Legislation authored by W.C. 'Bud' Sherman

Includes legislation with W.C. 'Bud' Sherman as the primary author for the 59th through 64th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

64th Regular Session
HB 71 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to composition of Districts 32 and 42, Texas House of Representatives.
HB 352 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to declination of party nomination, withdrawal of independent candidacy, death, and ineligibility of candidates in general and special elections held within the state; relating to methods for making changes in printed ballots which are necessitated by or result from the death, declination, withdrawal, or ineligibility of candidates; relating to the printing of the name of a deceased or ineligible candidate on the ballot and the effect of votes cast for such a candidate; relating to the declination of party nominations, the filling of vacancies in nomination caused by death, declination, or ineligibility of nominees, the withdrawal of independent candidates, and the ballot status of party nominees and independent candidates who die, decline, withdraw, or are ineligible.
HB 840 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to exempting from the sales tax certain meals and food products served by a private or public institution of higher learning or a person under contract with such an institution.
HB 1726 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the establishment of regulations concerning travel by state employees; describing officials and employees to whom the regulations apply; designating the method of travel reimbursement.
HB 1934 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Liquor Regulation
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the number of Package Store Permits that a person may hold.
HJR 65 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to revising the legislative provisions of the constitution.
HR 77 Caption: Relating to amending House Rule XII, Section 4(b), concerning permission to vote by unanimous consent.
HR 78 Caption: Amending House Rule XII, Section 8, concerning voting.
HR 227 Caption: Congratulating the Honorable Buck Florence.
63rd Regular Session
HB 142 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to amateur radio license tags of certain vehicles; amending Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 244, Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1953 (Article 6701c-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); and declaring an emergency.
HB 315 Last Action: Considered in public hearing
Caption: Requiring special wording for town or city limit or name signs for towns or cities in the State; providing the procedure for prosecution of violations; and declaring an emergency.
HCR 105 Last Action: Considered in public hearing
Caption: Relating to vehicle traffic and parking on the Capitol grounds.
HR 25 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Amending the House Rules concerning attire when House is in Session.
63rd 1st Called Session
HB 7 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Reapportionment
Caption: Relating to the composition of certain State Representative Districts in Tarrant County.
62nd Regular Session
HB 169 Caption: Relating to the creation, organization, powers, duties, and procedures of the Texas Board of Electronic Repair Dealers Registration to regulate and register electronic repair dealers.
HB 188 Caption: Relating to the sale of goods on both the two consecutive days of Saturday and Sunday on the same premises.
HB 374 Caption: Relating to the placement and the wording of yield right-of-way signs on state highways and local streets.
HB 375 Caption: Relating to requiring special wording for town and city limit or name signs for towns and cities in the state; establishing penalties.
HB 376 Caption: Relating to making it a felony to transport more than a certain amount of copper pipe, copper wire or copper cable in certain situations, and prescribing a penalty for violation.
HB 474 Caption: Relating to the governance, operation, support, and maintenance of The University of Texas System and the component institutions of the University of Texas System.
HB 1482 Caption: Relating to the regulation of the fitting and dispensing of hearing aids and the Texas Board of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids.
HCR 26 Caption: In memory of William J. Marsh.
HCR 100 Caption: In memory of Raymond E. Buck.
HJR 60 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that compensation of the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Members of the Legislature shall be set by law eliminating per diem for such individuals.
HR 374 Caption: Creating an interim committee to be known as House Privilege Committee.
62nd 3rd Called Session
HCR 31 Caption: Requesting the Texas Legislature to permit the employees of the Texas Legislature and legislative service agencies to take the day off on Monday, July 3, 1972, to compensate for the extra day which they will be required to work on Saturday, July 1, 1972.
62nd 4th Called Session
HCR 8 Caption: In memory of W. O. Jones of Fort Worth.
61st Regular Session
HB 930 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System to support and maintain the general academic institution known as The University of Texas at Arlington.
HR 264 Caption: Recalling H.B. No. 303 from the Senate for further consideration by the House.
61st 1st Called Session
HB 28 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System to support and maintain the general academic institution known as The University of Texas at Arlington.
61st 2nd Called Session
HB 11 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System to support and maintain the general academic institution known as The University of Texas at Arlington; authorizing the Board of Regents to support and maintain a standard four-year course for the university, to prescribe courses leading to customary degrees, and to award such degrees, etc.
60th Regular Session
HB 39 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Liquor Control Act to preserve unto licensed beer distributors the right to continue operating as distributors and to engage in the business of selling and distributing beer in counties, etc., where the sale of beer has been prohibited by valid local option election.
HB 134 Caption: Relating to civil liability of designated agents of the Texas Highway Department for failure to reflect any existing lien on a motor vehicle certificate of title.
HB 521 Caption: Relating to the definition of the term "actual places of religious worship".
HJR 40 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide that the salaries of Members of the Legislature shall be fixed by law and deleting the limitation that no Regular Session of the Legislature shall be of longer duration than 140 days.
HR 430 Caption: Commending the students of Westhoff Public School for their interest in State Government.
59th Regular Session
HB 360 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into Congressional Districts.
HB 694 Caption: Relating to the licensing and regulation of persons engaged in the business of providing radio and television service.
HJR 52 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas preventing a judge of any court, Secretary of State, Attorney General, clerk of any court of record, or any person holding a lucrative office under the United States or this state, or any foreign government from being a candidate for the Legislature during the term for which he is appointed or elected.
HR 271 Caption: Providing for a committee to make a survey of the public address system of the House of Representatives.
59th 1st Called Session
HR 66 Caption: Congratulating Speaker Barnes and his wife on their wedding anniversary.
HR 84 Caption: Providing for committees to notify the Senate and the Governor that He House is ready to adjourn Sine Die.