Legislation authored by Hamp Atkinson

Includes legislation with Hamp Atkinson as the primary author for the 64th through 67th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

67th Regular Session
HB 201 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to repeal of certain obsolete or unnecessary education laws.
HB 202 Last Action: Committee laid on table subject to call
Caption: Relating to investment of the Permanent School Fund in certain short-term obligations.
HB 280 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to setting the funding level of certain education finance components in the General Appropriations Act.
HB 591 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Repealing the requirements for notice of work performed by and bonding of nonresident construction contractors.
HB 769 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to group health insurance or certain other forms of health care benefits for public school employees and retirees.
HB 1318 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to various amendments to the law governing the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1319 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to an increase in benefits for certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1320 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to a right to a hearing on nonrenewal of a public school employee's contract.
HB 1551 Last Action: Withdrawn from calendar
Caption: Relating to deposit and investment of funds of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1552 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Education
Caption: Relating to the residency requirements for membership on the State Board of Education.
HCR 23 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Directing State Board of Education to contract for a study of certain issues concerning vocational occupational education.
HCR 55 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting William D. Garren and Johnny Frank Garren permission to sue the state.
HCR 68 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Commending former state representative Jimmy Mankins on service in legislature.
HJR 104 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit use of state funds for retirement contributions for the salary of public employees paid from other than state funds.
HR 284 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Welcoming former Speaker Jim T. Lindsey.
67th 1st Called Session
HR 24 Caption: Congratulating Representative Elton Bomer.
67th 3rd Called Session
HB 8 Last Action: Considered by Committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to school district loans for current maintenance expenses.
66th Regular Session
HB 1024 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to public school education.
HB 1025 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to public school education.
HB 1459 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to personnel unit allotments under the foundation school program.
HB 1460 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the application of the Texas Sunset Act to the Advisory Council for Technical-Vocational Education.
HB 1461 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the operating cost allotment under the foundation school program.
HB 1462 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the monthly base salary under the Texas Public Education Compensation Plan.
HB 1463 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the joint construction, financing, operation, and management of a justice center on the state line by certain municipalities and counties in this state and in an adjoining state.
HB 1464 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the determination of the local fund assignment for the foundation school program.
HB 1465 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to audits of regional education service centers.
HB 1466 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to eligibility of school districts for equalization aid under the foundation school program.
HB 1467 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the determination of school district index values.
HB 1468 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to public school transportation.
HB 1469 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to education incentive pay for emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
HB 1471 Last Action: Ordered not printed
Caption: Relating to public school finance.
HB 1594 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the repeal of certain statutes regarding the maintenance, care, and education of persons under the age of 21 years who are totally deaf and blind, totally blind and nonspeaking, or multiply handicapped.
HB 1595 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the state-wide need for information relating to local school districts.
HB 1596 Last Action: Scheduled for future calendar placement
Caption: Changing the duties and powers of the State Board of Education with regard to the permanent and available school funds to conform to sound, current investment practice; removing the requirement that bonds of school districts of the state be first offered for purchase to the State Board of Education; authorizing the use of a bank "lock-box" system to speed collection of income to the available school fund; authorizing participation in a fully secured stock and bond loan program to increase the earnings of the available school fund.
HB 1597 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the staffing of small school districts.
HB 1598 Last Action: Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to contracts with officers and teachers of independent school districts.
HB 1599 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of full-day kindergarten.
HB 2083 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Amending Chapter 3 of the Texas Education Code with respect to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; removing the $25,000 ceiling on annual compensation.
HB 2084 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Increasing the retirement, death, disability, and survivor benefits of annuitants; and declaring an emergency.
HB 2085 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to community education programs; and declaring an emergency.
HB 2086 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to improvement in educational programs in the public school districts.
HB 2087 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to funding of driver education programs; and declaring an emergency.
HB 2088 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to placing troubled school districts under a temporary administrator.
HB 2089 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to providing basic instructional resource funding for public schools from the Available School Fund.
HB 2090 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the definition of "florist".
HB 2178 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to cooperation between the public utility commission and the utility regulatory commissions of other states or the federal government.
HR 10 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Providing for committees to notify the Governor and Senate that the House is organized.
HR 180 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending the rules to allow the conference committee on SB 350 to make certain changes.
65th Regular Session
HB 980 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to public school education; amending various provisions of the Texas Education Code.
HB 1683 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the organization, control, and management of East Texas State University.
HB 1684 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the operating cost allotment to school districts under the Foundation School Program.
HB 1685 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to compensatory education aid.
HB 1971 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Education
Caption: Relating to the personnel unit allotment for certain sparsely populated school districts.
HR 161 Caption: Commending House Chaplain R. B. Hall.
64th Regular Session
HB 1095 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to state funding for regional education service centers.
HB 1131 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to tuition charges for certain nonresident students at state institutions of higher education.
HB 1363 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to the use of containers having a liquid capacity of three quarts.
HB 1369 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to access to information maintained by the state chairman and county chairmen of political parties.
HB 1522 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the approval by the Commissioners Court of Lamb County of orders, rules, and regulations of the Parks and Wildlife Commission regarding quail season.
HB 1704 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to the election of members of the State Board of Education.
HB 2198 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to acquisition and construction of criminal justice facilities by eligible cities and counties; providing the nature of the facilities which may be included therein; providing for contractual relations between such cities and counties in creating such facilities through cooperative arrangements; prescribing the nature and means of financing such facilities; providing that officers of eligible counties may maintain offices in such facilities in addition to the offices maintained by them at the county seat.
HR 184 Caption: Commending the Honorable Ed Howard.