Legislation authored by Walter Douglass Caldwell

Includes legislation with Walter Douglass Caldwell as the primary author for the 34th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
SB 41 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act relating to collection agencies so as to provide that said Act shall not apply to any person, corporation or collection of persons or partnership who pursue the business of collecting accounts due to any persons or partnership or corporation for merchandise or goods actually sold and delivered, or for services actually performed, or for premises occupied or for rentals, and who charge a reasonable fee for collecting such bona fide accounts past due.
SB 42 Caption: Relating to requiring every railroad company, interurban car company and streetcar company doing business in this State during certain months of each year, and when its cars are in use by and for the accommodation of the public or when being propelled by its employee, to keep each of its said cars at said times sufficiently heated at a temperature of not less than sixty degrees Fahrenheit for the accommodation and use of its passengers and employees making use of said cars; providing a penalty for violations of the provisions of this Act.
SB 43 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute relating to issuance of licenses to dealers in pistols.
SB 57 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to the condemnation by incorporated towns and public utility companies or corporations of private property for improvement purposes; providing for condemnation by cities and towns of private property for certain reasons.
SB 68 Caption: Relating to making a supplemental appropriation of Three Thousand and Five Hundred ($3,500.00) Dollars for the support and maintenance of the Dairy and Food Department for the fiscal year of September 1, 1919.
SB 69 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for cleaning the State Library and arranging material.
SB 70 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to venue of suits by providing that suits to recover for labor performed or for any kind of personal service rendered, whether founded upon contract or not, at the option of the plaintiff may be brought and maintained in the county where such labor is performed or such personal service rendered.
SB 71 Caption: Relating to amending the Eradication of Cattle Ticks Law so that hereafter the counties of Lampasas, Burnet, San Saba and Mills, in the State of Texas, shall be placed in Zone No. 2 instead of Zone No. 1, as heretofore.
SB 94 Caption: Relating to amending certain civil statutes so as to authorize the County Judge and the County Attorney to enforce the collection of inheritance taxes, and providing their fee therefor.
SB 122 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering the Governor of the State of Texas to convey to the trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Austin, Texas, the north of one-half of block No. 124 of the City of Austin, prescribing the conditions of said conveyance.
SB 123 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act creating and defining the boundaries of the Burnet Independent School District in Burnet County, Texas, by validating an order passed by the commissioners court of Burnet County, Texas, changing the boundaries of the Burnet Independent School District so as to embrace the territory described in this Act, and validating a bond election heretofore held in said district.
SB 131 Caption: Relating to granting permission to Hyman Alexander, a minor, to bring suit against the State of Texas, in the District Court of Travis County, Texas, for damages, for injuries sustained by being run down by an automobile truck, owned by the State of Texas, and operated by an employee of the State of Texas on the 20th day of October, A.D. 1917.
SB 132 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Board of Medical Examiners of this State, and making it their duty, to cancel the license of any licensed practitioner of medicine in this State, when the facts are made known to it, that such licensed practitioner of medicine has been convicted in either a State or Federal court of the crime of the grade of a felony, or one which involved moral turpitude, or procuring or aiding or abetting the procuring of a criminal abortion.
SB 133 Caption: Relating to establishing and fixing the salaries of the State Purchasing Agent and the Chief Clerk in the office of the State Purchasing Agent.
SB 154 Caption: Relating to amending certain article of the Penal Code relating using animals without consent of owner so as to make the same read "Take or use," and "Take up or use."
SB 167 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article relating to compensation of election officers and hours constituting working day so as to provide compensation for judges and clerks of general and special elections, and to provide that eight hours shall be considered a day within the meaning of this Article.
SB 204 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to create the 87th Judicial District of Texas and to fix and define the jurisdiction of the 36th, 53rd and 87th Judicial Districts of Texas.
SB 221 Caption: Relating to permitting the destruction of all papers, except the dockets of the Justice Courts, in the State of Texas, after ten years from the rendition of judgment in any case.
SB 222 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute by allowing extra compensation to the first deputy clerk of the Supreme Clerk for additional services rendered in the discharge of the increased duties in the office occasioned by the creation of the Commission of Appeals.
