Selected newspaper articles related to Delwin Jones

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Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Tech medical school changed face of health care across West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/22/19
50-year check up: Advocates fought hard for Lubbock medical school, now Texas Tech HSC thriving Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Westbrook, R. 01/21/19
State Capital Highlights: Select panel considers approaches to mass shooting prevention Austin American Statesman  Sterling, E. 08/02/18
Former Big Country State Rep. Delwin Jones remembered for service Abilene Reporter-News  Neptune, F. 07/27/18
Delwin Jones Austin American Statesman  Staff 07/27/18
Delwin Jones’ memorial service set for Saturday in Lubbock Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 07/27/18
Leaders praise Jones for service to Lubbock, West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 07/26/18
‘A true West Texan’: Longtime legislator Delwin Jones of Lubbock dies at 94 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Dotray, M. 07/26/18
Former South Plains state lawmaker Short remembered as strong voice for West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Young, A. 06/27/15
It's collection time for lawmakers Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/22/15
Perry's victory proved decisive in West Texas special election Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/15/14
Rep. Perry wins state Senate race without runoff Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 09/10/14
Rep. Perry wins West Texas special Senate election San Antonio Express News  Svitek, P. 09/10/14
State Sen. Election Day is today Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 09/09/14
Don't count out Delwin Jones, expert says Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/05/14
Senate candidate condition goes from critical to serious Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 09/04/14
Charles Perry remains top fundraiser in state Senate race Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 09/04/14
Chuck Perry leads Senate District 28 money race Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/04/14
Candidate remains in critical condition Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 09/03/14
Senate candidates talk water, education, border and even marijuana at candidate forum Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Poole, S. 09/03/14
Jones remains in critical condition; family asks for no visitors at this time Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Poole, S. 09/02/14
Jones remains in critical condition Monday Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rafique, S. 09/01/14
Runoffs could be a factor in political power in West Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/25/14
Early voting for SD28 race starts Monday Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rafique, S. 08/25/14
Community Advisory Board recommendation for District 28 Texas Senate seat Abilene Reporter-News  Editorial 08/24/14
Perry gets our endorsement in the state Senate special election Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 08/24/14
Perry hopes to get into Senate without runoff Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/24/14
District 28 candidate Jones not nominated by GOP for vacated House seat Abilene Reporter-News  Staff 08/23/14
50 counties to Lubbock: Don't forget about us in SD 28 special election Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Young, A. 08/23/14
Jones: Stopping border 'invasion', maintaining local control over water among priorities Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/21/14
Lubbock attorney drops out of District 83 contention as party leaders prepare for choice Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/21/14
Candidates for state Senate report funds Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 08/13/14
Perry tops Arrington in fundraising for Senate race; Arrington nabs a Bush donation Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/13/14
Candidates race to fill vacant state Senate seat San Angelo Standard Times  Waller, M. 08/10/14
Lubbock Republicans host forum for candidates in HD 83 race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rafique, S. 08/08/14
Six candidates confirmed for Senate District 28 special election Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/08/14
List of hopefuls shorter than expected for Senate District 28 seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/05/14
Five candidates file for Senate District 28 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rafique, S. 08/02/14
Perry to remove name from November House ballot Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Poole, S. 07/30/14
Former lawmaker files for state Senate seat Abilene Reporter-News  Waller, M. 07/29/14
Delwin Jones runs for Texas Senate District 28 seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 07/29/14
HD83 hopefuls Ziegler, Jones waiting, watching Senate race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 07/26/14
With Perry trying for Senate, possible candidates vying for nod from Republican Party Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/15/14
Hopefuls start campaign for Duncan's Texas Senate seat Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/14/14
As early voting starts, mudslinging among runoff candidates continues Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 05/19/14
Reta Jones, wife of former Tex Rep. Delwin, remembered for kindness, Habitat work Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Douglas, R. 03/23/14
District 83 race looks like a box of chocolates Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/16/13
Most area primary races remain uncontested Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/28/13
Immigration issues fire up GOP again Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/14/13
Official: Education likely divisive issue Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/11/12
Texas House speaker will visit Amarillo Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/03/12
Railroad Commission's 'wrong name' prompts debate Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/11/12
Squeezing the Shale: Despite its name, Railroad Commission key in energy Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/07/12
Perry wins; runoffs in Districts 68, 88 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 05/30/12
Races hurt GOP unity Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/27/12
Rangel: Seniority key in House races Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/13/12
In East Texas, keeping a job that makes you queasy Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Weissert, W. 05/11/12
Landtroop ready for Perry endorsement Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/07/12
Former insider now looking in from outside Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/08/12
Tea party-backed lawmakers face intraparty tests Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/24/12
Proposal changes region's districts Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/07/12
Experience deficit in next Legislature spurs debate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/04/12
For Texans, there's more at stake in redistricting than party power Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/22/12
How competitive will West Texas races prove? Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/18/11
Critics blast Perry's retirement pay Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 12/18/11
Potential hopefuls mull map changes Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/25/11
With registration nearing, Jones, Heflin consider running for seats again Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/19/11
Court erects hurdles in front of redistricting Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/13/11
State redistricting battle enters crucial week Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/31/11
Redistricting lawsuits impact state districts, candidates Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/02/11
New battles crop up as Perry defends long-ago decisions Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/19/11
Ex-official to enter District 88 primary Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/13/11
House redistricting plan takes big bite out of area's clout, but local legislators say fight not over Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/14/11
Legislators might control Chisum's fate Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/10/11
House redistricting talks could get contentious Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/20/11
Texas battle begins over rainy day fund Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/17/11
Perry files bill to end in-state college tuition for non-citizens Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/02/11
Area stands to lose political representation as rural population declines Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/18/11
Long run as Texas legislator ending for Jones Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/09/11
West Texas set to lose chairmanships Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/12/10
West Texas may not do as well in committee chairmanships Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 12/11/10
Bob Perry, rock star of GOP donors Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/01/10
Perry: Education, human services shouldn’t bear the brunt of budget woes Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 10/22/10
Rangel: Redistricting returns to center stage Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/03/10
Toss 'em out? Wait until 2012 cycle Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/05/10
Districts unrepresented Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/01/10
Hispanic former representative hopes for more minority presence Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/30/10
Redistricting hearing for city Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/28/10
Redistricting effort difficult challenge Amarillo Globe-News  Blackburn, E. 08/19/10
