Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Joseph D. Sayers  Document type= Proclamation  ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
09/04/1901 (27th 2nd C.S.) 27th 2nd C.S. Calling a special session of the 27th Legislature to convene September 5, 1901, for the following purpose: to make appropriations for the support of the State government and for the public service for the fiscal years beginning September 1, 1901, and ending August 31, 1903 Joseph D. Sayers Legislative proclamation
06/21/1901 (27th 1st C.S.) 27th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 27th Legislature to convene August 6, 1901, for the following purposes: appropriations for the support of the State government and for the public service for the fiscal years beginning September 1, 1901, and ending August 31, 1903; apportionment of the State for congressional, senatorial, representative and judicial purposes Joseph D. Sayers Legislative proclamation
12/23/1899 (26th 1st C.S.) 26th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 26th Legislature to convene January 23, 1900, for the following purposes: provide a tax system for 1901, and succeeding years, and which shall take the place of all tax laws now in force; reduce the rate of the ad valorem tax under present law for general revenue purposes for the year 1900, and to make certain appropriations; compensate the Permanent School Fund for any deficiency that may have accrued . . . ; better regulate the compensation of the Superintendents of the State Lunatic Asylums Joseph D. Sayers Legislative proclamation