SB 261 Caption: Relating to providing for the compensation of the Clerks of the Courts of Civil Appeals of Texas; authorizing the employment of a Deputy Clerk, and providing for the disposition of all costs collected by such clerks.
SB 266 Caption: Relating to establishing and fixing the Salary of the Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds of the State of Texas, providing for an appropriation to pay said salary.
SB 267 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute providing for the appointment by the Governor of two Members of the Board of Pardon Advisers; fixing their salary.
SB 283 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to issue and sell bonds in the name of the University of Texas, and to obligate the Board of regents, for and no behalf of the university, to pay such bonds.
SB 284 Caption: Relating to regulating bills of lading; prescribing the terms thereof, defining non-negotiable or straight bills of lading; prescribing offenses under this Act, and penalties therefor.
SB 285 Caption: Relating to providing for transfer of title to a certificate and to the shares of stock in a corporation represented thereby only by delivery of the certificate endorsed, or by delivery of the certificate and a separate document containing a written assignment thereof or a power of attorney to sell, assign or transfer the same or the hares represented thereby; establishing and fixing date upon which this Act shall take effect.
SB 321 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Secretary of State to exchange Court Report, Session Acts and other publications of other States and foreign countries for the benefit of the law library of the University of Texas.
SB 337 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the Chairman of the State Highway Commission.
SB 354 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to supplement the appropriation made at the First Called Session of the Thirty-fifth Legislature for the Confederate Woman's Home, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1919.
SCR 5 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerks of the House and Senate to make carbon copies of all enrolled bills to be filed with the Secretary of State.
SCR 7 Caption: Directing officers of the Legislature to deliver original copies of each bill and resolution to the State Library at the end of each session.
SCR 20 Caption: Inviting James A. Flaherty to address a joint session of the Legislature.
SJR 10 Caption: Proposing an amendment relating to the creation and fixing of liens against rural homesteads and specifying the purposes for which such liens may be created; making an appropriation.
SJR 21 Caption: Proposing an amendment relating to education; fixing the constitutional status of the state colleges of Texas; making an appropriation.
SJR 25 Caption: Proposing an amendment changing the salary of the Secretary of State, Treasure, Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Commissioner of the General Land Office; making an appropriation.
SR 4 Caption: Providing for the printing of 2000 copies of the Senate Journal each day.
SR 5 Caption: Providing for rental of typewriters for use of the Senate.
SR 6 Caption: Providing for deliveries of ten copies of each bill and resolution printed by the Senate and twenty-five copies of the daily Senate Journal to the Legislative Reference Section of the State Library.
SR 7 Caption: Providing for the payment of telephone and telegraph expenses of Senators from the Contingent Expense Fund.
SR 8 Caption: Providing for five daily newspapers for each Senator and the Lieutenant Governor.
SR 10 Caption: Tendering use of the Senate Chamber for the inaugural reception of Governor Hobby.
SR 14 Caption: Providing for the printing of the Democratic Party platform adopted at Waco in the Senate Journal.
SR 18 Caption: Providing postage for Secretary and Journal Clerk of the Senate.
SR 21 Caption: Providing for the daily delivery of five copies of the Senate Journal to the Governor's secretary.
SR 38 Caption: Providing for printing of the proceedings of the Glasscock-Parr contest hearings in the Senate Journal.
SR 43 Caption: Inviting former Senator O.S. Lattimore to address the Senate.
SR 64 Caption: Appointing Senators Bailey, McNealus, and Hertzberg to committee to escort James A. Flaherty to joint session of the Legislature.
SR 67 Caption: Instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to deliver a copy of all printed bills and resolutions to the School of Government of the University of Texas.
SR 74 Caption: Increasing pay of head porter and mail porter.
SR 75 Caption: Increasing pay of all porters except head porter.
SR 80 Caption: Inviting former Senator C.M. Chambers to address the House.
SR 91 Caption: Prohibiting Senators for speaking longer than five minutes on any one question.