West Texas redistricting wish list may be tough to deliver, legislators say Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 08/19/10
Public can offer input on critical redistricting issue at Lubbock hearing Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 08/13/10
Slower population growth may reduce Waco's influence in Texas House Waco Tribune Herald  Shapiro, M. 07/25/10
Legislature is starting to lean further to right Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 07/22/10
Redistricting hearing penciled in for Lubbock Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/13/10
Candidates' telltale reports coming due Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/12/10
Waco Rep. Dunnam, Democrats decry change to redistricting hearing process Waco Tribune Herald  Shapiro, M. 07/12/10
Seliger will head redistricting Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/01/10
Be cautious if necessary, but please help provide census follow-up info Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 06/16/10
Get ready for tough session Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 06/14/10
Redistricting debate to come to West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/05/10
Hispanic population boom won't help South Plains in redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/03/10
Lubbock's state school again under fire Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 05/28/10
Candidates lack challengers Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/26/10
Incumbents fare relatively well Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 04/25/10
Jones' defeat among few wins for tea party so far Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/17/10
A year later, tea party has evolved into a political force Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 04/15/10
Hard lessons for some moderates, political veterans Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 04/15/10
Around the house Austin Chronicle  Whittaker, R. 04/15/10
Voters push Collin more to the right Dallas Morning News  Housewright, E. 04/15/10
Perry's big win over Jones catches eye of party leaders Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/15/10
Workman, Gonzales victorious in runoff fights Austin American Statesman  MacLaggan, C. 04/14/10
Oldest member of Legislature ousted Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Castro, A. 04/14/10
Long legislative career of state Rep. Delwin Jones is over Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/14/10
GOP runoffs get state attention Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/13/10
Duncan joins state conservative bloc Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 04/13/10
Voters to decide runoffs today Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/13/10
Mega donors reach out to area contested races Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/12/10
Longtime House members threatened in runoffs Austin American Statesman  Castro, A. 04/12/10
Turnout 'critical' in House District 83, 84 races Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/10/10
Jones leads campaign funding Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/07/10
Perry a 'liar' over claim, Jones says Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 04/06/10
Outsiders show interest in area Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/05/10
Delwin Jones, Mark Griffin and Debra Lehrmann merit voter support in runoff Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 04/04/10
Heated House District 83 race gains attention as runoff early voting begins Monday Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/03/10
Local senator endorses Delwin Jones Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/02/10
Former candidate Brady calls news conference Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 03/31/10
New legislators often lack clout Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/22/10
Panhandle needs count Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 03/17/10
Tea partiers look to Lubbock seat for major victory Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/15/10
Region's influence may wane Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/15/10
West Texas faces battle to cut its losses in redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/14/10
Consultant, lottery operator did not improperly share information, official says Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Shannon, K. 03/10/10
Results not likely to shift leadership Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 03/04/10
Tea Party, 912 activists say despite losses, election was success Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 03/04/10
Conservative Republican candidates urge unity with Tea Party movement Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 03/04/10
Jones, Perry gear up for District 83 runoff Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/04/10
Jones to face Perry in GOP runoff for state House District 83 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/03/10
Primaries might lead to secondary voting Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/01/10
How many candidates may square off in a runoff? Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/27/10
Brady funds come from across state Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/27/10
Candidates hear students' concerns Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Dizon, A. 02/24/10
Brady pulls in more contributions Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/24/10
Jones mailer featuring Duncan draws fire from challenger Brady Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/21/10
Past voting takes lead in House race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/20/10
Our View: Hutchison, White lead list of those due support in March 2 primary Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/16/10
Jones has contributed to colleagues Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/16/10
Redistricting future unclear for West Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/15/10
Candidate Q&A, House District 83 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 02/15/10
Challengers running aggressive campaigns in District 83 race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/15/10
Jones, Griffin, and Lantroop for House Districts 83, 84, 85 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/12/10
Political clout shaky for region as redistricting looms Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/11/10
Panel to begin gathering input on state's redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/09/10
Brady way up in District 83 funding tally Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/03/10
GOP challengers fueled by Tea Party activists Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Castro, A. 02/01/10
District 84 hopefuls get s hot to shine in debate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/28/10
District 83 candidates square off in debate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Young, A. 01/22/10
District 83 candidates' debate to be broadcast Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 01/21/10
Brady leads District 83 money race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/19/10
District 83 candidates meet in Levelland forum Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Dizon, A. 01/12/10
GOP certainly not doing itself any favors Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/11/10
4 rookies might represent area Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/04/10
Swinford won't run again Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/29/09
Eye on Austin: district 83 race looms as good one to watch Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/28/09
Who won’t fill Isett’s House seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/23/09
House full of freshmen? Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/21/09
Landtroop tries again for Heflin's House seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/18/09
Candidates all for a little extra jingle this season Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/07/09
Jones again faces challenger in House Republican primary Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/04/09
Eye on Austin: Reality check: small bottom line Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/30/09
Heflin stays Democrat as House race begins Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 11/19/09
Heflin plans to run for third term in Texas House of Representatives Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/18/09
Eye on Austin: GOP challenges GOP Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/16/09
Jones gets another challenger Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/10/09
Officials: State does well in downturn Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Pyle, R. 10/21/09
Lubbock and West Texas have lot at stake in redrawing district lines Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 10/11/09
State officials stress importance of Census count for redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/01/09
New House Speaker Straus brings civility to legislative proceedings Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 09/30/09
Must it be this bloody? Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 09/29/09
Jones set for challenge on redistricting committee Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 09/27/09
Lubbock rolls out red carpet for Texas House Speaker Joe Straus Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 09/26/09
House Speaker Straus visits Lubbock, says Tech tops for Tier One Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 09/25/09
Race to raise cash begins Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/21/09
Brady challenges Jones in March House primary Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 09/17/09
Third name in the ring Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/14/09
West Texas graying Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/07/09
Texas race could have national impact Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/17/09
GOP continues region's reign Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/10/09
Campaign funds low for Jones Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 07/17/09
