Speaker and Lt. Governor documents - search results

Speaker of the House document search results

24 result(s)   [  Author= Tom Craddick  Document type= Proclamation or message   ]

Session Date Author Title Type
80th R.S. 10/02/2008 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the House Select Committee on Hurricane Ike Devastation to the Gulf Coast Proclamation/message
80th R.S. 04/23/2008 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform Proclamation/message
80th R.S. 01/15/2008 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the Select Committee on Services for Individuals Eligible for Intermediate Care Facility Services Proclamation/message
80th R.S. 12/06/2007 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the Select Committee on Electric Generation Capacity and Environmental Effects Proclamation/message
80th R.S. 05/01/2007 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the Select Committee on Higher and Public Education Finance Proclamation/message
80th R.S. 03/02/2007 (80th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Joint Proclamation creating the Joint Select Committee on the Operation and Management of the Texas Youth Commission. Proclamation/message
79th R.S. 04/13/2006 (79th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Joint Proclamation adding members to the Joint Interim Committee on Windstorm Coverage and Budgetary Impact Proclamation/message
79th R.S. 03/07/2006 (79th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Joint proclamation creating the Joint Interim Committee on Windstorm Coverage and Budgetary Impact Proclamation/message
79th R.S. 08/11/2005 (79th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Making changes to the jurisdiction of the Select Committee on Public Education Reform Proclamation/message
79th R.S. 01/27/2005 (79th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation making appointments to Legislative Budget Board Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 12/06/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Order Relating to Election Contests Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 11/19/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Appointment of Representative Pitts as chair of the House Committee on Appropriations Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 11/19/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation relating to committee memberships for Jim Pitts Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 04/15/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Announcing committee appointments for the 79th Legislature Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 04/15/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation appointing Linda Harper-Brown vice-chair of the Select Committee on State Health Care Expenditures Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 04/13/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Announcing committee appointments for the 79th Legislature Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 04/13/2004 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation relating to committees of the 78th Legislature Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 08/06/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation creating the Joint Select Committee on Public School Finance Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 08/06/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Joint proclamation creating the Joint Select Committee on Public School Finance Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 04/29/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the House Select Committee on Public School Finance Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 02/05/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Appointing members to the Electric Utility Restructuring Oversight Committee Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 02/05/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Proclamation making appointments to the Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 01/30/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the House Select Committee on State Health Care Expenditures Proclamation/message
78th R.S. 01/30/2003 (78th R.S.) Speaker Tom Craddick Creating the House Select Committee on Ethics Proclamation/message