SR 94 Caption: Expressing high esteem and regard for every inmate of the Confederate Home and every Confederate soldier or his widow; correcting alleged statements to the contrary.
SR 104 Caption: Inviting former Senator H.P. Brelsford to address the Senate.
SR 106 Caption: Providing for the printing of session laws.
SR 108 Caption: Inviting Speaker of the House R.E. Thomason to address the Senate.
SR 111 Caption: Providing for the appointment of two committees to notify the Governor and the House that the Senate is ready to adjourn sine die.
36th 1st Called Session
SCR 1 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerks of the Senate and House to send carbon copies of all enrolled bills and resolutions to the Secretary of State and original bills to the Governor.
SR 4 Caption: Instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to rent necessary typewriters for use of Senate employees.
SR 6 Caption: Inviting J.W. Bailey and Morris Sheppard to address the Senate.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 45 Caption: Relating to appropriating certain sums for the purpose of the inspection and eradication of citrus canker.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to make it the duty of the Commissioners Courts to provide suitable places in the Court House for holding of the Justice court in certain precincts.
SB 47 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Secretary of State to exchange Court Reports, Session Acts, and other publications of State for like publications of other States, and of the United States and of foreign countries, for the benefit of the law library of the University of Texas.
SB 48 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to the appointment of probation officers and fixing their salaries.
SB 49 Caption: Relating to amending the act establishing a State Home for Dependent and Neglected Children, so as to provide that the Lieutenant Governor instead of the Governor shall be a member of the board to select a site for said institution.
SB 50 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to reimburse the Board of Regents of the University of Texas, for expenditures made at Camp Mabry, out of the University Available fund.
SB 70 Caption: Relating to making unlawful the teaching of the Germanic language in any public or private school or college in the State; fixing a penalty.
SB 79 Caption: Relating to establishing and fixing the salaries of certain officers of certain State eleemosynary institutions.
SB 94 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas and the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical College to expend any surplus funds heretofore appropriated which cover unexpended or partially expended salaries no used up to the end of August 31, 1919.
SB 123 Caption: Relating to establishing and fixing the salaries of certain officers and employees of the State Government.
SB 130 Caption: Relating to making certain emergency appropriations out of the general revenue for the Texas Ranger Force for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1919.
SB 148 Caption: Relating to repealing a law creating a State Board of Control.
SB 159 Caption: Relating to repealing all special road laws heretofore enacted for Burnet County, Texas, and to specifically repeal Chapter 36 of the Special Laws of the Regular Session of the Thirty-second Legislature, 1911.
SB 164 Caption: Relating to making appropriations of the sum of fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay contingent expenses of the Regular Session of the Thirty-Sixth Legislature of the State of Texas, providing how accounts may be approved.
SCR 1 Caption: Directing Enrolling Clerks to send carbon copies of all enrolled bills and resolutions to the Secretary of State.
SCR 4 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to entertain Governor Brough of Arkansas while in Austin.
SCR 6 Caption: Providing for a joint session of the legislature in order to witness the presentation of the Distinguished Service Cross to Captain Gillis Johnson.
SR 6 Caption: Requesting that the Governor submit the subject of the prohibition of teaching of the German language in any school in Texas.
SR 15 Caption: Extending sympathy to the family of Senator W.L. Dean upon the death of his nephew.
SR 24 Caption: Furnishing the Journal Clerk and Secretary with $5.00 each in stamps for use during the special session.
SR 32 Caption: Escorting Senator-elect W.H. Bledsoe to the President's chair to assume the oath of office.
SR 39 Caption: Providing for an appropriation from the Contingent Expense Fund for the purpose of compiling, indexing, and proofreading the laws passed by the second called session of the Thirty-sixth Legislature.
SR 45 Caption: Providing for the appointment of two committees to notify the Governor and the House that the Senate is ready to adjourn sine die.
36th 3rd Called Session
SB 7 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to reimburse the University of Texas for expenditures made at Camp Mabry.
