Legislation authored by Brown F. Lee

Includes legislation with Brown F. Lee as the primary author for the 31st through 32nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

32nd Regular Session
HB 11 Caption: Relating to regulating the sale and disposition of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors and medicated bitters capable of producing intoxication.
HB 13 Caption: Relating to repealing Article 762, of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
HB 135 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale, gift, delivery or other disposition of intoxicating liquors to convicts; prescribing penalties.
HB 159 Caption: Relating to providing for the eradication of sheep scab within the State, prohibiting the importation of scab-infected sheep; providing for a State Inspector; prescribing penalties.
HB 293 Caption: Relating to creating a home for the maintenance, care and treatment of demented, insane and feeble-minded children.
HB 359 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway company to purchase the railroads and all other property of the Concho, San Saba, and Llano Valley Railroad Company, and to operate the same as part of its own line, with the right to extend the road and construct branches.
HB 389 Caption: Relating to enabling the people of arid sections of the state to receive the benefits of the United States Reclamation Act, by declaring that water users associations, organized under the authority of such Act, and the regulations of the Department of the Interior, to be not subject to charter fees and franchise taxes.
HB 445 Caption: Relating to granting a new charter to the city of San Angelo in Tom Green county, Texas, and to fixing the boundaries thereof, providing for a ratification of this charter by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the city of San Angelo at an election to be held for that purpose before this charter shall take effect.
HB 451 Caption: Relating to providing compensation for county attorneys.
HB 561 Caption: Relating to providing that a mode by which certain livestock may be prevented from running at large includes the county of Runnels.
HR 43 Caption: Congratulating House page Sidney Matthews on his thirteenth birthday.
32nd 1st Called Session
HB 29 Caption: Relating to amending An Act to further empower the Live Stock Sanitary Commission, relating to the prevention of the spread of contagious diseases, and to provide penalties.
HB 66 Caption: Relating to creating the Mertson Independent School District in Irion County; permitting the issuance of bonds and authorizing a tax not exceeding fifty cents on the one hundred dollars
31st Regular Session
HB 130 Caption: Relating to creating the Merton Independent School District in Irion county.
HB 295 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code of the State, Title 17, Chapter 4, of Texas by adding thereto Article 812a, prohibiting the owners of sheep, affected with the "scab," or other infectious or contagious disease, from driving or permitting the same to be driven over or along any public road or highway in this State, or on or over the enclosed lands of another without the written consent of such owner, and prescribing a penalty therefor.
HB 329 Caption: Relating to requiring railroad companies to provide scales and furnish weights of commodities transported by them in car load lots, and to provide a penalty.
HB 341 Caption: Relating to amending Title XVII (17), Chapter 5 of the Penal Code, by adding thereto Article 825a prohibiting the cutting of wood, trees or shrubs from the inclosed lands of another; providing a penalty.
HB 348 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment and maintenance of an Agricultural Experiment Station in Tom Green and El Paso Counties.
HB 385 Caption: Relating to amending Sections 19 and 24 of an Act passed by the Twenty-ninth Legislature, Chapter 47, General Laws, entitled "An Act creating an independent school district to be known as the Ballinger Independent School District."
HB 443 Caption: Relating to confer upon the county court of Concho County the civil and criminal jurisdiction belonging to said court under the Constitution and General Statutes of Texas.
HB 474 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Runnels county, Texas, and making the commissioners of said court ex officio road commissioners in their respective precincts, and providing for the appointment of deputies; providing penalties for violation of this act.
HB 494 Caption: Relating to naming the several counties composing the thirty-third and fifty-first judicial districts and fixing the time for holding the district courts therein.
HB 495 Caption: Relating to amending Sections and repealing Sections of "An Act creating the Eldorado Independent School District in Schleicher county, Texas, and defining its boundaries, providing for the election of a board of trustees thereof and defining their duties, powers and authority."
HB 565 Caption: Relating to creating the Water Valley Independent School District, in Tom Green county, Texas, and defining its boundaries; providing for the election of a board of trustees thereof, and defining their duties, powers and authority.
HJR 8 Caption: Relating to amending Section 2, Article 3 of the Constitution, reducing and fixing the number of members of the state Senate to sixteen and the number of the House of Representative to fifty, and providing for an apportionment after the taking and publishing of the next United States census.