Legislation authored by Bob Hendricks

Includes legislation with Bob Hendricks as the primary author for the 60th through 66th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

66th Regular Session
HB 876 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to a special license plates for former prisoners of war.
HB 909 Last Action: Scheduled for future calendar placement
Caption: Relating to a criminal offense of theft by coin-operated machine.
HB 910 Last Action: Scheduled for future calendar placement
Caption: Relating to the qualifications of appellate justices and judges.
HB 953 Last Action: Placed on daily General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to licensing and certifying environmental air conditioning and ventilating contractors, inspectors, and journeymen; creating an examining board; providing rules and regulations.
HB 1093 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to methods of proving character in criminal cases.
HB 1094 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the time period during which the state may amend its motion to revoke probation.
HB 1095 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the order of proceeding in criminal trial where prior convictions are alleged for jurisdictional purposes that affect the jurisdiction of the court.
HB 1137 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to creation of the County Court at Law No. 2 of Collin County.
HB 1138 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the compensation of the judge of the County Court at Law of Collin County.
HB 1139 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on Utilities Legislation
Caption: Relating to data used for a utility rate determination and use of changed rates pending final appeal of a rate determination.
HB 1419 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to a nonbinding referendum on the question of tax relief for school districts.
HB 1420 Last Action: Notice given -1 hour to suspend rules to consider
Caption: Relating to a defense of accident.
HB 1421 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the right-of-way of vehicles on an access road of a controlled access highway.
HB 1422 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the importation of liquor for personal use.
HB 1423 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the administration of medication to students by school district employees.
HB 1428 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to issuance of a search warrant to search for property constituting evidence of an offense.
HB 1689 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the order of argument in a criminal case.
HB 1936 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to regulation of certain coin-operated amusement machines and billiard tables by counties, cities, and other political subdivisions and to the relationship of location of machines to zoning regulations.
HCR 225 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Recalling H.B. No. 1137 for further corrections.
HJR 77 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the qualifications of justices and judges of the appellate courts of this state.
HR 74 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Allen Eagle Escadrille.
HR 90 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Plano High School football team.
HR 138 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Celina High School football team.
HR 139 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Wylie High School football team.
HR 174 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of W. C. Sellers.
65th Regular Session
HB 169 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the appointment of heads of fire and police departments in certain cities.
HB 170 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on Judicial Districts
Caption: Relating to the composition of the 59th Judicial District and the creation of the 239th Judicial District composed of Collin County.
HB 171 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the creation of the 239th Judicial District, composed of Collin County.
HB 280 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the applicability of the Uniform Wildlife Regulatory Act to the wildlife resources of Rockwall County.
HB 624 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain counties and cities with regard to criminal justice facilities.
HB 1119 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Social Services
Caption: Authorizing the Texas Department of Corrections to grant temporary furloughs to inmates to obtain medical treatment and to attend to family emergencies.
HB 1120 Last Action: Posting rule suspended
Caption: Relating to the appointment and service of certain policemen in certain cities.
HB 1577 Last Action: Assigned to General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the requirements for a real estate broker's license.
HB 1696 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the order of argument in a criminal case.
HJR 26 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Texas Constitution to provide for a Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals with nine justices and to permit the court to sit in panels of three justices.
65th 2nd Called Session
HB 39 Last Action: Notice given- 1 hour to suspend rules to consider
Caption: Relating to a non-binding referendum on the question of tax relief for school districts.
HR 30 Caption: In memory of W. A. Belden.
64th Regular Session
HB 135 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Corrections to grant temporary furloughs to inmates for to obtain medical treatment and to attend to emergencies.
HB 188 Last Action: Motion to suspend rules lost
Caption: Relating to the appointment of heads of fire and police departments in cities with firemen's and policemens' civil service commissions.
HB 559 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably with amendments
Caption: Relating to the acquisition, ownership, operation, and financing of certain facilities of, and the performance of certain services and functions by, the North Texas Municipal Water District and providing for certain powers and duties of the district and political subdivisions with relation to these facilities, services, and functions.
HB 720 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on Judicial Districts
Caption: Relating to the creation of the 230th Judicial District, composed of Collin County.
HB 721 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Prohibiting the private practice of law by the Criminal District Attorney of Collin County.
HB 866 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the creation of the County Court at Law of Collin County; making other provisions relative to the court; relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Collin County and the 199th District Court; adding the judge of the county court at law to the membership of the Collin County Juvenile Board.
HB 867 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the composition of the 59th Judicial District and the creation of the 230th Judicial District composed of Collin County.
HB 868 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a juvenile board for Rockwall County.
HB 1139 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to an increased maintenance tax in certain common school districts.
