Legislation authored by Bryan Poff, Jr.

Includes legislation with Bryan Poff, Jr. as the primary author for the 62nd through 63rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

63rd Regular Session
HB 504 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Ground Water Conservation District Number Three, South of the Canadian River.
HB 700 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Human Resources
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a community senior citizens employment program under the Governor's Committee on Aging.
HB 811 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Authorizing the Board of Regents of West Texas State University to transfer certain land to the South Randall County Hospital District.
HB 941 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Providing the form and contents of a definition of "Hospital" to be included in Accident and Sickness Insurance Policies.
HB 1030 Last Action: Failed to pass
Caption: Relating to settlement and release of liability and prohibited employment; providing exceptions.
HB 1031 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Relating to candidacy in elections to fill offices; regulating the procedures where a candidate dies, withdraws, declines a nomination, or is declared ineligible before the election.
HB 1032 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Protecting the consumer and encourage the highest standards of construction safety by requiring the use of safety glazing materials in hazardous locations in residential, commercial, or public buildings.
HB 1062 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Education
Caption: Relating to the expansion of existing centers, branches, upper-level post-secondary institutions into four-year colleges, universities; repealing all laws in conflict.
HB 1063 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Randall County Juvenile Board and the juvenile probation department; maintaining in office those persons serving as juvenile officers on the effective date of this Act.
HB 1064 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Education
Caption: Relating to the establishment of universities, colleges, branches, and centers for postsecondary education; repealing all laws in conflict.
HB 1065 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Education
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, with reference to requests for appropriations by institutions of higher education.
HB 1073 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to exemptions from the Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax for certain substances, machinery, and equipment used in the feeding and fattening of livestock.
HB 1194 Last Action: Votes recorded
Caption: Relating to dipping and treatment of livestock for scabies.
HB 1463 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Creating and establishing a laboratory of the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory to be located by the Board of Directors of the Texas A&M University System in Randall or Potter county on land made available to or acquired by the Board; authorizing the equipping of the laboratory building and related animal building; and appropriating funds therefor.
HCR 68 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Education
Caption: Instructing the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, to study the requirements for post-secondary education until 1980 and declaring a moratorium on the establishment of any new public senior college or university or upper level college, branch or center, as well as to the expansion of any existing upper level college, branch or center into four-year institutions.
HCR 183 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
Caption: Suspending rules to authorize conferees on H.B. 139 to insert a provision regarding TSTI Mid-Continent Campus.
HR 187 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Requesting the Sub-Committee on Higher Education of the Committee on Education to function during the interim to study the higher education system of Texas.
HR 204 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Directing the Sub-Committee on Higher Education of the Committee on Education to study methods of financing institutions of higher education.
HR 205 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting the Sub-Committee on Higher Education of the Committee on Education to study future development systems of higher education.
62nd Regular Session
HB 380 Caption: Relating to authorizing the City of Amarillo Hospital District to contract with West Texas State University for coordination of their B.S. degree and diploma programs in nursing and for cooperative funding of the expense of a program in nursing with the hospital district providing services, funds, or equipment and making its facilities available to West Texas State University for clinical instruction.
HB 421 Caption: Relating to public disclosure of financial interests and other information by all candidates for the Texas Legislature and all candidates for statewide elected office not to include judges and candidates for federal office.
HB 1085 Caption: Relating to the allotment of superintendent units under the Foundation School Program.
HB 1778 Caption: Relating to certain bonds being authorized security for deposits and investments for certain entities.
HR 58 Caption: Expressing appreciation to the members of the Will Rogers Range Riders Gray Horse Drill Team.
HR 61 Caption: Commending James Randel "Randy" Matson.
HR 382 Caption: Congratulating Bill Greenhouse.
HR 383 Caption: Congratulating the Alamo Catholic High School Mustangettes.
HR 532 Caption: Creating a special interim committee on reform in county government.
HR 537 Caption: Creating an interim committee on vocational education programs in Texas.
HR 554 Caption: Creating an interim committee to study the establishment of a public defender system.
HR 555 Caption: Creating an interim committee on a West Texas water plan.
62nd 2nd Called Session
HR 42 Caption: Congratulating the members of the Canyon High School Girl Eagles basketball team.
62nd 3rd Called Session
HCR 41 Caption: Requesting certain law enforcement agencies to refrain from enforcing certain brake and light equipment requirement for trailers.
HR 100 Caption: Creating an interim committee to study complaints arising under the scabies eradication program.