Overton Davenport

Overton Fletcher Davenport

Full Name: Overton Fletcher Davenport
Date of birth: February 10, 1820
Date of death: June 22, 1909

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
H 28 Jan 14, 1873 - Jan 13, 1874 13th (1)   Democrat Eagle Springs / Coryell   Bell, Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Concho, Coryell, Hamilton, Hays, Lampasas, McCulloch, San Saba, Travis, Williamson

(1) Eagle Springs was in the southeastern corner of Coryell County. The community began to decline in the 1890s, and the post office was discontinued in 1901. Handbook of Texas Online.

Terms of Service top

House District 28
Jan 14, 1873 - Jan 13, 1874
Legislatures: 13th (1)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Eagle Springs / Coryell
Counties in district: Bell, Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Concho, Coryell, Hamilton, Hays, Lampasas, McCulloch, San Saba, Travis, Williamson

(1) Eagle Springs was in the southeastern corner of Coryell County. The community began to decline in the 1890s, and the post office was discontinued in 1901. Handbook of Texas Online.

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

  • DAVENPORT, OVERTON FLETCHER (1820-1909). Handbook of Texas Online.
  • O.F. Davenport, native of Georgia, came to Texas in 1855 and settled in Coryell County; represented the county at the 13th Legislature. Included in biographical sketch of son, Hon. George L. Davenport, Judge of the 91st District Court of Eastland County, Volume III, pp. 356-357. History of Texas; Fort Worth and the Texas Northwest Edition, 1922.
  • Obituary, Overton Fletcher Davenport, Texas Christian Advocate (Dallas, Texas), 7/22/1909, p. 14, crediting Texas State Library and Archives Commission. "Born in Oglethorp County, Georgia, February 10, 1820, removed to Texas in 1855, and settled on Station Creek, Coryell County, and lived there until 1892, when he moved to Eastland County, Texas, and died at his home in Ranger, June 22, 1909." Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries).

Military Service Notes

  • Confederate States Army, Company H, 10th Texas Infantry; 1st Lieutenant then elected Captain, Company K, 10th Texas Infantry, per widow's application and interrogatories. Overton Fletcher Davenport, death date 8/5/1909 [sic] in Eastland; widow Mrs. E.A. Davenport, marriage date 8/5/1852 in Campbell County, Georgia. Pension File No. 23488, Alabama, Texas and Virginia, U.S., Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958. Ancestry.com.
  • Confederate States Army, Captain, Company A, 10th Texas Infantry Regiment. Also served in Company H and Company K. Handbook of Texas Online.

Other Resources

  • O.F. Davenport, birth date 2/10/1820, death date 6/22/1909, burial in Pioneer Cemetery, Ranger, Eastland County. Find a Grave.
  • Mentioned in "Through the Years - San Saba Representatives in Legislative History," 4/1/1948, p. 9. San Saba News.


Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol

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13th R.S. - 1873
Indian Affairs  
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Towns and City Corporations  

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