Melissa Noriega
Full Name: Melissa NoriegaOther surnames: Meisgeier
Terms of Service top
Chamber | District | Dates of Service | Legislatures | Party | City/County | Note | Counties in District |
H | 145 | Jan 11, 2005 - Aug 27, 2005 | 79th (1) | Democrat | Houston / Harris | Harris |
(1) Melissa Noriega selected by her husband, Rick Noriega, as his temporary acting representative beginning 1/11/2005 [House Journal, p. 19], and ending 8/27/2005, "State lawmaker back home after stint in Guard," 8/27/05. Austin American-Statesman.
Terms of Service top
House District 145
Jan 11, 2005 - Aug 27, 2005 Legislatures: 79th (1) Party: Democrat Home City/County: Houston / Harris Counties in district: Harris |
(1) Melissa Noriega selected by her husband, Rick Noriega, as his temporary acting representative beginning 1/11/2005 [House Journal, p. 19], and ending 8/27/2005, "State lawmaker back home after stint in Guard," 8/27/05. Austin American-Statesman.
Biographical Information top
Resolutions and Journal entries
- 79th Legislature, R.S., HR 6. Melissa Noriega approved as temporary acting representative for her husband, Rick Noriega, 1/11/2005. Resolutions - Administrative.
- Relatives: Rick Noriega - husband; Melissa Noriega - wife. Resolutions - Administrative.
- 79th Legislature, 2nd C.S., HR 236. Chosen by the Democratic Caucus at the end of the regular session as the first recipient of the group's Joe E. Moreno Freshman of the Year Service Award. Resolutions - Congratulatory and Honorary.
Biographical Sketches
- Biographical sketch, "Texas Government Insider," 11/14/2008, Strategic Partnerships, Inc., 2008.
Other Resources
- Melissa Noriega 51 years old in August of 2005, "Soldier's wife kept things up around the House," San Antonio Express-News.
- "Duty Calls," March 2006. Texas Monthly.
- "You're Rick Noriega. Do you approve this message?", July 2008, pp. 134-137, 166-168, 170-171. Texas Monthly.
- Photograph. Melissa Noriega, 79th Legislature, Members of the 79th Legislature Texas House of Representatives (CD-RW)
Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol
- 79th session composite photo of House members (Ground floor corridor, north wall. GW.C1). State Preservation Board.
Committee Information top
79th R.S. - 2005
Corrections Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations |
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