For Texas lawmakers, special session that starts today could be a quick one Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 07/01/09
Office-seekers don't dare take Lubbock for granted Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/27/09
Special session: Perry calls 'em back Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/26/09
Agencies top special session agenda Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/26/09
Name remains same for agency Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/07/09
Tier 1 bill contains money for Ike repairs Houston Chronicle  Stone, J. 06/02/09
Tier-one bill OK'd with no time to spare Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/02/09
House OKs school funds Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/30/09
'Chubbing' happens, but no one knows who came up with the term Dallas Morning News  Funk, M. 05/26/09
Session near end without all the turmoil Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/18/09
Compromise elusive on voter ID bill Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/11/09
Orr's bill seeks name change Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/07/09
Statewide smoking ban is still in limbo Austin American Statesman  MacLaggan, C. 05/07/09
Vote on rail panel fails Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/06/09
Railroad commission Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 05/06/09
As usual, it's a mad rush to get many bills heard Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/04/09
No more hazing Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Recio, M. 05/03/09
Redistricting in early stage Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/26/09
Swinford: Area slighted Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/26/09
Democrats face tough balancing act on voter ID bill Dallas Morning News  Funk, M. 04/20/09
Voter ID debate could slow other matters Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/06/09
Not tired yet Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Recio, M. 04/05/09
Alcohol sales backers cry foul Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Van Wagenen, C. 04/03/09
Lawmaker Jones turns 85 at office Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/03/09
Texas House honors ex-Tech QB Harrell Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/25/09
Clock ticking on Legislature Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/23/09
Schools tops Legislature list Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/22/09
Dallas legislator seeks tract from colleague's district Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 03/20/09
Party lines still rule in Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/16/09
House set for fight on voter ID Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 03/16/09
Changing RRC name makes sense, but cutting commissioners does not Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 03/13/09
Voter ID back in spotlight Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 03/09/09
New name may make commission clearer Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/01/09
Racing: Commission seeks bailout Dallas Morning News  Ramshaw, E. 02/27/09
Perry's plan to freeze tuition for some students mixed blessing for Texas Tech Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/13/09
House jobs help Lubbock Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/13/09
Seniority under scrutiny as Straus prepares committee appointments Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/09/09
Texas Senate adjourns in memory of Holly Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/04/09
Tier-one for Tech up in the air Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/03/09
Texas politicos open wallets for friends Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/25/09
South Plains delegation should fare well under new leadership Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/23/09
Shutting down state schools isn't the answer to problems Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/21/09
Plains needs clout Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/19/09
Photo ID debate Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 01/19/09
Legislators face big test on TAKS reform Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/16/09
Austin gets back to work Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/14/09
Next year's revenue down $9B for Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/13/09
Estimate: Schools will get funding, just not as much as they may like Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/13/09
How will an urban Speaker of the House affect rural Texans? Midland Reporter Telegram  Thurber, K. 01/13/09
Many remember Craddick as pioneering Republican Midland Reporter Telegram  Thurber, K. 01/12/09
West Texas readies wish list Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/11/09
Craddick exit may not hurt city Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 01/08/09
Smithee ponders speaker strategy Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/04/09
West Texas delegation moves closer to backing leader from outside region Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 01/04/09
Rebels hope newcomer can oust Craddick Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/03/09
San Antonian will face Craddick San Antonio Express News  Scharrer, G. 01/03/09
View from speaker 'summit' Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 12/20/08
Critics want action on state schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/16/08
3 in speaker's race urge Keel to resign post Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 12/07/08
Critics hit Texas' state school system anew Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/06/08
Staples hails work of Lubbock food bank Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 12/03/08
Feds fault care at Texas state schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/03/08
Crowd of candidates challenging Craddick Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 12/02/08
Craddick's foes are getting in line Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/24/08
Yet another lawmaker gunning for speaker job Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 11/19/08
Nine have filed to challenge Craddick for speaker's post Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 11/19/08
Issues rise and fall according to Craddick's whim San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 11/16/08
Time for a change? Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 11/15/08
Texas Legislature likely to address school finance again Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/14/08
Access to public information made easier Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 11/12/08
GOP keeps House majority with Irving state rep's race Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 11/12/08
Dems stoked in West Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/10/08
Another hopeful seeks House speaker post Austin American Statesman  Staff 11/07/08
Craddick's fate may be all tied up Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/06/08
Battle lines form for next struggle to elect speaker Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 11/06/08
Time to decide - vote Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 11/04/08
TAKS reform headed in right direction Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 10/30/08
Contributions help Castro wage stronger campaign for House Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/29/08
Key Republican blasts Tom Craddick's leadership in newspaper Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 10/24/08
Insurance reform group brings drive to Lubbock Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Van Wagenen, C. 10/22/08
Proposal chips away at TAKS Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/22/08
Many argue school care Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/18/08
Jones, Isett running unopposed; Duncan faces Libertarian challenger Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/16/08
Race is on for house speaker - even among Dems Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 10/06/08
Finance reports to offer glimpse into how Texas races shaping up Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/04/08
Edwards affair spotlights Texas Democratic donor Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/18/08
Dems seek to take House Party gaining since 2004 Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/04/08
Montford eyed for UT chancellor Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/28/08
McCain rallies in Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/28/08
Some Republicans want Craddick out Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/21/08
Politicos in a dash for dollars Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/14/08
Many Texas politicians receive hefty donations from top donors Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 07/14/08
Campaign costs spur politicians Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 07/14/08
Rural exodus worries state Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 07/05/08
Time for WT expansion Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/26/08
No special session set yet by Perry Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 05/26/08
Eye on Austin: State Dems fear brawl Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/19/08
Landowners give thumbs down to Mesa water, power project Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 05/17/08
Opposition high for projects Wichita Falls Record News  Blaney, B. 05/17/08
Committee impressed with tour of Lubbock State School Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Hackney-Redman, K. 04/01/08
Grads in Legislature boost Tech coffers Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/30/08
Lawyer: money was for Dems Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 03/20/08
Craddick directed who got cash, lawyer now says Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 03/19/08
Downstate reps back West at runoff rally Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 03/18/08
Game's afoot for speaker job Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 03/16/08
