Party affiliation - 58th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 8, 1963

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [143 of 150 = 95%]

James Collier Adams
John C. Alaniz
John Allen
Roy Wade Arledge
Ben Atwell
Myra Davis Banfield
Ben Barnes
Bob Bass
Tom Bass
Vernon Beckham
V.E. 'Red' Berry
Otha Wyatt Birkner
John E. Blaine
Stanley Elo Boysen
Ronald W. Bridges
Chet Brooks
Donald Maurice Brown
Raleigh Holden Brown
Jerry Butler
Pat Cain
Neil Caldwell
Amando F. Canales
Joe Barnett Cannon
Ed J. Carpenter
Max Dan Carriker
Don Cavness
Joseph Norwin Chapman
Dick Cherry
Bill Clayton
James D. Cole
Sam Forse Collins
George Howell Cook
R.H. 'Dick' Cory
James Madison Cotten
William U. Coughran
George Malcolm Cowden
Nelson Cowles
Jack Walton Crain
David Crews
Eligio de la Garza
Maurice Doke
Lee Duggan
William Taylor Dungan
Robert Christian Eckhardt
Elder McKenzie Edwards
Rudolph S. Esquivel
Robert Lewis Fairchild
Dave Finney
Henry Arnold Fletcher
Paul Whitfield Floyd
Gene Fondren
Wilson Foreman
Donald Edmund Garrison
Wayne B. Gibbens
Donald C. Gladden
Allen Dorrell Glenn
Howard Lemuel Green
Henry Grover
Lloyd Myron Guffey
David Graves Haines
A.C. Hallmark
Forrest A. Harding
Paul Byrne Haring
Ed J. Harris
Clyde Haynes, Jr.
W.S. 'Bill' Heatly
Don Warren Hefton
Gene Hendryx
George Turner Hinson
Bill Hollowell
Robert Higgins Hughes
Maud Isaacks
Alonzo Wesley Jamison
Benjamin Edward Jarvis
Jake Johnson
Robert E. Johnson
Rufus Underwood Kilpatrick
James Edward Klager
Walter Lee Knapp
Homer Louis Koliba
Glenn Kothmann
Emmett Lack
James Loy Lattimore
Honore Ligarde
Dudley R. Mann
Jim Markgraf
Travis Victor McClinton
Felix McDonald
Guy Vernon McDonald
Malcolm McGregor
Grainger Walter McIlhany
Jack McLaughlin
Ray Everett McNutt
Wallace Harland Miller
Hudson Moyer
Menton J. Murray
Gus Mutscher
Herbert Otto Niemeyer
James E. Nugent
Carl Parker
Hugh Parmer
Bill J. Parsley
Cecil Wilton Pearcy
Travis A. Peeler
Randy Pendleton
Olen Ray Petty
Maurice S. Pipkin
Rayford Price
William Reed Quilliam, Jr.
Bill Rapp
George Howe Richards
George 'Skeet' Richardson
Jack Francis Ritter
Ronald E. Roberts
Lindsey Rodriguez
Renal B. Rosson
William Thomas Satterwhite
Milton Joe Schiller
Jim Segrest
Tommy Shannon
Donald Kenneth Shipley
Herbert Edward Shutt
Joshua Marion 'Red' Simpson
Richard C. Slack
James L. Slider
Stanford Stanley Smith
Will L. Smith
Vernon Stewart
Fritz Thompson
Roger Harold Thurmond, Jr.
Terry Townsend
John Traeger
Byron M. Tunnell
William Newton Walker
J.E. Ward
J.D. 'Jimmie' Weldon
Halen Gill Wells
Willis James Whatley
Charles Alexander Wheeler
Joseph Charles Whitfield
Leroy J. Wieting
Charles Wilson
Henry Jackson Woods

Republicans in the House of Representatives [7 of 150 = 5%]


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 36-4 James Loy Lattimore Democrat 01/08/1963 - 03/07/1963  
H District 36-4 Charles 'Chuck' Scoggins Republican 04/25/1963 - 01/12/1965   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 51-6 Robert E. Johnson Democrat 01/08/1963 - 07/23/1963  
H District 51-6 James Roscoe Sampsell Republican 11/16/1963 - 01/12/1965   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 51-7 Robert Higgins Hughes Democrat 01/08/1963 - 08/31/1963  
H District 51-7 Olwyn Hughes Brown Republican 11/16/1963 - 01/12/1965   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 55-4 Jack Francis Ritter Democrat 01/08/1963 - 10/02/1963  
H District 55-4 Bob Armstrong Democrat 11/22/1963 - 01/12/1965   Not included in the statistics above.