Legislation authored by James Irvine Perkins

Includes legislation with James Irvine Perkins as the primary author for the 30th through 37th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

37th Regular Session
HB 272 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the burden of proof in suits where deeds of conveyance have been recorded for twenty-one years.
HB 331 Caption: Relating to the issuance of county bonds.
HB 407 Caption: Relating to licensing and regulating commission merchants.
HB 563 Caption: Relating to creating Wells County Line Independent School District in Cherokee and Angelina Counties, Texas, including within its limits that certain territory described by metes and bounds.
HB 581 Caption: Relating to amending the act creating the special road law for Cherokee County.
HR 28 Caption: Inviting former State Representative Robert T. Milner to address the House.
HR 45 Caption: Inviting former Representatives Lee Beatty and F.B. Guinn to address the House.
37th 1st Called Session
HB 38 Caption: Relating to providing systematic method road maintenance.
HB 105 Caption: Relating to creating the Jacksonville Independent School District, in Cherokee County, Texas.
28th Regular Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension and enlargement of the furnaces in the State Penitentiary at Rusk.
SB 58 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act to prohibit the taking of fish from the fresh waters and streams of this State otherwise than by the means of the ordinary hook and line and trot line, to prohibit the sale or shipping of game fish, to provide penalties.
SB 116 Caption: Relating to regulating elections and prescribing penalties for its violation.
SB 222 Caption: Relating to securing evidence by depositions.
SB 232 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the salaries and compensation of the superintendent, assistant superintendent and assistant financial agents of penitentiaries, and to prohibit the purchase and regulate the use of State convicts and property by the officers and employes of the State penitentiaries.
SB 238 Caption: Relating to aiding the assessing of taxes on railroads in this State.
SB 241 Caption: Relating to requiring railroad companies to construct sidings and spur tracks, and giving the Railroad Commission power to require construction of same.
SB 267 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to railroads and regulating the issuance of stocks and bonds by railroad companies.
SB 269 Caption: Relating to authorizing persons indicted for felony, whose plea is insanity to be admitted into the State Insane Asylum in Austin, to be there observed and detained until the further order of judge so that the truth or falsity of such pleas may be ascertained. Further authorizing all persons now confined in State penitentiaries, who are adjudged to be insane, to be transferred to said institution for observation, treatment and safe keeping.
SB 270 Caption: Relating to defining unlawful insurance business, and fixing the punishment for persons engaged therein or connected therewith or providing for examination by the Insurance Commissioner of the business of insurance companies, associations or societies.
SB 290 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Act requiring railroad companies to deliver goods, wares and merchandise to the owner, agent or consignee thereof upon payment of less than equal rates for the transportation thereof.
SB 291 Caption: Relating to requiring the Texas Secretary of State to deliver to the Railroad Commission of Texas a set each of the reports of the Supreme Court and Court of Civil and Criminal appeals of this State.
SB 303 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the purchase of property belonging to the State, by officers and employees of the penitentiary.
SB 314 Caption: Relating to regulating the employment of the State penitentiary convicts, to provide for the employment of short-term convicts upon the public roads of several counties.
28th 1st Called Session
SB 11 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Governor to purchase lands when needed for public use and cause to be instituted condemnation proceedings therefor when necessary in the name of the State and to provide the procedure for such condemnation.
27th Regular Session
HB 261 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension and enlargement of the iron pipe manufactory in the State penitentiary at Rusk.
HB 402 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relative to tax on ten pin alleys.
HB 481 Caption: Relating to restoring and conferring upon the county court of Angelina county the civil and criminal jurisdiction heretofore belonging to said court under the Constitution.
HB 492 Caption: Relating to requiring all express companies doing business in this State to keep a general office in the State.
HB 536 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of an additional Assistant Attorney General.