Eye on Austin: money didn't assure wins Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/10/08
Craddick's allies mostly fare well in primary Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 03/06/08
Despite attacks, Jones takes significant lead Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/05/08
Jones' critics may leave voters wondering at polls Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/04/08
Yes on McCain, Obama for president Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 03/04/08
Big money spurs big mudslinging in races Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/03/08
Jones for District 83; Hall for TRC seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/28/08
GOP operative seeks support for Jones foe Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/26/08
State races may have big effect Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/25/08
Primary could tip scales Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/22/08
Mega-donors have mega-value in races Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/11/08
Big money not yet flowing into District 83 race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/06/08
After House fight, Craddick looms over local races Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Batheja, A. 01/21/08
Voting record for Jones foe Hnatek on light side Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/16/08
Doctor enters GOP primary Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/15/08
Eye on Austin: rough races ahead Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/07/08
Jones draws last-minute challenger Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/04/08
Plenty of challenges in store for 2008 elections Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/03/08
South Plains legislators face light election opposition Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/03/08
Craddick lucky decision went his way Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/02/08
Latest round goes to Craddick Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/18/07
Former TYC board member, Lubbock educator appointed to state housing board Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/13/07
Eye on Austin: Abbott to rule on Craddick motion Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/10/07
Craddick fools no one when he boasts he's the man to help Texas San Antonio Express News  Castillo, J. 11/14/07
Speaker race heats up early Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/12/07
Craddick hopes partisan message pays off Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 11/11/07
Craddick blames trial lawyers Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/29/07
Texas tackles lending fiasco Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 10/22/07
TYC advocate wants another unit closed Dallas Morning News  Swanson, D. 10/18/07
GEO Group gave money to several state officials Dallas Morning News  Becka, H. 10/12/07
Isett will chair Sunset panel in area power boost Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/10/07
House seats up for grabs Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/24/07
Lawmakers graded on public interest issues Rio Grande Guardian  Staff 09/22/07
Local speaker could boost Dallas' clout in Austin Dallas Morning News  Jeffers Jr., G. 09/21/07
Hill to retire from Texas House Dallas Morning News  Jeffers Jr., G. 09/19/07
Texas not against Dems Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/17/07
Munoz, Bethel move past youth commission scandal Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 09/16/07
Board OKs bigger pay plan for managers Austin American Statesman  Elder, R. 09/14/07
Duncan: lobbyist spurring GOP rift Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 09/10/07
Funds being raised early Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 09/03/07
Eye on Austin: House race is on Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 08/20/07
AG will decide legal fight over House speaker Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 08/04/07
Capitol has eye on primary Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 07/16/07
How much do legislative scorecards matter? Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 07/11/07
Eye on Austin: vetoes stir up trouble Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/25/07
New DPS facility rests on $37M bond vote Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 06/24/07
McNeely for Friday Midland Reporter Telegram  McNeely, D. 06/22/07
Craddick opponents renew their fight Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 06/19/07
Despite turbulence, delegates do well for West Texans Amarillo Globe-News  Duncan, R. 06/14/07
Big money targets Craddick opponents, say Republican lawmakers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 06/07/07
Lawmakers misused valuable time Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 06/05/07
Democrat ally running against Craddick Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 05/31/07
Valley Democrats loyal to Craddick ponder latest defection Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/31/07
Perry: mixed results Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/30/07
Shellshocked lawmakers ready to shut down 80th session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/29/07
Craddick safe as session ends, but '08 race is ahead Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/29/07
Speaker's opponents have few options Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/27/07
Craddick's new parliamentarians spark questions about conflicts Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/27/07
House struggles to move forward Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/27/07
Jones to try hand at speaker run Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 05/27/07
Mutiny in the Texas House Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/26/07
Lawmakers call for resignation of youth agency's ombudsman Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 05/26/07
Fireworks dominate late-night session Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 05/26/07
Rebel Republican cites Shakespeare as he calls on Craddick to quit Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 05/22/07
Tech coach recognized by Texas lawmakers Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/15/07
Smoking ban clears House, goes to Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/13/07
House passes gas tax relief Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 05/10/07
New standards for Youth Commission get unanimous OK Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 05/08/07
House: squeeze the (Dem) voters Austin Chronicle  Nichols, L. 04/26/07
Panel: TYC structure doesn't need to change Dallas Morning News  Ramshaw, E. 04/25/07
Absence of two Valley Reps proves crucial on key Voter ID amendment Rio Grande Guardian  Taylor, S. 04/24/07
Eye on Austin: Angelo St. may join Texas Tech system Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/23/07
House OKs measure to record final votes Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/18/07
Lawmakers to debate record vote legislation Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/15/07
Council bill introduced, withdrawn Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/13/07
House OKs marriage bill Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/12/07
Sifting truth from rumor in the dome Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 04/12/07
Austin break comes to end Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/09/07
Legislature passes key bills, axes the duds and laughs in between Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/08/07
Constitutional amendment among many bills voted on by lawmakers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/08/07
CHIP may get booster shot Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/04/07
Ethics committee to review deaths at state schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 04/04/07
Quote of the day Houston Chronicle  Staff 04/03/07
How they voted: legislators busy Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 04/01/07
Senate panel delves into state school deaths Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/30/07
House to debate $150B bill Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/29/07
In youth jail inquiry, watch the feet drag Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 03/29/07
Panel votes to demand an outside manager Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 03/27/07
West Texas delegates back in Austin Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/26/07
Legislators vote on controversial, as well as routine bills in Austin Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/25/07
Juveniles' terms under scrutiny Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 03/24/07
Legislature considers changing primary date, ending TAKS, other key issues Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 03/18/07
TYC members pushed to resign Longview News-Journal  Elswick, M. 03/15/07
HPV vote today Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/13/07
West Texans had big impact Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 03/05/07
Don't rush to judgment on state school Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/27/07
Lawmakers aim to stop HPV mandate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 02/20/07
Deaths spur calls to close Lubbock State School Austin American Statesman  MacLaggan, C. 02/19/07
Committee appointments Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 02/10/07
Some doubt Perry's plans Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 02/07/07
Vaccine mandate draws fire Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lunsford, D. 02/06/07
Column to update issues for Panhandle Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 02/05/07
South Plains lawmakers submitting proposals for new legislation Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/31/07
Chisum lands powerful post Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/27/07
Son eulogizes former speaker Amarillo Globe-News  Lunsford, D. 01/11/07
Craddick wins easily Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/10/07