SB 10 Caption: Relating to authorizing any county for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating public roads, whether such roads are macadamized, graveled or paved, or built of other material, to use timber, earth, sand, stone, gravel or other necessary materials convenient therefor, and to provide for the condemnation of such road material, and prescribing condemnation proceedings and providing compensation for such material.
SB 11 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to provide that any political subdivision may issue bonds for the purpose of constructing and maintaining concrete bridges, culverts, dips and spillways.
SB 12 Caption: Relating to validating sales of public free school land sold on August 16, 1895.
SB 13 Caption: Relating to ratifying and confirming a sale made by the University of Texas on July 17, 1919, of property known as Penn Field, in Travis County, Texas.
SB 26 Caption: Relating to regulating the disposition of funds deposited or advanced for the use or rental of personal and movable property and to protect such depositors; providing penalties.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to increasing the limits of Bertram Independent School District in Burnet County, Texas.
SB 61 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to provide that the proceeds derived from minerals on lands of the University of Texas be credited to certain funds.
SB 70 Caption: Relating to increasing the salaries of officers and teachers of certain education institutions.
SB 99 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 81 of the General Laws of Texas, relating to permits issued upon application upon land.
SB 106 Caption: Relating to amending Acts Regulating the Use of Motor Vehicles on the Public Highways by providing for safety zones contiguous to railroad, street car or interurban tracks as protection against motor vehicles in certain cities and towns.
SCR 5 Caption: Postponing amending the minimum wage law for women and minors.
SCR 7 Caption: Granting use of the House of Representatives to the Travis County Thomason Club.
SCR 12 Caption: Requesting that the Governor return S.B. 61 for correction.
SR 1 Caption: Authorizing the payment for the printing of the permanent Journal of the First and Second Called Sessions of the Thirty-Sixth Legislature.
SR 5 Caption: Increasing the number of daily journals.
SR 19 Caption: Inviting Carlos Bee, member of Congress, to address the Senate.
SR 26 Caption: Relating to post-session work.
SR 31 Caption: Relating to the number of Journals to be printed.
36th 4th Called Session
SB 5 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay the contingent expenses of the fourth called session of the thirty sixth Legislature of Texas.
SB 6 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay the per diem and mileage of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the fourth called session of the Thirty Sixth Legislature of Texas; to pay all unpaid warrants held by members, officers and employees of the Legislature.
SB 7 Caption: Relating to repealing the election laws of the state embraced in Articles 2939-3003 of the R.C.S.; repealing article 227 of the Penal Code.
SCR 7 Caption: Providing for Sine Die adjournment.
35th Regular Session
SB 38 Caption: Relating to confirming and enlarging a certain strip of land front the Colorado river and extending from Waller to Shoal creek to the City of Austin for a municipal park and other recreational purposes.
SB 72 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the employment or use of the stock, means, assets and other property of corporations and declaring for what purposes the same may be used; penalizing the officers or agents or employees of such corporations who wrongfully use the moneys, means or assets contributed thereto.
SB 100 Caption: Relating to the condemnation by incorporated cities and towns and public utility companies of private property for opening or widening streets or for the construction of extension of gas or electric light plants or water works.
SB 110 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the support and maintenance of the State Quarantine Station at Brownsville and other points within the state for the remainder of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1917.
SB 114 Caption: Relating to prohibiting persons from trespassing on tracks, etc. of railroads and electric light poles and towers of interurban railways.
SB 133 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to construct and complete necessary buildings for the new Texas School for the Blind, and to build necessary fences, walks and drives, and to beautify the grounds, and to furnish all necessary apparatus, equipment and furniture, and to pay the expenses of moving in order to have said school ready for occupancy.
SB 144 Caption: Relating to providing for the return of pension warrants where the pensioner dies during the quarter for which the warrant was issued, the cancellation of the same, and the issuance of a Mortuary Warrant to pay the funeral expenses of the deceased pensioner.
SB 171 Caption: Relating to providing for and requiring issuance of hunting license to residents of the State.
SB 187 Caption: Relating to prescribing the number and character of lamps to be carried by automobiles, motor vehicles and motorcycles during certain hours and prohibiting the use of glaring and dazzling headlights; providing a penalty.
