Legislation authored by James Jefferson Strickland

Includes legislation with James Jefferson Strickland as the primary author for the 30th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
SB 157 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to construct, with a view to rent, or to offer to rent, or to have rented, any house or apartment house that is to be used as a dwelling that does not conform to the sanitary standards prescribed for said dwelling house or apartment; making the violation of the act a misdemeanor and fixing a punishment.
SB 170 Caption: Relating to amending the Special Road Law for Cherokee County, providing for the payment of a road tax and the appointment of overseers.
SB 193 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the issuance of license to any person or firm to carry on or work at the business of plumbing, or to act as inspector of plumbing and requiring them to obtain license by an examination as to their qualifications from a board of examining and supervising plumbers.
SB 293 Caption: Relating to permitting Texas Southeastern Railway Company to take up and remove that portion of its railroad tracks between Vair and Neff, and to sell and dispose of that part of its right-of-way included between said two stations and to abandon the same.
SB 324 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person employed as auditor or accountant or who may hereafter be employed to do auditing work for the State of Texas or any County, municipality or any legally authorized committee to knowingly make a false report of their findings, prescribing a penalty.
SB 325 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any civil engineer, employed by the State of Texas, any county or municipality, to draft or approve plans, calculate bids or advise in regard to the construction of and cost of any kind of public improvements, to knowingly make a false report to said employer in regard to said work or bids.
SB 346 Caption: Relating to providing for abolishing the incorporation of any city or town in this State, incorporated under the general law or by any special charter, that no longer exercise its corporate functions as an incorporated city or town and that has failed to have its corporation abolished as provided by certain statute; providing for the assessment and collection of taxes to pay existing indebtedness and the management and control of public property therein.
SB 365 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute fixing the compensation of county Commissioners in counties having a population of thirty thousand and not more than forty thousand, so as to include counties having a population of twenty-nine thousand and over.
SB 396 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the terms of the district courts; prescribing the manner of holding regular and special terms of the district courts in the State of Texas.
SCR 6 Caption: Relating to the removal of the general offices and shops of the International and Great Northern Railway in Palestine, Texas.
SCR 28 Caption: Inviting Rose F. Deming, dean of Texas newspaper women, to participate in the Sam Houston memorial program.
SR 44 Caption: Inviting former Senator W.M. Imboden to address the Senate.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 69 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles providing that the returns of election for preventing hogs and other animals from running at large shall be tabulated and counted in the same manner as provided for all general elections.
SB 108 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Insane Asylum at Rusk, Texas, known as the hospital for negro insane to the East Texas Hospital for the insane.
SB 116 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the hauling or transportation of nitro glycerin.
SB 142 Caption: Relating to providing for the construction of a road and highway in and through the San Jacinto State Park; making an appropriation.
SB 157 Caption: Relating to creating a Board of Examiners of Land Surveyors that shall serve without pay; prescribing their duties and the subjects in which applicants for Land Surveyors license shall be examined.
SCR 3 Caption: Urging the United States "to recognize that a state of war and anarchy exists in Mexico."
SCR 9 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a joint committee to inspect sanitary conditions of state institutions following reports of contaminated water supply in Austin.
SR 17 Caption: Requesting that heads of certain State departments which employ investigators and inspectors send only one inspector or investigator to any place at the same time, unless conditions demand it.
SR 19 Caption: Requesting that the Secretary of the Navy and the commander of the R-34 dirigible airship of the English admiralty visit Texas in the R-34 ship.
36th 3rd Called Session
SB 64 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Prison Commissioners of the State of Texas to use its funds not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of maintaining and operating the Texas State Railroad.
SR 24 Caption: Commending the expressions of friendship from the Mexican government and President De La Huerta.
35th Regular Session
SB 58 Caption: Relating to defining a black list and prescribing penalties for same.
SB 59 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to require all persons, corporations and receivers engaged in the construction or repairing of railway equipment to provide suitable premises and shelter for the protection of certain employees from rain, heat and other inclement weather; providing penalties.
SB 126 Caption: Relating to requiring all persons, corporations and receivers engaged in constructing, operating and maintaining railroads to give notice to its employees before reducing the force of said employees.
SB 127 Caption: Relating to providing that corporations chartered for road construction must construct the road for which they are chartered within certain times or suffer forfeiture.
SB 128 Caption: Relating to establishing an insane asylum at Rusk, Texas and transferring penitentiary prisoners from Rusk to Huntsville.
SB 159 Caption: Relating to appropriating out of the general revenue not heretofore appropriated the sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1917, and the further sum of $45,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1918, to defray the expenses of the Department of the State Health Officer of the State of Texas in Intensive Rural Health Work and Rural Sanitation leading to the prevention and eradication of malaria, hook-worm, typhoid fever, and other contagious or infectious diseases in the State of Texas.
SB 174 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying, and confirming the title to the south League of a two league grant to Jose Antonio Sepulveda in Trinity County, abandoning all claims of the State of Texas to said land.
SB 211 Caption: Relating to creating the Crockett Independent School District in Houston County, Texas.
SB 233 Caption: Relating to establishing standard containers, grades and packs for fruits and vegetables grown for market in the State; providing penalties.
