Legislation authored by William Oscar Stamps

Includes legislation with William Oscar Stamps as the primary author for the 31st through 32nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

32nd Regular Session
HB 72 Caption: Relating to creating a probationary jury; providing that on a report from any three probationary jurors, stating that the defendant is not living in such manner as he should, the court may order the sheriff to take charge of the defendant and proceedings had as provided by law in committing convicts to the penitentiary.
HB 247 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Upshur county, Texas; prescribing penalties for violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 463 Caption: Relating to conferring authority upon the Board of Prison Commissioners to issue Paroles to meritorious convicts confined in the penitentiaries or on the farms and camps owner or controlled by the State.
HB 605 Caption: Relating to establishing and maintaining an Orphan's Home for negro children near Gilmer in Upshur County, by prescribing that the lands and building, live stock and equipment shall be donated, a Board of Managers, Superintendent and other employees.
HB 613 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Camp county, Texas, and defining the powers and duties of the commissioners court of said county relative to roads and bridges of said county, and making county commissioners of said county ex officio road commissioners of their respective precincts and prescribing their duties and compensation as road commissioners; for violations of this Act and providing for the application of fines for such violations.
HR 21 Caption: Providing for appropriations for certain sub-committees to visit State institutions outside of Austin to be paid out of the contingent House Fund.
HR 22 Caption: Providing that Jeff D. Cox be made ex-officio member of each of the sub-committees of the Committee on Appropriations.
HR 74 Caption: Providing that the Speaker of the House appoint a committee of five members to investigate conditions of affairs at the State University, in connection with the unlawful assembly of students out of which the shooting of a student occurred.
31st Regular Session
HB 242 Caption: Relating to repealing "An Act to require all persons in the county of Camp, who are subject to road duty, to work ten days on the public roads in said county in each year, or to pay one dollar for each day in lieu of working the public roads, that such roads are worked;" also amending Section 8 of "An Act to create a more efficient road system for Camp county, Texas, to make the county commissioners thereof ex-officio road commissioners and prescribe their duties, and providing for the compensation as such;" by reducing the number of days persons may be compelled to work on the public roads from ten days to five days.
HB 258 Caption: Relating to amending Section 53, of Chapter 51, of the General Laws of the Twenty-third Legislature, entitled "An act to create a more efficient road system in the counties of Cherokee, Houston, Anderson, Trinity, Franklin, Delta, Harrison, Panola, Upshur, Shelby and Smith, and auxiliary thereto;" by reducing the number of days persons may be compelled to work on the public roads in Upshur county from ten days to five days in each year.
HB 305 Caption: Relating to adding Article 5166a to Chapter 4, Title 104 of the Revised Civil Statutes, providing for the payment by the person in whose name real estate is held all taxes due upon any debt secured by lien upon such real estate.
HB 360 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act to reorganize the Fifth Judicial District and the Seventh Judicial District of Texas and prescribing the time of holding court in the counties composing said districts," approved April 15, 1907, so as to change terms and times of holding court in Camp, Upshur and Smith counties, and validating process, etc.
HB 611 Caption: Relating to preventing the publication of the name of any woman who may have been ravished or raped.
HJR 29 Caption: Relating to a proposed amendment of Section 21, Article XVI (16) of the Constitution relating to printing, publishing stationery, paper and fuel and text books to be used in the public free schools.