SB 225 Caption: Relating to creating the Georgetown Independent School District in the County of Williamson, State of Texas.
SB 355 Caption: Relating to declaring all bonds issued under and by virtue of the Federal Farm Loan Act approved by the President of the United States July 17, 1916, shall be lawful investment for all fiduciary and trust funds and may be accepted as security for all public deposits where deposits of bonds or mortgages are authorized by law to be accepted.
SB 369 Caption: Relating to granting certain land to the City of Austin for public purposes.
SB 372 Caption: Relating to authorizing and requiring the Railroad Commission to ascertain and find the cost of transportation and handling of freight traffic by operating divisions thereof; providing penalties.
SB 374 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to taxation, providing for a maximum bond of tax collectors, fixing the time for filing by tax collectors of their report.
SB 393 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to exempt from jury service all persons employed as mail carriers on rural free delivery routes.
SB 394 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Lampasas county, Texas.
SB 427 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the purpose of supplementing existing appropriations and the payment of the salaries of certain employees, etc. in the Department of Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds for the months of February to August 1917.
SB 428 Caption: Relating to providing for the election and appointment of public weighers for election precincts in place of justices' precincts.
SB 429 Caption: Relating to repealing certain laws providing for county depositories, fixing the amount of bond.
SB 434 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for a person engaged in practicing or attempting any trick or device to procure money by pretending to be blind, deaf or dumb or maimed in any manner; fixing a penalty.
SB 476 Caption: Relating to creating the Bertram Independent School District in Burnet County, Texas.
SB 486 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the support of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institute for colored youths for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1917.
SB 488 Caption: Relating to adding to and making a part of the Kingsland Independent School District of Llano County, Texas, certain lands and territory adjoining thereto situated in Burnet County, Texas.
SR 10 Caption: Providing for Tom Plummer to be paid for his five days of work cleaning the Senate Chamber.
SR 17 Caption: Granting the citizens of Austin, Texas permission to enter the Senate Chamber for the inaugural ball of Governor James E. Ferguson.
SR 28 Caption: Providing for the printing of the Democratic Platform adopted in Houston.
SR 35 Caption: Providing for the printing in the Senate Journal the list of claims and accounts of the Board of Prison Commissioners.
SR 58 Caption: Providing for the employment of George T. Walker as a general messenger for the Senate.
SR 69 Caption: Directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to provide the State Library with six copies of all bills, resolutions, etc.
SR 80 Caption: Inviting John A. Hulen to address the Senate.
SR 94 Caption: Providing for a pay raise for George T. Walker from $2 to $5 a day.
SR 96 Caption: Granting the Texas Christian Missionary Convention permission to use the Senate Chamber.
SR 132 Caption: Granting the Lutherans permission to use the Senate Chamber to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Reformation.
SR 143 Caption: Providing for the retention of the mailing clerk two days after adjournment to mail out the Journal of the last day.
35th 1st Called Session
SB 22 Caption: Relating to granting the City of Austin certain land along the Colorado River.
SB 41 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 207, Acts of the Thirty-fifth Legislature regulating motor vehicles on public highways.
SB 42 Caption: Relating to creating the Granger Independent School District in Williamson County, Texas.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to amending an Act of the Thirty-third Legislature granting to the City of Austin the right to establish a municipal auditorium, etc.
SB 64 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 189, Acts of the Thirty-fifth Legislature, relating to pay of court reporters in certain counties.
SCR 1 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerks of the House and Senate be required to make carbon copies of all enrolled bills and resolutions and furnish them to the Secretary of State.
SCR 5 Caption: Authorizing the State Treasurer to invest $7,000,000 in United States Government certificates.
SCR 6 Caption: Granting the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas permission to use the House and Senate Chambers.
SR 2 Caption: Providing for typewriters for the stenographers during the session.
SR 3 Caption: Providing for $25 for each Senator for telegraph and telephone expense.
SR 4 Caption: Providing that 1,500 copies of the Journal shall be printed daily.
SR 5 Caption: Directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to furnish copies of bills and Journals to the State Library each day, and all remaining copies at the end of the session.
