Selected newspaper articles related to Anita Hill
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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.
Headline | Newspaper | Columnist | Date |
Representative from Garland, advocate for elderly, children | Dallas Morning News | Abshire, R. | 10/09/03 |
Public clamors for reforms on Texas' official conduct code | Waco Tribune Herald | Cryer, B. | 12/25/80 |
Head of county GOP delegation to leave House after 14 years | Dallas Times Herald | 10/25/91 | |
Urban problems bind GOP women lawmakers | San Antonio Express News | Rubin, Sydney | 02/14/83 |
Broken gavel whams state legislator | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Ratcliffe, R.G. | 01/25/83 |
Legislator ejected not once, but twice | Dallas Times Herald | Dunham, Richard S. | 03/26/81 |
Austin's Driskill Hotel says boycott is unfair | Houston Chronicle | 03/15/81 | |
Driskill calls boycott unjust | Austin American Statesman | Henry, John C. | 03/14/81 |
Lawmakers continue Driskill Hotel boycott | Dallas Times Herald | 03/14/81 | |
Sexual discrimination in progressive Austin? Yep! | Dallas Morning News | Hill, Anita | 03/11/81 |
Male chauvinists at Citadel deaf to horns of liberation | San Antonio Light | Cardwell, Cary | 02/15/81 |
Driskill thrives despite Citadel Club fuss | Dallas Morning News | Kinch, Sam | 02/13/81 |
House protests exclusion | Austin American Statesman | Cryer, Bill | 02/12/81 |
Women legislators boycott noted hotel | Dallas Times Herald | Tiede, Saralee | 02/12/81 |
Female legislator denied entry to males-only club | Dallas Times Herald | Tiede, Saralee | 02/10/81 |
Rep. Anita Hill tells of new GOP allegiance | Dallas Times Herald | Calhoun, Ron | 09/14/79 |
Rep. Anita Hill tells of new GOP allegiance | Dallas Times Herald | 09/14/79 | |
Rep. Hill says she plans to join the Repulicans | Austin American Statesman | McNeely, Dave | 09/13/79 |
Rep. Hill expected to switch parties | Dallas Morning News | Barta, Carolyn | 09/13/79 |
Dallas freshmen find special session a 'taxing' affair | Dallas Morning News | Attlesey, Sam | 07/17/78 |
Anita Hill wins race in Garland | Dallas Times Herald | Calhoun, Ron | 08/07/77 |
District 33-D duel to end | Dallas Morning News | Griffith, Dotty | 08/06/77 |
Vote for Mike McCauley | Dallas Times Herald | 08/05/77 | |
McCauley outspending HIll 3-to-1 in runoff | Dallas Times Herald | 08/04/77 |