Legislation authored by David Brown Read

Includes legislation with David Brown Read as the primary author for the 57th through 57th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

50th Regular Session
HB 569 Caption: Relating to providing for a closed season on wild turkeys for five (5) years in Hardin County and providing for an open season on wild foxes in Hardin County; prohibiting the use of a dog or dogs in hunting or chasing deer in Hardin County; providing penalties; repealing all laws in conflict; providing a saving clause.
HR 6 Caption: Providing for the election of officers of the House.
49th Regular Session
HB 282 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts prescribing the method of appointing navigation and canal commissioners in navigation districts organized under said Act and composed of lands in two (2) counties.
HB 537 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts regulating the hunting of deer in Orange, Liberty and Hardin Counties; repealing all local or special laws in so far as they fix or attempt to fix a closed season on deer in Liberty county; repealing conflicting laws.
HB 538 Caption: Relating to fixing the maximum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in all independent school districts which include within their limits a city or town which according to the latest Federal Census had a population of not fewer than three thousand (3,000) and not more than four thousand (4,000) inhabitants, and having an assessed valuation of more than Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand ($3,500,000) Dollars, and containing an area of more than one hundred thirty-five (35) square miles, whether organized under General or Special Law, repealing all laws in conflict herewith, both General and Special.
HB 826 Caption: Relating to making specific appropriation out of the State Highway Fund in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay a judgment obtained by Mrs. Dora Martin, Buster Martin and Jack Martin, against the State of Texas and the Highway Department of the State of Texas, authorizing the said Mrs. Dora Martin, individually, and as next friend of the said Buster Martin and Jack Martin, minors, surviving wife and children of A.J. Martin, deceased, to sue the State of Texas and/or the Highway Department of the State of Texas for the recovery of damages for personal Injuries received by the said A.J. Martin while on duty in the employ of the Highway Department of the Sate of Texas, which injuries resulted in the death of the said A.J. Martin.
HR 177 Caption: Inviting Price Daniel to speak before the House of Representatives on April 2, 1945.