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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Charles A. Culberson  Document type= Veto   Document session= 24 R.S.  ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
05/03/1895 24th R.S. Veto - HB 125 Relating to making appropriations for the support of the State Government for the years beginning March 1, 1895, to February 28, 1897.
Line item veto.
The text of HB 125 was combined with the text of HB 138 for passage as HB 125.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
05/03/1895 24th R.S. Veto - SB 238 Making appropriations for registered and estimated deficiencies in the appropriations for the State government from March 1, 1893, to February 28, 1895, and for previous years.
Line item veto.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
04/30/1895 24th R.S. Veto - SB 55 Provides that the Governor shall appoint a medical superintendent for each of the lunatic asylums of the State. Charles A. Culberson Veto  
04/12/1895 24th R.S. Veto - SB 197 To sanction and ratify the title of the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company to the railroad and corporate rights and franchises of the Sabine and East Texas Railway Company.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text.
House refused to pass over veto.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
04/08/1895 24th R.S. Veto - SB 204 An act to authorize the Houston East and West Texas Railway Company to lease, operate, maintain and control the Houston and Shreveport Railroad. Charles A. Culberson Veto  
03/21/1895 24th R.S. Veto - HCR 16 Relating to the Printing Board, public printers, and the Daily Record of the Legislature. Charles A. Culberson Veto  
02/25/1895 24th R.S. Veto - SB 27 An Act to transfer to the general revenue account parts of certain funds now in the State treasury to the credit of other accounts.
The text of the proclamation contains a typographical error, incorrectly referring to SB27 as SB17.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
n/a 24th R.S. Veto - HB 581 For the relief of Mrs. Jane W. Humphries. widow of J.W. Humphries, and to grant her a certificate for 1280 acres of land.
Proclamation unavailable.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
n/a 24th R.S. Veto - HB 638 For the creation of natural premium or business assessment life and accident insurance companies.
Proclamation unavailable.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
n/a 24th R.S. Veto - HB 669 To authorize the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company to fund its outstanding mortgage debt, and to substitute new bonds therefor, and secure the same by a mortgage upon its corporate property and franchises.
Proclamation unavailable.
Charles A. Culberson Veto  
n/a 24th R.S. Veto - SB 211 An act to authorize and empower the Houston and Texas Central Railway Company to acquire, control, and operate upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the parties, by lease or purchase and by consolidating with and merging into its own railroads and all the corporate rights, franchises and privileges and property of the Central Texas and Northwestern Railway Company, the Fort Worth and New Orleans Railway Company, the Austin and Northwestern Railway Company, and the Granite Mountain and Marble Falls City Railroad Company, each respectively; and to authorize and empower each and all of said last named companies to lease, or sell, or consolidate with and merge into said Houston and Texas Central Railroad Company their respective rights, franchises, privileges and property.
Proclamation unavailable.
Charles A. Culberson Veto