Selected newspaper articles related to Ben Atwell
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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.
Headline | Newspaper | Columnist | Date |
Babe gets a bench at the Texas State Cemetery | Austin American Statesman | Herman, K. | 02/08/20 |
How even proposing a tax increase can follow a Texas politician to his grave | Corpus Christi Caller Times | Moritz, J. | 04/12/19 |
State income tax is dead, dead, dead (maybe) | Austin American Statesman | Herman, K. | 12/26/18 |
Sales tax author dies | Corpus Christi Caller Times | 07/04/98 | |
Ex-legislator Atwell recalled as man of 'courage, humor' | Houston Chronicle | Turner, A. | 07/03/98 |
Ex-legislator famous for state tax bill dies | San Antonio Express News | A.P. Wire | 07/01/98 |
Ben 'Jumbo' Atwell, author of tax bill, own gravestone, dies | Austin American Statesman | Herman, K. | 06/30/98 |
Light at end of Texas tax tunnel | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Ivins, M. | 04/24/97 |
Death and taxes: good enough for an epitaph | Austin American Statesman | McNeely, D. | 08/01/95 |
A head start. | Dallas Morning News | 02/28/95 | |
Sure thing: marker mixes inevitable death and taxes | Houston Post | Herman, K. | 07/26/93 |
Cautious reaction shown by Smith | Dallas Morning News | Staff | 04/20/67 |
Local option provision for drink bill OK'd by Connally | Houston Post | UP. | 04/16/67 |
Dallas given nod for dental school | Dallas Morning News | Kowert, N. | 04/04/67 |
New appeal made to hike sales tax | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Pershing, H. | 03/15/67 |
Connally tax package in for rough handling | Houston Post | UP. | 03/05/67 |
Taxes, ethics, Sunday law, Savings time to be argued | Dallas Morning News | Banks, J. | 02/26/67 |
Reaction mixed on liquor | Dallas Morning News | Staff | 02/03/67 |
Solons' wrath vented over redistricting bill | Dallas Times Herald | Staff | 05/03/65 |
Districting move riles Rep. Atwell | Dallas Times Herald | Staff | 02/27/64 |
Dallas wins battle over redistricting | Dallas Times Herald | Mayer, M. | 05/04/61 |
Death and taxes | Austin American Statesman | McNeely, Dave | 03/29/87 |
Atwell lays 22 years on line against Haney | San Antonio Light | 11/05/72 | |
Rep. Atwell's allegiances endanger his re-election | Austin American Statesman | Castlebury, Glen | 04/28/72 |
Atwell faces tough opposition | Dallas Times Herald | Atkinson, Jim | 04/20/72 |
Atwell seeking re-election | Dallas Morning News | 04/07/72 | |
'Jumbo Ben' Atwell": no ordinary man | San Antonio Light | McNeely, Dave | 01/30/72 |
Dismissal of Atwell drunk driving case leaves bad taste | Dallas Morning News | Davis, Stewart | 09/15/71 |
Atwell case is dismissed | Austin American Statesman | 09/08/71 | |
DWI case on Atwell dismissed | Dallas Morning News | 09/08/71 | |
Pressure charged in Atwell case | Dallas Times Herald | 09/08/71 | |
Atwell's drunk driving case set for docket call June 30 | Dallas Morning News | 06/12/71 | |
Atwell case to undergo 'normal procedure' | Dallas Morning News | 04/22/71 | |
Atwell sees bill based on tax study | Dallas Morning News | 03/16/65 | |
Atwell urges quality-boost in education | Dallas Morning News | 11/12/64 | |
Atwell feels state will clear garages | Dallas Morning News | Freund, Carl | 11/11/64 |
Atwell sees no splitting of county | Dallas Morning News | 10/10/64 | |
Scanned from microfilm - 324.23 roll 1 (1958-1968) | Microfilm | 11/30/57 | |
Legislator will seek re-election | Dallas Morning News | 07/19/56 |