Craddick, Pitts set for speaker showdown Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 01/09/07
Former state House leader Clayton dies Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 01/08/07
Tough issues mark session Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 01/07/07
Legislators discuss spending at LWV breakfast Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Finley, E. 01/05/07
Race to topple Craddick heats up Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 12/29/06
Solid support for rural Texas cements respect for Jones Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 12/29/06
Many truckers skirting the rules with no penalty Dallas Morning News  McGonigle, S. 12/12/06
Legislators share plans with A-J round table Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Finley, E. 12/05/06
Lawmakers decry big spenders Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/19/06
Legislative change no threat to Tech funding Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 11/09/06
Isett, Jones roll over opponents in House contests Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 11/08/06
Democrats, rogue Republicans target Craddick Amarillo Globe-News  Rangel, E. 11/02/06
Parent PAC strikes back Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 10/31/06
Landtroop knocks Heflin over legal career Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lunsford, D. 10/30/06
Big money pours into campaigns Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Rangel, E. 10/27/06
King signed pledge of support to Craddick Abilene Reporter-News  Varble, S. 10/21/06
A-J endorsements in selected races Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 10/21/06
Parent PAC Davids takes on voucher Goliath Kilgore News Herald  McNeely, D. 10/18/06
Local businessman, veteran politico vie for District 83 seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 10/18/06
Democrat Miller criticizes Jones' use of PACs, spending choice Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 10/14/06
Physician's cause takes turn for worse Tyler Morning Telegraph  Maynard, R. 08/27/06
Integrity and fairness: Laney legacy to Texas San Antonio Express News  Editorial 06/01/06
Duncan & company defended W. Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 05/28/06
Chamber music Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 05/16/06
Campaign gifts spark interest in settling limits Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/28/06
Chamber music Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 04/20/06
Absent Isett names wife representative for special spring session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 04/07/06
O'Donnell fails to report $75,000 donation El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 04/05/06
Geren says race won't affect goals Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 03/10/06
Lubbock County corrects glitch in vote reporting San Antonio Express News  A.P. Wire 03/10/06
Voters in state oust powerful legislators El Paso Times  Grissom, B. 03/09/06
Powerful GOP House member Grusendorf loses Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 03/08/06
Jones fights off challenge from Wilson Lubbock Avalanche Journal    03/08/06
Lopsided District 83 donations troubling Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 03/05/06
Rough, tumble District 83 race nears final bell Lubbock Avalanche Journal    03/05/06
Voucher advocate gives final push Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 03/04/06
War of words escalates between Jones, Wilson Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 03/02/06
One man's PAC is 5 House incumbents' nightmare Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 03/01/06
Wilson campaign funds pouring in from lone source Lubbock Avalanche Journal    03/01/06
They're stuck in 'neutral' Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 02/28/06
Eating their own Houston Chronicle  Editorial 02/22/06
Craddick stands up for voucher foe San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 02/22/06
Can GOP lawmakers survive voucher vote? Austin American Statesman  Embry, J. 02/20/06
A-J Ed Board's Candidate Choices Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/19/06
Similarity of GOP hopefuls' campaigns raises questions Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 02/18/06
District 83 contest has ingredients for hotly contested battle Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 02/17/06
Perry: Rural Texas wins with DSL plan Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lunsford, D. 02/16/06
School finance issue at root of Jones challenge Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 02/12/06
Geren target in GOP battle Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 02/11/06
Voucher backer seeking revenge San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 02/11/06
Voucher backers target 5 in House Austin American Statesman  Staff 02/09/06
Duty calls Isett to war zone Lubbock Avalanche Journal    02/09/06
PAC taking aim at state House Republicans Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 02/08/06
Republican candidates square off Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Womack, J. 02/08/06
Wilson rakes in campaign funds from afar Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 02/07/06
2 donors show rift in GOP Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 02/03/06
Educators aim for House seats across the state Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 02/03/06
GOP could target its own Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tinsley, A. 12/25/05
Heflin won't take lottery director job Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/16/05
Impartial choice promised for lottery job Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/08/05
Republican hopefuls line up to file paperwork for March primary Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 12/06/05
Laney retiring from House Dallas Morning News  Brooks, K. 12/03/05
Jones' foe, stadium suites, Prop 2 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sanders, R. 10/30/05
Craddick airs views on school finance and reform Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 09/25/05
Local school officials take shots at education bill awaiting vote Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 07/21/05
School bills stoke fears of educators Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 07/17/05
LISD faces funding challenge Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 07/16/05
House, Senate tax relief plans take different paths Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 07/09/05
Perry plugs plan in Hub City stop Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 06/26/05
Legislative work grades out to 'B' in Duncan's book Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Blackburn, E. 06/03/05
Lobbyists' gifts are a subject of debate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Douglas Jr., J. 05/26/05
Advocating for CHIP program McAllen Monitor  Staff 04/06/05
School reform strategy takes turn in Senate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 03/12/05
Record votes of lawmakers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 03/06/05
Don't close door to Tech students Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 02/11/05
Tech states case for limited tuition boost Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 02/09/05
Speaker passes bipartisan test San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 01/31/05
House ag panel lacks strong West Texas pull Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 01/28/05
State lawmakers' legislative plate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/11/05
School finance puzzle looms large for Legislature Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 01/08/05
Duncan sees push for business tax in school funding Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 12/01/04
Duncan in dark as city sets agenda Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Chandler, C. 11/30/04
Republican incumbents holding on to state representative seats Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lunsford, D. 11/03/04
Move to close HHSC offices stirs concern Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 10/16/04
Area drug task force folds, but grant funds still sought Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Womack, J. 09/02/04
Lottery officials grilled about pay to law firm Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 06/02/04
Panel questions contract with Las Vegas law firm Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 06/02/04
School finance issue in legislative limbo Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 05/19/04
Get legislators to record votes Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 05/16/04
Strayhorn pokes holes in school finance plan Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 04/20/04
Local lawmakers scrutinize Perry's school finance plan Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 04/12/04
Changes chip away at Children's Health Insurance Program Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 03/21/04
Judges OK redistricting map Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 01/07/04
Tight state budget prompts merger of drug task forces Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Reynolds, J. 12/04/03
Smith's enjoyment of people stood out in life of public service Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 10/19/03
West Texans evaluate map's potential impact Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 10/10/03
Latest proposal in redistricting creates GOP fray Amarillo Globe-News  Wire Reports 10/02/03
Craddick stands firm on redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 09/28/03
Eyes on Duncan, Big D, detours Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 09/28/03
Altering districts is a Texas tradition San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 09/21/03
Lawmakers sound off on redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 09/14/03
State redistricting feud talk of annual ginners meeting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Short, M. 08/19/03
Repeat session hard sell Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 07/27/03