SR 18 Caption: Providing for an increase of pay for the Clerk of the Finance Committee from $5 to $6.50 per day.
SR 53 Caption: Providing that the mailing clerk be retained for 3 days to mail out the last days' Senate Journal.
35th 2nd Called Session
SB 1 Caption: Relating to making appropriation of the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, to pay the contingent expenses of the Second Called Session of the Thirty-fifth Legislature of the State of Texas, convened August 1, 1917, by the proclamation of the Governor, providing how accounts may be approved.
SB 2 Caption: Relating to making appropriations to pay the mileage and per diem appropriation for the Second Called Session.
SB 8 Caption: Relating to preventing the introduction of pink boll worm into the State of Texas; providing for the quarantine and control of any territory within the State in which the pink boll worm may be found; making an appropriation.
SCR 5 Caption: Directing the Enrolling Clerks of the House and Senate make a carbon copy of all enrolled bills and deliver them to the Secretary of State.
35th 3rd Called Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to making appropriation of the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the contingent expenses of the Third Called Session of the Thirty-fifth Legislature of the State of Texas, convened August 31st, 1917, by the proclamation of the Acting Governor, providing how accounts may be approved.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of sixty-five thousand ($65,000.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the general revenue, not otherwise appropriated, to pay the mileage and per diem of members and salaries and per diem of officers and employees of the third called session of the Thirty-fifth Legislature of the State of Texas, providing how accounts may be approved.
SB 23 Caption: Relating to the use of the flag of the United States for advertising purposes.
SB 24 Caption: Relating to an appropriation for the Game, Fish and Oyster Department.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to locating certain departments of State government in the new Land Office building, etc.
35th 4th Called Session
SB 29 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the Adjutant General and making an appropriation of $5100.00 out of the monies in the State Treasury for the years ending August 31st, 1918 and August 31st, 1919.
SB 43 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for the maintenance of the State Council of Defense and the payment of the secretary thereof and his assistants, traveling expenses and other necessary expenses to be incurred by the State Council of Defense including clerk hire.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act to create a State Council of Defense," so as to provide that no member of the Council shall ever be paid any salary or per diem for his services, except the Secretary and Assistant Secretaries who may be members of the Council.
SB 71 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws to make the theft of any domesticated animal, bird or fowl a felony punishable by confinement in the penitentiary.
SB 87 Caption: Relating to repealing Article 7380 of Chapter 2 of Title 126 of the Revised Civil Statutes.
SB 102 Caption: Relating to enlarging and establishing the Jarrell Independent School District, Jarrell, Williamson County, Texas.
SB 104 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the purchase and installing of new boilers at the State Lunatic Asylum and making supplemental appropriation for the purchase of Dry Goods and Clothing at that institution.
SB 107 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for deficiencies in appropriations heretofore made for the support of the Game, Fish and Oyster Department for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1917.
SB 110 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to fees of collection agencies.
34th Regular Session
HB 149 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the employment of stenographers by the Courts of Civil Appeals.
HB 413 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the condemnation by incorporated cities and towns and public utility companies or corporations of private property for opening or widening streets or for the construction of water works; prescribing the proceedings for such condemnation.
HB 549 Caption: Relating to amending laws relating to jury service.
HB 550 Caption: Relating to the special road law for Travis County.
HB 558 Caption: Relating to granting permission to the Tuffli Bros. Pig Iron and Coal Company to bring suit against the State of Texas to ascertain the amount, if any, due them for coal sold and furnished to the Texas State Penitentiary at Rusk, Texas.
HCR 16 Caption: Providing for the publication and printing of the Legislative Manual.
HR 55 Caption: Placing the policy demands listed in the State Democratic Platform as the highest priority of the Legislature.
HR 67 Caption: Ordering the filing of the committee report on H. J. R. No. 8.
34th 1st Called Session
HCR 11 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 4.
HR 29 Caption: Inviting Rebecca J. Fisher to address the House.
HR 58 Caption: Authorizing the investigatory committee into the expenses at the Governor's mansion to continue its work during the interim.