SB 371 Caption: Relating to making unlawful for any person to sell or compound any remedy containing more than 2 per cent of common or ethyl alcohol; providing penalties.
SB 401 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to deficiencies, providing that no deficiency shall be approved by the Governor or warrant issued by the Comptroller for more than ten per cent of the appropriation made by the Legislature for such purpose or for such particular item in the appropriation bill.
SB 413 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws regulating the construction of bridges over streams forming the division lines between counties or road districts and providing for the payment thereof.
SB 425 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Librarian and Archivist and Historian of the State Library to purchase suitable fireproof safes for the protection of the State archives; making an appropriation.
SB 453 Caption: Relating to fixing the salaries of the Railroad Commissioners.
SCR 20 Caption: Designating the Alamo Chair designed by Rose F. Deming as the State Chair of Texas.
SR 95 Caption: Inviting Rose F. Deming to address the Senate.
SR 98 Caption: In memory of John C. Pickering.
SR 111 Caption: Providing for a special committee to investigate the work done by the Board of Water Commissioners.
35th 1st Called Session
SCR 3 Caption: Memorializing President Wilson relating to the using of foodstuffs to make intoxicating liquor.
SCR 8 Caption: Relating to the expenditure of more money for buildings than appropriated by the Legislature.
SR 8 Caption: Providing that no unnecessary appropriations be made and that the Finance Committee be composed of Senators with the least number of institutions in their districts.
35th 3rd Called Session
SB 37 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the prospecting and development of minerals in the public lands so as to appropriate to the general revenue the proceeds arising from royalties from oil and gas developed in areas other than land belonging to the Public Free School Fund, the University Fund and the several asylum funds.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road law for Trinity County; creating penalties.
35th 4th Called Session
SB 25 Caption: Relating to authorizing the commissioners' court of Anderson County to cancel and revoke all previous orders of said court authorizing the issuance of road bonds and to annul the bond election at which such bonds were voted.
SB 30 Caption: Relating to making additional appropriation to complete the construction, equipment and furnishing of the hospital for negro insane at Rusk, Texas, for care and treatment of persons of the African Race or African descent.
SB 58 Caption: Relating to granting permission to John H. Elliott to bring suit against the State of Texas in the District court of Anderson County, Texas, for damages for personal injuries received by him while on duty as a bridge carpenter in the employ of the Texas State Railroad.
31st Regular Session
HB 83 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Anderson county, Texas; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 94 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 21 of Acts of the Thirtieth Legislature.
HB 109 Caption: Relating to creating a Bureau of Labor Statistics, and to provide for the appointment of a Commissioner of said Bureau, and to fix the duties of the said Commissioner, and to provide for the organization and maintenance of the said Bureau, and for the collection, preservation and dissemination of labor statistics in Texas.
HB 262 Caption: Relating to providing for the further regulation of the practice of medicine and healing, fixing penalties.
HB 287 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 21, Acts of the Thirtieth Legislature, entitled "An Act to tax property passing by will," by amending Section 1 thereof so as to provide for the taxation of inheritances descending to lineal heirs as well as the collateral heirs.
HB 303 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Governor to expend in any manner which he may deem advisable, the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars in purchasing and having erected a monument to the Texas Confederate Soldiers who fought and fell at Vicksburg during the Civil War, and to place suitable markers showing the position of Texas troops.
HB 345 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the recovery of lands belonging to or claimed for the public schools and other lands of the State of Texas, and for the enforcement of all laws concerning public lands.
HB 346 Caption: Relating to defining land suits; providing for witnesses and evidence in the trial of such suits; prescribing penalties.
HB 440 Caption: Relating to amending Section 15 of Chapter 178 of the Acts of the Thirtieth Legislature, being, "An Act providing for the health and safety of persons in and around mines", relating to the appointment of the State Mining Board.
HB 445 Caption: Relating to requiring insurance companies other than life insurance companies before they shall receive a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, to file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a bond, or to deposit securities, to secure the payment of all lawful obligations under such policies; providing penalties.
HB 609 Caption: Relating to granting Palestine, Anderson County, a new charter of incorporation.
30th Regular Session
HB 162 Caption: Relating to defining commission merchants, requiring such merchants to give bond, imposing a penalty for pursuing the occupation of commission merchant when bond has not been made, providing that suit may be brought on such bonds, fixing the value of such suits.
HB 194 Caption: Relating to taxing property passing by will or by descent or by grant or gift taking effect on the death of the grantor or donor.
HB 398 Caption: Relating to requiring railroad companies chartered under the laws of the State of Texas and doing business in this State to purchase sufficient rolling stock and motive power to handle all passenger and freight traffic comfortably, expeditiously and without unreasonable delay and conferring authority upon the Railroad Commission of Texas to require compliance with the provisions of this Act, and prescribing penalties for their failure to do so or to observe orders made therein by the Railroad Commission of Texas.
HB 555 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of $5000 for the erection of a monument at the grave of General Sam Houston, and creating a commission to superintend the expenditure of said sum.
30th 1st Called Session
HB 13 Caption: Relating to tax property passing by will or by descent or by grant or gift; taking effect on the death of the grantor or donor.