Search results

Fitered rows : {data.filteredRows} found [ Leg: 1 - 89 Last name: burton ]  (Go back)

Photo Name Notes   District   Chamber   Years Sessions   Party   Home City and County Counties Represented
Charles Aaron Burton Charles Aaron Burton 52 H
1915 - 1919
34th - 35th
Fort Worth, Tarrant Tarrant
George Washington Burton George Washington Burton 6 H
1915 - 1921
34th - 36th
Henderson, Rusk Rusk
Grover Cleveland Burton Grover Cleveland Burton 45 H
1935 - 1939
44th - 45th
McKinney, Collin Collin, Grayson
Konni Burton Konni Burton v 10 S
2015 - 2019
84th - 85th
Colleyville, Tarrant Tarrant
Walter Moses Burton Walter Moses Burton 17 S
1876 - 1883
1874 - 1876
15th - 17th
Richmond, Fort Bend Fort Bend, Waller, Wharton

v indicates that more than one last name is associated with an individual.

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Party information is not available for the 1st-11th Legislatures.

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