Legislation authored by Edgar Pierce Haney

Includes legislation with Edgar Pierce Haney as the primary author for the 32nd through 34th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

34th Regular Session
HB 4 Caption: Relating to creating the 76th Judicial District, to be composed of Wichita County.
HB 179 Caption: Relating to providing for auditing of all moneys paid to district officers.
HB 232 Caption: Relating to prohibit the running of stock at large upon any lands or premises owned by Texas Educational or Eleemosynary Institutions; prohibiting the killing of game and the discharge of firearms upon the same; providing penalties.
HB 313 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the enrollment of children of certain age by scholastic census trustee.
HB 364 Caption: Relating to creating a State Board and Department of Charities and Corrections.
HB 414 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of pensions to mothers of dependent or neglected children who are widows or whose husband is an inmate of a penal or mental institution or who because of physical disability is unable to support his family.
HB 457 Caption: Relating to creating a State Board of Examiners of Architects.
HB 501 Caption: Relating to requiring the publication in newspapers of legal notices.
HB 671 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Young County, Texas, and making the county commissioners of said county ex officio road commissioners; prescribing their duties as such; providing for penalty for violation of this Act.
HB 677 Caption: Relating to creating the McAllen Independent School District, in Hidalgo county, Texas.
HJR 41 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for a permanent school tax and for the separation of the University of Texas and the Agricultural and Mechanical College.
HR 6 Caption: Providing for the appointment of temporary stenographers.
HR 10 Caption: Providing a limit on the length of speeches by Members of the House until the rules are adopted.
HR 13 Caption: Providing stationary supplies for the Members of the House.
HR 44 Caption: Administering the oath of office to member-elect John Le Gory.
HR 48 Caption: Providing for the printing of the Democratic Party Platform be printed in the House Journal.
HR 71 Caption: Providing for the employment of an additional committee clerk.
HR 106 Caption: Providing corrections in the Journal to show that the House concurred in Senate Amendments to H. B. No. 208.
HR 121 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the House Rules.
34th 1st Called Session
HCR 9 Caption: Granting Judge J. A. Nabers a leave of absence from the State.
HR 5 Caption: Providing postage for the Members of the House.
33rd Regular Session
HB 2 Caption: Relating to amending the General Laws of the Twenty-ninth Legislature, relating to the scholastic age and the scholastic census.
HB 128 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment, maintenance, control and management of state high schools offering courses of study in agriculture, manual training and domestic economy, and offering special courses for the preparation of teachers; designating who are entitled to attend and making appropriations.
HB 410 Caption: Relating to amending the special road law for Clay County, Texas.
HB 467 Caption: Relating to property exempt from forced sale.
HB 468 Caption: Relating to empowering the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to prescribe the organization and designation of the several schools and departments of said university.
HB 731 Caption: Relating to amending an Act to create a more efficient road system for Archer County, Texas; so as to provide additional compensation for county commissioners when acting as road commissioners.
HB 747 Caption: Relating to fixing the number of members constituting the boards of managers of certain State boards; fixing terms of office.
HB 850 Caption: Relating to providing for the adoption of a series of dictionaries on the English language suitable for use in the primary, intermediate, high school grades of the public schools of Texas, for a term of six years, and authorizing and directing the State Textbook Board to make said adoption.
HB 871 Caption: Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relating to the office of county superintendent of public instruction and to the treasurers of certain independent school districts so as to provide for the election of the county superintendent, and or the grouping of certain counties for supervisory purposes by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
HB 872 Caption: Relating to amending the Revised Civil Statutes relating to alimony.
HB 887 Caption: Relating to amending the statutes relating to the prevention of waste of natural gas.
HJR 39 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the constitution to provide a more efficient system of public education.
33rd 1st Called Session
HB 30 Caption: Relating to amending Article 1314, Revised Statutes, Prescribing conditions upon which foreign corporations may obtain permits to do business in Texas and providing penalties
HR 58 Caption: Requesting the Governor to designate May 18th as Peace Day.
HR 61 Caption: Providing for the restoration of the block portrait of the Members of the 13th Legislature.
32nd Regular Session
HB 138 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment, organization and control of public high schools in the common school districts of Texas, making an appropriation for the teaching of agriculture, domestic economy and manual training in said high schools and in certain high schools already established.
HB 175 Caption: Relating to the Scholastic age and to the scholastic census.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of summer normal institutes in Texas.
HB 352 Caption: Relating to amending an Act relating to county supervision of public free schools.
HB 411 Caption: Relating to providing for the issuance of teachers certificates to graduates of approved high schools.
HB 502 Caption: Relating to amending an Act regulating the occupation of locomotive engineer and railway conductor.
HB 504 Caption: Relating to amending an Act defining a full crew on railroad trains.
HB 506 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act to create a more efficient road system for Clay county, Texas, and making the county commissioners of said county ex officio road commissioners."
HB 568 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of money in lieu of road work in the County of Jack.
HB 602 Caption: Relating to defining and prohibiting hazing in any school, college or University in the State and naming the penalty therefor.
32nd 1st Called Session
HB 13 Caption: Relating to providing for the adoption of a system of uniform text books in this State, and the appointment of a Text Book Board for such purpose; to authorize the adoption of text books; to prescribe penalties for violation.
HB 17 Caption: Relating to creating a State Normal School Board of Regents for the State Normal Schools for white teachers in the state of Texas; to provide for the appointment of said Board; to define its duties and powers.
HB 87 Caption: Relating to providing and directing the disposition of the proceeds of the sales of lands situated upon Mustang Island.