual settlers for homestead purposes.
HJR 17 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing any county, city, town or other political corporation or subdivision of the State to lend its credit or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to, any individual, association or corporation, or to become a stockholder in such corporation, association or company.
HJR 19 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that the Legislature may provide for pensions for the aged and widows in indigent circumstances and indigent and disabled veterans.
HJR 23 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that the Legislature may place a graduated taxes on land held for speculative purposes.
HR 70 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to study the feasibility of transportation between the Confederate Soldiers' Home and the Confederate Woman's Home.
HR 77 Caption: Granting permission to use the House Chamber to groups organized in opposition to H. B. No. 30.
34th 1st Called Session
HB 66 Caption: Relating to amending a special road law for Madison County to create a more efficient road system.
HR 16 Caption: Requesting that each State department and eleemosynary institutions produce an itemized statement of of their expenditures.
HR 22 Caption: Directing the Commissioner of Agriculture to work with other States to modify certain rules regarding the storage of cotton bales.
HR 48 Caption: Directing the creation of commission to investigate all questions relating to farm tenantry.
HR 50 Caption: Granting The State Farmers' Institute permission to use the House Chamber during its convention.
33rd Regular Session
HB 151 Caption: Relating to handling county depositories and directing the Commissioner's Court of any county how to handle such funds.
HB 165 Caption: Relating to requiring that a man and a woman separate and live apart for at least one year before either party may enter suit for divorce, and prohibiting either of them from marrying any other person in one year from the granting of such divorce; providing penalties.
HB 382 Caption: Relating to creating in the Department of Agriculture a division known as the Marketing Bureau, providing for appointment of an officer in charge, specifying his compensation, defining his duties.
HB 423 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Comptroller to transfer certain moneys to the credit of the Permanent School Fund.
HB 464 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the issuance of free passes by railroads and other common carriers, making exceptions and prescribing penalties.
HB 491 Caption: Relating to more clearly defining a circus and to fix the occupation tax thereon.
HB 514 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any retail dealer in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors from locating within 2 miles of any local option line unless same is within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or town.
HB 532 Caption: Relating to creating the Willow Hole Independent School District in Madison County, Texas.
HB 624 Caption: Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relating to occupation taxes, raising the taxes on shooting galleries, billiard and pool tables, nine and ten pin alleys and skating rinks, prescribing a penalty.
HB 627 Caption: Relating to permitting the people of Leon County to levy a tax in any political subdivision or defined district for the purpose of building or improving their roads, instead of issuing bonds for such purposes.
HB 722 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road law for Madison County, Texas, and making the commissioners of said county ex officio road commissioners in their respective precincts, providing for and fixing their compensation as such road commissioners.
HB 845 Caption: Relating to creating the George Independent School District in Madison County, Texas, defining its metes and bounds, providing for a board of trustees therefor, vesting it with the rights and duties of districts incorporated for school purposes only under the General Laws.
HB 849 Caption: Relating to providing for the examination of the books, accounts, records, letters, documents, papers, securities and count the cash of all State Institutions and Departments, and of all State, District, County and Precinct officers in this State; defining the duties of Comptroller of Public Accounts; providing penalties.
HB 894 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of Rural banking Associations, for the purpose of extending productive loans at reasonable rates to its members for the promotion of agriculture
HCR 9 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the conditions at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas to determine what led to the strike among the student body in relation to the nature of hazing on the campus.
HCR 28 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 443
HJR 34 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the constitution to authorize the purchase of certain lands by the state for homestead purposes.
HR 54 Caption: Directing the Committee on Judicial Districts to study the question and feasibility of redistricting the state judicial districts.
33rd 1st Called Session
HB 76 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any retail dealer in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors from locating his place of business within two miles of any local option line; providing a penalty.
33rd 2nd Called Session
HCR 9 Caption: Memorializing Congress to enact legislation to provide emergency loans to farmers to prevent the collapse of the cotton industry.
HR 10 Caption: Commending Clarence Ousley for his recent speech given to the Legislature.
33rd 3rd Called Session
HB 12 Caption: Relating to bringing about a reduction in the cotton acreage in this State for the year 1915; providing penalties; making an appropriation to the Department of Extension of the A & M College to advise the farmers.