GOP's new map stirs uprising in West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 07/10/03
Rural areas lose clout in newest map Abilene Reporter-News  Meighan, T. 07/09/03
Local legislators aim to hold ground Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 06/22/03
Ethics bill sets leaders at odds Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 06/08/03
Redistricting still drawing ire of Demos Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Toth, H. 06/07/03
Lawmakers back new disclosure law Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 06/05/03
Local representatives glad to leave Austin Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 06/03/03
Work in state Legislature short on time Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 05/25/03
Grass roots organization urges support for Senate budget bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Langton, E. 05/17/03
Jones, Isett not amused by colleagues' action Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 05/13/03
Legislative plan seeks shake-up of District 19 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 05/08/03
Craddick backs tuition freedom for universities Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 05/04/03
House budget's tough cuts stir opposing views Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 04/26/03
Duncan pulls plug on heart hospital bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 04/23/03
Rural Texans have big stake in legislative session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Jones, D. 04/05/03
Representatives debate medical malpractice amendment McAllen Monitor  Taylor, S. 03/20/03
Valley legislators may vote against tort reform bill Valley Morning Star  Taylor, S. 03/20/03
Bill would open hospital district to other counties Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 03/13/03
Local leaders sound alarm on fund cuts Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 03/02/03
Local representatives press city issues in Austin at Lubbock Day Lubbock Avalanche Journal  De Los Santos, K. 01/29/03
Perry vows to conquer deficit Dallas Morning News  Nelson, C. 01/22/03
Plans target new Tech med school Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 12/20/02
Craddick makes move on House speaker post Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 11/08/02
Perry, Dewhurst work to snare Lubbock votes Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 11/03/02
GOP candidates confident, but still working crowd San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 11/03/02
Leaders hail success of weevil fight Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Short, M. 10/25/02
Education, health to make big hits on state's budget Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 09/01/02
Rylander tells group no recession in Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Drennan, K. 07/26/02
GOP legislators bristle over 'D.C.-style politics' Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 06/11/02
GOP incumbents repel conservative attack Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/14/02
Attack by PAC shows disunity in GOP ranks Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 03/07/02
GOP primary stages assault on Laney's leadership Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 02/23/02
Redistricting will cost one quality West Texas politician his job Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 02/22/02
Isett faces challenge from political newcomer Guerrero Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 01/05/02
Speaker of House gets a challenger Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 01/04/02
State house Republicans could be caught in catch-22 Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 12/28/01
Political leaders don't see bitter District 83 contest Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 12/05/01
Federal panel affirms map for redistricting Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 11/29/01
Redistricting nod deals setback to rural West Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 11/29/01
Cornyn's redistricting plan thrown out Valley Morning Star  Taylor, S. 11/17/01
Rural areas holding onto seats Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 11/15/01
State judge's ruling would aid rural Texas Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 10/19/01
Jones' plan revises congressional districts Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 10/10/01
Rep. Jones mounts last-ditch effort to keep District 17 out West Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 10/07/01
Redistrict fight likely to go past its deadline San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 09/28/01
Cornyn gives map proposal to courts Dallas Morning News    08/21/01
Redistricting vote could make, break lawmakers at next election Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 08/12/01
Redistricting pitfalls loom for Sitton, Jones Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 08/05/01
Rural Texas hit in House plan Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 07/26/01
Redistricting plan stirs uproar in rural Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 07/26/01
Laney, Jones lose redistricting battle Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 07/25/01
Minorities, rural Texas threatened by redistricting San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 07/18/01
Minorities protest Cornyn's remap plan San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 07/17/01
Redistricting clearly needs rethinking Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 07/12/01
The lake bill veto Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 06/28/01
Redistricting plans pushed Dallas Morning News    06/27/01
Proposal denies N. Texas new seat Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Douglas Jr., J. 06/27/01
Endorse 'Texas plan' Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 06/15/01
East Texas bidding for Tech vet school Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 06/04/01
Cornyn calls for special session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 06/02/01
Map idea links Central, West Texas Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/27/01
House committee passes remap plan Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 05/27/01
Redistricting proposal gives Thornberry all of Amarillo Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 05/25/01
Redistricting plan ends Lubbock split Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/25/01
Legislature about to lose the spotlight Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/21/01
Stalemate halts redistricting Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 05/19/01
Jones walks fine line Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 05/17/01
Rural Texans' voice in Austin at stake in redistricting fight Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kane, L. 05/12/01
Legislators work into the night as deadlines near Dallas Morning News  Kilday, A. 05/11/01
House redistricting plan passes without a peep Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/09/01
No matter the map, Laney wants his job Dallas Morning News    05/09/01
Anyone up for political dodgeball? Houston Chronicle  Ely, J. 05/09/01
Senate to look at alternatives to redistricting plan San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 05/09/01
Redistricting efforts full of drama, debate Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/08/01
Redistricting battle rages Dallas Morning News    05/08/01
Perry charges into redistricting but finds some dull GOP swords Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/08/01
Redistricting sparks flying Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Aldred, J. 05/08/01
House opens redistricting debate San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 05/08/01
Texas House set to debate redistricting Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/07/01
Heat is on in remap battle San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 05/07/01
Republicans could turn redistricting loss into win Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/06/01
When it comes to redistricting, fair is fair, right? Dallas Morning News    05/06/01
Battle looms as GOP redistricting plans proliferate Dallas Morning News    05/06/01
GOP plan aims for control of House Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/06/01
Debate on hate crimes legislation pays no heed to party politics Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/06/01
U.S. House redistricting may need special session Dallas Morning News    05/05/01
Special session likely on redistricting Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/05/01
Jones redistricting plan meets opposition from GOP urbanites Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Aldred, J. 05/05/01
Panel OKs new district maps; GOP decries 'protection plan' Dallas Morning News    05/01/01
House panel OKs redrawing districts Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/01/01
Legislative redistricting affected by complex set of variables San Antonio Express News  Guerra, C. 05/01/01
Tortuous battle lines drawn over redistricting Dallas Morning News    04/29/01
Redistrict issue spurs GOP fight Dallas Morning News    04/28/01
Redistricting plan getting knocked San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 04/27/01
New House redistricting plan draws fire from some in GOP Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/24/01
Redistrict plan pits incumbents Dallas Morning News    04/24/01
House plan would add seats to Collin County Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 04/24/01
Remapping of districts draws fire Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 04/24/01
Redistricting takes House seat in Bexar San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 04/24/01
Scenarios abound for legislative districts Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/23/01
Incumbents could face off Dallas Morning News    04/16/01
Latino civil rights group sues state over proposed redistricting maps Austin American Statesman  Bahadur, G. 04/13/01
Wentworth's redistricting plan divides fewer counties Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/12/01