HB 1357 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Transportation
Caption: Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965, as amended, by adding a new Article 2.121, authorizing the appointment and designation by railraod companies of railroad peace officers; establishing their powers; establishing certain minimum qualifications; requiring the filing of their names with the Department of Public Safety; authorizing the issuance thereby of a certificate of authority as a peace officer subject to action by the governor and to subsequent revocation; establishing the railroad company's liability for actions within the scope of the peace officer's employment; absolving the state or any political subdivision thereof for any act or failure to act by such peace officer; providing for severability.
HB 1768 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to amendment of the Statute of Frauds to make it applicable to agreements, promises, contracts, or warranties of results of medical treatment, denying any action based on such agreements, etc., unless in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith.
HB 1990 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to creation of the constitutional office of Criminal District Attorney of Rockwall County; abolishing the office of County Attorney of Rockwall County.
HB 2153 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the common law rights of action of criminal conversation.
63rd Regular Session
HB 9 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to bribery with intent to influence votes for Speaker of the House of Representatives; providing for construction of the Act; providing penalties for violation.
HB 112 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Establishing life imprisonment with no parole as a punishment to replace the death penalty; amending Articles 47, 48, 84, 309, 1189, 1257, as amended, and 1408, Penal Code of Texas, 1925; amending Section 1, Chapter 12, Acts of the 42nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1931, as amended (Article 1177a, Vernon's Texas Penal Code); amending Subsection (c), Section 23, Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, as amended (Article 725b, Vernon's Texas Penal Code); amending Subsections (a) and (b), Section 15, Article 42.12, as amended, Section 1, Article 26.05, as amended, Subsection (b), Section 2, Article 37.07, as amended, Section (b), Article 44.08, Subsection (a), Section 2, Article 46.01, as amended, and Articles 1.13, 1.14, as amended, 1.141, 1.15, as amended, 16.15, 34.01, 34.04, 35.15, 35.17, 40.03, 42.04, and 42.09, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965; amending the title of Chapter 34, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965; repealing Section 5, Article 46.02, and Articles 11.41, 11.58, 23.15, 23.16, 43.14, 43.15, 43.16, 43.17, 43.18, 43.19, 43.20, 43.21, 43.22, 43.23, 43.24, and 43.25, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965; and declaring an emergency.
HB 199 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Relating to authorizing the deposit of a Texas motor vehicle operator's, commercial operator's, or chauffeur's license with an arresting officer in lieu of other security or promises to appear at a subsequent trial; authorizing the officer to acknowledge receipt of a deposited license on the traffic citation, to serve as a substitute license pending trial of the offense; amending the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, as amended (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by adding Section 148A; and declaring an emergency.
HB 237 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to continuances in court cases when a party or attorney is a member of the Legislature.
HB 259 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
Caption: Relating to the acquisition, ownership, operation, and financing of certain facilities of, and the performance of certain services and functions by, the North Texas Municipal Water District and providing for certain powers and duties of the district and political subdivisions with relation to these facilities, services, and functions; providing penalties.
HB 301 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to including Collin and Wood Counties under the provisions of The Uniform Wildlife Regulatory Act.
HB 302 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Changing the name of the Texas Highway Patrol to the Texas State Troopers.
HB 438 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Providing that the State Department of Public Welfare may receive the support payments ordered by a Court where the State Department is paying assistance and/or providing services on behalf of such dependent child; providing for cooperation with the courts and other public or private agencies in carrying out the provisions of this Act; authorizing the State Department to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations which will enable it to carry out the provisions of this Act; fixing an effective date; providing a repealing clause, a savings clause; and declaring an emergency.
HB 717 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Corrections to grant temporary furloughs to inmates to obtain medical treatment and to attend to emergencies; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1057 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Creating Anna-Van Alstyne Water District as a conservation district, comprising the territory contained in the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas, and the City of Van Alstyne, Grayson County, Texas, as the boundaries of said cities existed on the 1st day of January, 1973, for the purpose of providing a source of water supply municipal, domestic, commercial, and industrial use, and diverting, impounding, storing, treating, and transporting the same, and acquiring, constructing, and operating water facilities; providing for a board of directors for the government of said district; providing the means of annexing additional territory to said district; authorizing the district to obtain permits from the Texas Water Rights Commission and from owners of permits; requiring supervision of the Texas Water Rights Commission; authorizing the district to acquire any interest in land for its purposes by condemnation; providing that any construction contract in excess of $5,000 should be made only after publication of notice; providing for election before issuance of bonds or other obligations; authorizing the district to issue bonds and providing for the payment and security thereof; providing that said bonds shall be payable either from ad valorem taxes or revenues, or a combination of ad valorem taxes and revenues; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; authorizing the execution of trust indentures or deeds of trust to secure bonds payable from revenues or partly from revenues; providing for elections approving the issuance of bonds payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes; authorizing the district to enter into contracts with public agencies, political subdivisions, and others, including specifically the cities of Anna and Van Alstyne for any purpose relating to the district's powers and functions, including supplying water to them, and for operation of the district's water facilities; authorizing all public agencies and political subdivisions, including specifically the cities of Anna and Van Alstyne, to contract with and convey land or any interest therein to the district; providing for the approval of bonds issued by the district by the Attorney General and registration of bonds by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas; prescribing other powers and duties of the district; providing a severability clause.
