Legislation authored by Dwight Lyman Lewelling

Includes legislation with Dwight Lyman Lewelling as the primary author for the 33rd through 34th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

34th Regular Session
HB 62 Caption: Relating to protecting employees engaged in the erection or construction of buildings three or more stories in height; prescribing a penalty.
HB 63 Caption: Relating to protecting mechanics, artisans, laborers and material men for labor performed; requiring any owner or original contractor of any building on which such labor is performed to see that all such labor have been fully paid for at a just and reasonable valuation. Fixing the time and prescribing the method for filing liens.
HB 64 Caption: Relating to requiring buildings where a certain number of persons are regularly assembled to be equipped with fire escapes.
HB 137 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws providing for builder's and materialmen's and laborer's liens for entire amount of value of labor and material.
HB 138 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for employers to discharge or coerce any employee belonging to any lawful labor organization or to exact any pledge from such employee concerning same; prescribing penalties.
HB 206 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the lavish and corrupt use of money in primary elections; providing penalties.
HB 209 Caption: Relating to prohibiting contributions of corporations in behalf of or against any candidate or measure; prescribing certain rules and regulations governing contributions made by other persons to any campaign fund.
HB 210 Caption: Relating to prohibiting electioneering of any kind on Election Day.
HB 248 Caption: Relating to providing for the support and maintenance of prisoners confined in jail or under guard; prescribing penalties for violation of any duty imposed on any officer hereunder.
HB 429 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Criminal Statute prohibiting and punishing lobbying.
HB 456 Caption: Relating to requiring engineers and others operating steam engines and boilers to procure a license.
HB 514 Caption: Relating to providing for the support and maintenance of prisoners confined in jail or under guard and placing the feeding, support and maintenance of such prisoners in certain counties under the commissioner's court of said counties.
HB 596 Caption: Relating to prohibiting on election day except by candidates in their own behalf; providing penalties.
HB 672 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the reversal of any case for any error unless the evidence shall conclusively show that the defendant's rights were not protected and that such injustice has been done as that another trial would probably result in a different verdict.
HB 673 Caption: Relating to the repeal of certain articles in the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to defendant appeals in any case for misdemeanor for the judgment of the District or County Court shall be committed to jail pending the determination of the appeal.
HB 674 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code making the unlawful carrying of arms a felony.
HB 675 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the working of firemen more than six days in a single week.
HB 676 Caption: Relating to repealing an Article of the Code of Criminal Procedure providing for the support and maintenance of prisoners confined in jail or under guard.
HJR 18 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the levy of a graduated land tax.
HJR 20 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Central State Bank of Texas.
HJR 22 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the issuance of bonds with a view of aiding tenant farmers and others to become homeowners.
HR 66 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor to Sallie Burmeister.
HR 80 Caption: In memory of George C. Rankin of Dallas.
HR 111 Caption: Directing the Attorney General to investigate the funds of any railway corporation that operates hospitals in the State.
34th 1st Called Session
HR 14 Caption: Directing the Committee on Insurance to report out H. B. No. 6.
HR 17 Caption: Requesting the Attorney General to issue an opinion on whether the Legislature may enact legislation authorizing women's suffrage without a constitutional amendment.
HR 19 Caption: Requesting the Speaker to respond to a telegram from Nannie Webb Curtis regarding statewide prohibition legislation.
HR 23 Caption: Inviting Henry D. Lindsley to address the House.
HR 44 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate certain matters related to the insurance industry in the State.
HR 51 Caption: Inviting George W. Riddle to address the House.
33rd Regular Session
HB 114 Caption: Relating to creation of a public utility commission; prescribing penalties.
HB 368 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the manufacture, sale, barter, exchange, or gift of intoxicating liquors within the state on and after July 11, 1913, except for medicinal, scientific or sacramental purposes, and prescribing penalties.
HB 434 Caption: Relating to providing for the support and maintenance of prisoners confined in jail or under guard, placing the feeding, support and maintenance of such prisoners under the Commissioners Court of the various Counties, prescribing penalties.
HB 593 Caption: Relating to creating the Hutchins Independent School District in Dallas County, Texas.
HB 670 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the owners, managers, agents or servants or any employee of any hotel, boarding house, restaurant, lunch room or other eating place from serving any intoxicating liquor, providing penalties.
HB 671 Caption: Relating to prohibiting retail liquor dealers, their agents or employees from selling or giving any lunches or edibles of any kind.
HB 672 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale of, delivery or drinking of intoxicating liquors in any pool or billiard hall, prescribing penalties.
HB 673 Caption: Relating to repealing Act 631 of the Code of Criminal Procedure so as to substitute in lieu thereof an Article regulating the method of procuring the jury for the trial of any defendant where there is so great a prejudice against him as that he can not procure fair and impartial trial in the county where the offense is charged to have been committed.
HB 674 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the drinking of any intoxicating liquors at any other place except at the place of purchase or on premises under the control of the proprietor of such place, except at places under control of the purchaser, providing penalties.
HB 675 Caption: Relating to regulating the hours during which saloons are permitted to remain open, and prescribing the penalty for violation.
HB 809 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment, maintenance and control of a State Colored Orphanage, by the conversion of the Dickson Colored Orphanage into a State institution; creating a board of trustees for the government and control of said institution.
HB 879 Caption: Relating to permitting indictments to be amended after same have been quashed by the Court.
HB 880 Caption: Relating to amending Title XLI of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1895 so as to require personal notice in case of sales under Deeds of Trust.
HB 881 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make false or fraudulent statements or misrepresentations for the purpose of obtaining property or credit, prescribing penalties.
HB 882 Caption: Relating to providing the hours of labor of clerks working in any wholesale or retail drug business, prescribing penalties.
HB 884 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the reversal of any case for any error unless the evidence shall conclusively show that the defendant's rights were not protected and that such injustice has been done to the defendant as that another trial would probably result in a different verdict.
HCR 32 Caption: Suspending certain Joint Rules of the Legislature
HJR 36 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the constitution to authorize the creation of a pension tax to provide aid to certain Confederate veterans and their widows.
HR 32 Caption: Recommending that the tradition of hosting Inaugural Balls for the Governor be discontinued.
HR 53 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate allegations of poker gambling involving Members of the Legislature.
HR 77 Caption: Memorializing the Federal Government to do what it can to protect American citizens and property in Mexico from the ongoing violence; also expressing sorrow at the death of former President Madero.
HR 111 Caption: Urging the Senate to create a committee to investigate the financial transactions of the Prison Commission.
33rd 1st Called Session
HB 93 Caption: Relating to amending the State Fire Insurance Commission Law so as to permit the use of the co-insurance clause in policies of insurance at the option of the assured or property owner.
HR 20 Caption: Endorsing the tariff legislation currently being debated in Congress.
33rd 2nd Called Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to providing for the conduct of the business of public warehousemen; providing penalties.