Legislation authored by C. Frank Sentell

Includes legislation with C. Frank Sentell as the primary author for the 35th through 53rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

53rd Regular Session
HB 165 Caption: Relating to amending statutes so as to no longer require a married woman to acknowledge a conveyance privily and apart from her husband.
HB 213 Caption: Relating to providing for a closed season in Garza County upon quail until January 1, 1954; providing a penalty.
HB 214 Caption: Relating to providing for a closed season in Borden County upon quail until January 1, 1958; providing a penalty.
HB 274 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing and prescribing method for the determination of affiliated unit eligibility of school districts located in or under jurisdiction of a county declared to be in a drought disaster area by the President of the United States or his designated agent; providing for effective date of Act.
HB 336 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts creating county-wide equalization school districts in all counties.
HB 358 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to catch, take, or attempt to catch or take, or possess any fish by any method from Lake J.B. Thomas, prior to May 1, 1954; concerning the transportation of minnows in Borden and Scurry counties; prohibiting the possession of bullfrogs during certain period.
HB 547 Caption: Relating to authorizing the board of trustees of any school district to pledge delinquent school taxes levied for local maintenance purposes as security for a loan and to apply when collected such taxes pledged to the payment of the loan and interest.
HB 772 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts concerning gross weight of trailers and semi-trailers under the Motor Inspection Act by providing the minimum weight to which this Act may apply;
HB 791 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by creating the office of Texas Athletic Commissioner, providing the method of his appointment, term, salary and staff and transfers to such commissioner all powers and duties formerly held by the Commissioner of Labor Statistics.
HR 8 Caption: Directing the election of certain officers of the House.
36th Regular Session
HB 32 Caption: Relating to abolishing the State Highway Commission as created by Chapter 190 of the Acts of 1917, and the amendments thereto; merging the State Highway Department with the Railroad Commission of Texas, and providing that the engineer appointed by the Railroad commission shall perform the duties now devolving upon the State Highway Engineer, and providing that the Railroad Commission shall exercise, execute, perform and discharge and have all the duties, powers, rights and functions now possessed by the State Highway Commission under and by virtue of the terms of the law governing such Highway Commission, and shall carry out and perform all the conditions and duties of such law.
HB 207 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to provide the manner in which state funds shall be kept and deposited; providing the manner by which depositories are to be selected and their qualifications, providing for deposit and distribution of state funds, providing for the payment of interest by depositories and clearing banks on state funds, fixing penalties for failure to comply.
HB 437 Caption: Relating to taxing all vendor's lien notes in the county where the real estate is located, upon which the notes retain a lien; providing for the registration of all such notes in the county where the property upon which the lien exists is located.
HB 469 Caption: Relating to providing for the preparation by the Highway Department of an itemized budget for use by the Legislature in making appropriations for the expenses of the department; providing for the deposit of funds coming into the hands of the department, providing for bond by employees.
HCR 23 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the activities of the State Highway Department.
HR 23 Caption: Providing for the printing of ten copies of each House bill and resolution and twenty-five copies of the daily House Journal to be kept in the legislative reference section of the State Library.
HR 37 Caption: Offering a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of the party responsible for the disappearance of a stenographer's Remington typewriter.
HR 44 Caption: Providing for certain correction in printings of the Reports of the Subcommittees of the Central Investigating Committee.
HR 103 Caption: Urging Congress to take immediate action to prevent the regulation or control of the price of cotton by the cotton exchanges and gamblers.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 124 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws fixing the compensation of county commissioners of certain counties.
HB 161 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to Rural School Appropriation.
HB 174 Caption: Relating to requiring the owner of any land in which any stream is located which overflows its banks to keep the timber, underbrush and drifts cleared out of the channels and off the shoals of such creek; prescribing a penalty.
HR 42 Caption: Inviting former Speaker of the House F.O. Fuller to address the House.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 118 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the Celebration of Marriage so as to place additional safeguards around the granting of marriage licenses.
HCR 7 Caption: Granting leave of absence from the state to F. O. McKinsey, Judge of the 43rd Judicial District.
35th Regular Session
HB 142 Caption: Relating to requiring the rendition of all promissory notes for taxation to the assessors of the county of the owners' residence; requiring assessors to certify such rendition; prescribing penalties.
HB 633 Caption: Relating to prohibit the collection of usurious interest.
HR 60 Caption: Relating to claims against the State of Texas.
HR 77 Caption: Relating to the observance of certain Democratic principles.
HR 91 Caption: Relating to the number newspaper subscriptions Members are allowed to have.
35th 1st Called Session
HR 37 Caption: Granting the University Scholastic League permission to use the House Chamber.
35th 4th Called Session
HB 63 Caption: Relating to abolishing the State Highway Commission and vesting the management and control of the State Highway Department in the Railroad Commission; providing that all applications for registrations and license of motor vehicles, motor-cycles, manufacturers, dealers and chauffeurs shall hereafter be filed with the Collector of Taxes for the County of the residence of the applicant and that all license fees be paid to such Tax Collector; creating a special fund known as the State Highway Fund, and providing for its distribution.