Amendment to abolish constables draws fire Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 04/12/01
Bexar GOP legislators see redistricting as shell game San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 04/12/01
Local legislators grapple with redistricting plan San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 04/06/01
Constables offer their views on bills to House committee Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 04/04/01
Travis legislators split on redistricting plans Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/03/01
PCs lend hand to lawmakers on redistricting Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Douglas Jr., J. 03/25/01
Harris County could lose one of its 25 seats in state House Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 03/20/01
Local lawmakers to see big changes San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 03/17/01
Lawmakers receive tallies for redistricting San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 03/13/01
GOP split on redistricting claimed Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 02/27/01
Texas expecting census details next month Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 02/26/01
Let the voters decide Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 01/29/01
Laney set to name committee choices Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 01/17/01
The fights, fallout of drawing districts Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/11/01
For legislators, task of redrawing districts a fine line Dallas Morning News    01/07/01
State's census leads to two more House seats Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 12/29/00
Officials prepare to draw the lines Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 11/26/00
Agricultural industry honors Jones for supporting Texas farmers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Board, W. 08/30/00
GOP, Democrats set sights on Texas House Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 01/09/00
It's official: Laney, Jones to seek re-election in 2000 Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/04/99
Panel formed to keep eye on UMC/HSC relations Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 09/04/99
Jones' bypass surgery successful Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Fuquay, J. 05/25/99
House OKs power company competition legislation Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/21/99
Pickup passenger bill losing steam in state committee Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/18/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/14/99
Amendments may put electricity deregulation bill in jeopardy San Antonio Express News  Pfister, B. 05/14/99
House panel OKs power deregulation Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 05/13/99
Bill to create Tech, hospital committee Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 05/13/99
Lawmakers split on electricity bill Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 05/09/99
Senate approves city lakes bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/04/99
House gives tentative approval to hate crime bill Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 04/28/99
Legislator files bill to 'restrain' hospital board Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 01/30/99
New bill intended to protect state, local employees Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 01/30/99
Survey says politicians ignore valuable outlet Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 07/30/98
Jones asks Morales for opinion on questionnaires Lubbock Avalanche Journal    07/28/98
Texas legislators' pension plans receive another boost in funds Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 06/28/98
House races are heating up for control Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 06/21/98
Laney assesses situation Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Altenbaumer, K. 06/15/98
Fete reflects Laney's strong GOP backing Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 06/03/98
William Wayne Justice: a judge who lived up to his name Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ivins, M. 05/12/98
Energy company pitches for deregulation Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 04/10/98
Laney: area's asset Lubbock Avalanche Journal    03/25/98
Laney ouster forecast by GOP leader Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 03/20/98
Panel studies need for campaign-finance reforms Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 01/31/98
Lawmakers call report on where they get contributions misleading Dallas Morning News    01/31/98
Laney to get help from GOP pals Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 11/23/97
GOP lawmakers hopeful of win in Speaker's race Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 11/14/97
West Texas GOPs pledge their support to fourth Laney term Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 11/14/97
Colleague's 'threat' rankles GOP legislators Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 10/01/97
Low-income abortion rights defended Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 09/16/97
Fund eases burden of lost bases Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 06/20/97
Officials sway colleges in admitting students San Antonio Express News    06/12/97
Local lawmakers feel good about session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 06/08/97
Jones foresaw tax bill difficulties Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 06/08/97
Reese gains state aid during legislative session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 06/05/97
Bill could double real estate license exam fee Amarillo Daily News  Staff 05/29/97
Reese redevelopment measure wins final OK, heads to Bush Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 05/25/97
Reese bills win Texas House approval Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 05/24/97
House bill recognizes group planning to redevelop Reese Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 05/17/97
House gives tentative approval to bill targeting street gangs Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 05/14/97
Series of Lubbock bills gaveled through Texas House Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/03/97
Bill would help Lubbock cope with Reese's closing Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/02/97
Official gives up on cemetery bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/30/97
Tax plan amendment clears House Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/24/97
Bush adamant bill would cut taxes Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/23/97
Amendments await tax bill in the House Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/22/97
House approves well-drilling measure to ease White River drought effects Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 04/19/97
Some have doubts about shifting tax load Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/18/97
Bill would limit number of liquor stores San Antonio Express News    04/18/97
Jones bill proposes to limit permits for liquor stores Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Suydam, J. 04/17/97
Surplus creates fund stir Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 03/30/97
Bill stalls in deference to rural lifestyle Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 03/23/97
Bill barring minors from riding in pickup beds stalls in House Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 03/23/97
Bills target gangs as organized crime Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Underwood, G. 03/21/97
Bill targets gas as organized crime Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Underwood, G. 03/21/97
House gives OK to measure adopting redistricting plan Amarillo Daily News  Burton, M. 03/13/97
Redistricting low on agenda for now Dallas Morning News    03/02/97
Bill aims to limit UMC sale Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 02/25/97
Lubbock lawmaker receives honor for 'leadership, courage' Lubbock Avalanche Journal    02/14/97
Potential regents await word from governor's office Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 01/30/97
Governor may announce Tech regents Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Henry, M. 01/25/97
Laney disagrees with dedication of lottery profits to public schools Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/22/97
Area House members to key on water rights, tax relief Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Burton, M. 01/15/97
Local lawmakers step up to plate without Montford batting cleanup Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 01/12/97
Lawmakers expect no change in 9th Beaumont Enterprise  Bledsoe, D. 12/27/96
Bill would ban minors from riding in pickup beds Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 12/20/96
Jones submits bill to protect children in pickup trucks Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/20/96
Texas Senate balance rides on Lubbock Austin American Statesman  Eskenazi, S. 12/10/96
Jones leads 83rd House District race Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Navrot, M. 11/06/96
Straight-party voters could miss voting in special election Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 10/09/96
Laney cries foul at Cain's 'tax-and-spend' accusation Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 09/15/96
Cain suggests way around reporting law Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 09/07/96
Cain tries new fund-raiser Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 09/07/96
2 join race for Montford's Senate seat Amarillo Globe-News    09/04/96
Lawmaker courts El Paso voters El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 09/04/96
Duncan joins hotly contested race for Montford's vacated Senate seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 09/04/96
Lubbock lawmaker runs for state senate San Angelo Standard Times  Hargrave, K. 09/04/96
Duncan to seek Senate seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Brown, A. 09/03/96
Hasie throws hat in ring for Montford Senate seat San Angelo Standard Times  Stanford, S. 08/27/96
Vacant seat draws more state interest Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 08/22/96