HB 1083 Last Action: Commitee substitute
Caption: Relating to the licensing and regulation of corporations who engage in the business of executing bail bonds in certain counties; providing certain penalties.
HB 1131 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Relating to the minimum age for employment as a parole officer or supervisor.
HB 1132 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Relating to the time limit for a parole revocation hearing.
HB 1572 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the creation of a juvenile board for Collin County; setting board membership and compensation; providing for a juvenile officer; and declaring an emergency.
HCR 90 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Administration
Caption: In memory of E.O. "Doc" Hayes and Kathleen Hayes.
HCR 117 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Rules
Caption: Congratulating City of Plano on celebration of centennial.
HCR 118 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Rules
Caption: Commemorating the incorporation of the city of Farmersville on June 2,1873.
HR 156 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Authorizing the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence to study laws relating to criminal procedures.
HR 157 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Authorizing the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to study facts regarding various uses and effects of marijuana.
HR 158 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Authorizing the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to study effects of information gathering services on the individual's rights to privacy.
HR 159 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Authorizing the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to study the methods by which applications for habeas corpus writs are disposed of in the courts.
HR 160 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Authorizing the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to study the administration of the Texas Department of Corrections.
62nd Regular Session
HB 358 Caption: Relating to the creation of the 199th Judicial District composed of Collin County.
HB 420 Caption: Relating to including the water area of Lake Ray Hubbard located within Rockwall County and Collin County under the provisions of the Uniform Wildlife Regulatory Act.
HB 626 Caption: Relating to validating the incorporation of all cities and towns of not more than 750 inhabitants, nor less than 300 inhabitants, heretofore incorporated or attempted to be incorporated under the General Laws of Texas.
HB 1322 Caption: Relating to authorizing the deposit of a Texas motor vehicle operator's license with an arresting officer in lieu of other security or promises to appear at a subsequent trial.
HB 1481 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Texas Highway Patrol to the Texas State Troopers.
HB 1746 Caption: Relating to the creation of the constitutional office of criminal district attorney for Collin County; abolishing the office of county attorney for Collin County.
HB 1747 Caption: Relating to the creation of the County Court at Law of Collin County.
HCR 107 Caption: Honoring Mrs. Robby Koons Mitchell.
HR 225 Caption: Commending Mrs. Bettye Mischen, "Teacher of the Year" in the State of Texas.
HR 522 Caption: Commending Mr. I. B. Burleson.
HR 523 Caption: In memory of Mrs. John B. Honaker.
62nd 1st Called Session
HR 55 Caption: Commending Chilton Board of McKinney.
62nd 4th Called Session
HR 40 Caption: Congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Vest.
61st Regular Session
HB 568 Caption: Relating to the taking of certain fish in the waters of Collin County.
HB 654 Caption: Relating to the North Texas Municipal Water District.
HB 771 Caption: Relating to defining the term "issuer" as meaning any and every kind and type of political or governmental instrumentality or entity in or of the State of Texas, and defining the term "governing body" as being the group authorized by law to issue bonds for or on behalf of any issuer; authorizing the governing body of any issuer to refund any of its outstanding bonds, notes, or other general or special obligations by the issuance of refunding bonds to be secured by or payable from any lawful source.
HB 772 Caption: Relating to refunding bonds.
HB 1469 Caption: Relating to the levy and collection of a maintenance tax in common school districts in certain counties.
HR 420 Caption: Commending Celina High School on notable accomplishments in athletic competition.
HR 556 Caption: In memory of John Robert Taylor, Jr., of McKinney, Texas.
61st 1st Called Session
HR 27 Caption: Commending the ladies of the McKinney Job Corps Center for Women.
61st 2nd Called Session
HR 75 Caption: Commending Dorothy Hallman, Chief Clerk, and her Staff.
60th Regular Session
HB 698 Caption: Relating to taking crappie from Lake Lavon.
HB 861 Caption: Relating to validating proceedings relating to creation and establishing of the Collin County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 and the bonds heretofore issued by such district.
HB 972 Caption: Relating to the North Texas Municipal Water District.
HB 973 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to deleting edible meat from the list of items for which theft is a felony.
HR 187 Caption: Commending Mary Lou Del Bosque for her heroic actions that saved the lives of her family.
HR 417 Caption: Commending the student athletes of McKinney High School for their many successes.
60th 1st Called Session
HR 34 Caption: Congratulating Mr. E. A. Singler on his retirement from Plano Independent School System.