Four ready to take Duncan's seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 08/21/96
Montford picked for new post Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 08/21/96
Senator's likely move leaves positions open Amarillo Globe-News    08/20/96
Republicans eye Montford's seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 08/18/96
Legislature waiting to hear decision concerning redistricting in Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 08/09/96
Congressional redistricting now back in 1997 Legislature's lap Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 08/08/96
Redistricting briefing set for 3 judges Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 07/31/96
Montford cleared for Tech position Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 07/27/96
Redistricting plan could alter region's congressional districts Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 07/27/96
Jones eyes Montford's Senate seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 07/25/96
Move may give seats to right wing Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 07/25/96
Montford maneuvers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 07/20/96
Candidates gear up to seek seat held by Montford -- if he leaves Dallas Morning News    07/19/96
As Montford eyes Tech job, Senate hopefuls target his Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 07/18/96
State senator poised to get Texas Tech job Fort Worth Star-Telegram    07/18/96
Special election could be 'free-for-all' Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 07/18/96
Redrawing districts could force Frost out, some say Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 07/11/96
Lawmaker: Stockman should stay Beaumont Enterprise  Bauerlein, D. 06/29/96
Stiles: take Harris County out of 9th District Beaumont Enterprise  Bauerlein, D. 06/28/96
AG suggests independent district drawing Daily Texan  A.P. Wire 06/28/96
Create nonpartisan panel for redistricting, Morales says Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 06/28/96
Legislators get chance to redraw West Texas Amarillo Globe-News    06/23/96
South Texas district lines may change Corpus Christi Caller Times    06/15/96
Officials study ruling against redistricting Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/14/96
Local leaders looking out for city's interests Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Langton, E. 05/20/96
Representative accuses Laney of killing GOP initiatives Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/14/96
Reception offers support for Laney Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Langton, E. 03/28/96
Demos scoff at GOP's goal to win state Senate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 11/21/95
Secretary of State encourages Texans to take part by voting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 10/27/95
Parent's rights priority for new education code Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lee, M. 10/25/95
Lawmakers assess chances of no-fault insurance Amarillo Globe-News    10/18/95
Lawmakers to answer questions Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Thomas, M. 10/17/95
Representative fears UMC may lose sight of mission Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sechler, B. 10/08/95
Federal tribunal's action clears way for '96 elections Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 09/16/95
Judge's English order draws ire of state LULAC leaders Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Barrett, S. 09/10/95
Lawmakers call education 'big winner' Amarillo Globe-News    05/31/95
Area legislators say session dealt Texans winning hand Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sechler, B. 05/31/95
House adopts voting district settlement Austin American Statesman    05/30/95
Out-of-court settlement reached over House and Senate districts Dallas Morning News    05/30/95
Big business a big winner in legislative session Dallas Morning News  Camp, C. 05/30/95
Gun bill passes, awaits Bush's ink Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/17/95
New law hits too close to home Houston Chronicle  Williams, J. 05/17/95
District redrawing proposals are dead Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/09/95
Bush says court may know best Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/09/95
Moses leaves friendly confines for tough task Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lee, M. 05/07/95
Lawmaker denies conflict in bill boosting pension for him, others Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/04/95
House passes gun proposal Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 05/02/95
Provision in bill will help legislator Austin American Statesman  Wear, B. 04/29/95
Pickup measure faces roadblocks in Legislature Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 04/20/95
Committee differences remain on tort reform bill Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 04/13/95
Lawmaker admits redistricting 'mistakes' were made Houston Chronicle  Bernstein, A. 04/08/95
Mandate bills received coolly Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 04/04/95
House in a quandary over plans for redistricting Dallas Morning News    04/02/95
State House approves $77.6 billion budget Amarillo Globe-News  Parker, P. 03/28/95
Panel debates agencies' futures Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 02/28/95
Proposal would revise districts Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 02/11/95
Jones files bill to reshape 13th, 19th congressional districts Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 02/11/95
Swinford's proposal is worth considering Amarillo Daily News    02/09/95
Bill calls for rules oversight Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 02/04/95
Redistricting needs should get attention Tyler Morning Telegraph    02/03/95
Official suggests redrawing of Texas' Congress districts Dallas Morning News    01/31/95
Texas House lags behind faster-paced Senate, U. S. House Austin American Statesman  Wear, B. 01/27/95
Rebuilding respect Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Sanchez, C. 01/11/95
Groups blast conservative fund-raiser Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 01/10/95
Trio: draw amarillo into 13th District Wichita Falls Record News  Fortner, P. 01/03/95
High court to reassess race factor in congressional redistricting Austin American Statesman  Denniston, L. 12/10/94
Administrators, lawmakers predict more school finance debate Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lee, M. 12/04/94
Outgoing insurance head blasts brokers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lee, M. 12/03/94
Jones' billl draws Legislature's attention back to redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/03/94
Redistricting plan draws support Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 11/20/94
Redistricting shapes up as hot topic for Legislature Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 11/20/94
Politics: and the name of the game . . . Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Harris, J. 10/24/94
Lawmakers eye tough issues at morning event Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lee, M. 07/05/94
Phone limits sought Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 06/26/94
Casino backers say gambling in cards for Texas Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 06/19/94
Laney leaves Legislature for homelife Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Cofer, B. 04/05/94
TSTA endorses 3 High Plains state lawmakers Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 02/08/94
Committees to address issues left unresolved Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 11/17/93
Lubbock duo turning wheels in Austin Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Gentry, D. 11/14/93
Montford touts revision to constitution Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sharp, M. 09/09/93
Richards signs Lubbock Downs measure Lubbock Avalanche Journal    06/10/93
Lubbock's three legislators laud work in session Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sechler, B. 06/02/93
Hispanic lawmakers defeat redistricting Dallas Morning News    05/15/93
House won't cut 'sunset' panel yet Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 05/14/93
Legislature's new rules ease end of session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Fahlgren-Torres, S. 05/14/93
State House backs measure to modify 27 of its districts Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 05/13/93
Lawmakers honor Duncan as outstanding freshman Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Erickson, M. 05/13/93
Divided House OKs judicial subdistricts Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Erickson, M. 05/05/93
House passes racing-facility measure Amarillo Daily News    05/01/93
Legislature to determine future of schools if measure fails Lubbock Avalanche Journal    05/01/93
A dead issue now: concealed guns bill killed Lubbock Avalanche Journal    04/30/93
House wants voters to decide concealed-handgun question Amarillo Daily News  Erickson, M. 04/27/93
Lawmakers try in vain to require airline service Amarillo Daily News  Erickson, M. 04/16/93
Political veteran recalls old days of redistricting Dallas Morning News  Attlesey, S. 05/12/91
Mutscher urged: get off board Houston Post  Staff 10/02/71
Mutscher delays stepping aside Dallas Morning News  Kinch, S. 09/30/71
Angly wants Gus impeached Austin American  Kuempel, G. 09/28/71
Mutscher to get another go at foes San Antonio Express News  Staff 09/11/71
Around the rotunda Houston Chronicle  Staff 08/29/71
Legislators resume redistricting tussle Houston Post  Wiese, A. 06/02/71
Redistricting bogged down Houston Post  Wiese, A. 06/01/71
Gov Connally will ask new agriculture panel Houston Post  Staff 03/09/67
Doesn't Lubbock love us anymore? San Antonio Express News  Editorial 02/27/67
Vast dorm contract let Austin American Statesman  Evans, D. 02/24/67
Robnett, Jones likely to face opponents for lawmaker seats Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, Mary Alice  09/15/91
Delwin Jones in race for Hance's seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Segal, Bennett  12/15/83
Role in land deal minor, Jones says Lubbock Avalanche Journal  May, Kenneth  02/08/71