Legislation authored by George William Dayton

Includes legislation with George William Dayton as the primary author for the 34th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
SB 6 Caption: Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free textbooks to the public school children of the State of Texas, making it the duty of the State Board of Education to purchase such books from a fund set aside each year out of the available school fund of the State; fixing a penalty for a violation of the Act and providing that the furnishing to the pupil of free textbooks shall not begin under this Act until the commencement of the scholastic year of 1919-20.
SB 30 Caption: Relating to providing that soldiers and sailors on actual, duty, absent from precinct, in the service of the State or United States, may exercise the rights of franchise at all general, primary, special or local elections had in this State, and providing the manner in which votes may be cast; prescribing the duties of election officers, Secretary of State, County Commissioners Court, County Clerk and executive committeemen of different parties, elector delegated to cast vote for absentees; providing penalties for violation of this Act.
SB 77 Caption: Relating to providing for the teaching of United States drill tactics in certain schools of this State.
SB 89 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Education of the State of Texas and of counties, cities, local systems, separate school districts and district agricultural, vocational or training schools to adopt school books other than the regular basal elementary school books provided for by the uniform textbook law, from an approved list issued by the State Board of Education, and to purchase all school books and sell, rent or furnish them free to pupils; providing punishment and penalties for the violation of this Act, and for other purposes.
SB 118 Caption: Relating to providing for the purchase and distribution by the State of free text books to the public school children of the State of Texas making it the duty of the State Board of Education to purchase such books from a fund set aside each year out of the available school fund of the State; fixing a penalty for violation of the Act.
SB 129 Caption: Relating to providing for the nomination of candidates in primary elections in this State, at one election, providing for "first" and "second choice" at same primary election; providing form of ballot to be used at primary elections; providing how candidates may have their names placed on the ballot; providing how first and second votes shall be counted, etc.
SB 130 Caption: Relating to defining the term "mob" and to declare "mob violence" a crime, and fixing penalties therefor; giving a name to the law hereby enacted, fixing the venue in all cases coming under the provisions of this Act in Travis County.
SB 146 Caption: Relating to creating a State Board of Public Welfare and defining its powers and duties.
SB 151 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to members of the State Board of Education by adding thereto, as a member of said board, the Attorney General of Texas.
SB 165 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of making a permanent record of the service of the Texas men in the army and navy of the United States in the recent war against Germany and her allies.
SB 223 Caption: Relating to rewriting, amending and repealing certain statutes relating to the election, qualification, and duties of the Commissioner of Agriculture.
SB 260 Caption: Relating to validating all sales of Public Free School land and made by the State of Texas, by authority of the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Texas of date April 12th and 14th, 1883, wherein the State did not by its award of sale, or classification of such lands, specifically reserve the minerals in such lands, be and the same are hereby validated, and the State of Texas, hereby relinquishes unto the owners of said lands, all of its right, and title to said lands, and minerals.
SB 271 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Cooke County, Texas.
SB 295 Caption: Relating to providing for a general educational survey of the State of Texas, creating a committee, prescribing their duties, and making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act.
SB 296 Caption: Relating to providing an adequate method of regulating the practice of civil engineering and surveying in the State; defining civil engineering and surveying; creating a Board of Engineer Examiners; providing a penalty for the practice or attempted practice of civil engineering or surveying without a license or certificate of registration; providing for exemptions under certain conditions.
SB 297 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to certification of teachers.
SB 298 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute providing for the payment of motor vehicle fees to county tax collectors and directing the deposition of fees.
SB 299 Caption: Relating to making certain deficiency appropriations out of the general revenue for the Girls' Training School, Gainesville, Texas, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1919.
SB 334 Caption: Relating to regulating the purity, of paints, varnish, filler-stain, linseed oil, turpentine and all similar substance; and providing for branding and labeling of same and providing that the Dairy and Food Commissioner of this State shall make such rules and regulations that may be necessary for the enforcement of this Act, and providing penalties.
SB 348 Caption: Relating to defining and regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry; creating a Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for the examination and licensing of veterinary physicians and surgeons, dentists and prescribing their powers, duties and qualifications.
SB 373 Caption: Relating to making certain deficiency appropriations out of the General Revenue for the State Juvenile Training School, Gatesville, Texas, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1919.
SB 390 Caption: Relating to creating the Maribelle Independent School District in Grayson County, Texas; naming same; prescribing its metes and bounds; and providing for the election of trustees, raising revenue by taxation, issuing bonds and maintaining public free schools therein; and providing for assessing and collecting taxes therein.
SB 395 Caption: Relating to amending the City Charter of the City of Gainesville, Texas, by adding thereto this Act, authorizing the City Council of said city to issue refunding bonds of said city for the purposes of refunding any outstanding unpaid bonds of said city without the necessity of ordering and holding an election.
SCR 2 Caption: Rededicating Camp Mabry to the Thirty-sixth Division of the United States Army.
SCR 3 Caption: Favoring the establishment of a League of Nations of which the United States shall be a member.
SCR 14 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the oil and gas being taken by private parties from public free school lands without compensation.
SCR 22 Caption: Requesting that Congress regulate cotton exchanges and appoint an Assistant Secretary for each cotton exchange.
SR 16 Caption: Permitting the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds to transfer State Mining Board to the Senate Finance Committee room.
SR 17 Caption: Authorizing the presiding officers of the Senate to assign work to certain employees.
SR 24 Caption: Recommending US Senator Morris Sheppard for presidential nomination by the Democratic Party.
SR 37 Caption: Requesting that the Committee on Rules report back with permanent rules for the Senate.
SR 56 Caption: Inviting former Senator Julius Real to address the Senate.
SR 58 Caption: Providing for an advance of $1000 to officer in the Glasscock-Parr contest for transportation of 100 witnesses.
SR 86 Caption: Requesting that US Senators from Texas withdraw the subject of American cotton exports from the Peace Council at Paris.
SR 97 Caption: Naming Billy Conn Mascot of the Senate.
36th 1st Called Session
SR 1 Caption: Providing for the appointment of two committees to notify the Governor and the House that the Senate is organize and ready for the dispatch of business.
SR 2 Caption: Inviting US Representative Marvin Jones to address the Senate.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 54 Caption: Relating to establishing and fixing the salary of the Chairman of the Live Stock Sanitary Commission.
SB 73 Caption: Relating to providing an adequate method of regulating the practice of civil engineering and surveying in the state.
SB 80 Caption: Relating to amending statutes relating to county libraries.
SB 86 Caption: Relating to providing for registration and statistical reports of school officers in all schools supported wholly or partly by the State of Texas; and providing for the withholding of the salary of said officers until such reports are made; providing penalties.
SB 87 Caption: Relating to meetings and contracts by the State Text Book Commission.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles relating to the Library and Historical Commission.
SCR 2 Caption: Inviting W.F. Ramsey of the Federal Reserve Board to address the Legislature on the subject of the proposed "cotton corporation."
SCR 15 Caption: Requesting that Congress amend Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act in order to permit federal reserve banks to loan money on agricultural commodity certificates issued against stored non-perishable farm products by making such certificates commercial paper without any member banks' endorsement.
SCR 23 Caption: Urging Congress to take action regarding Texas–Mexico border conflicts.
SR 1 Caption: Providing for the appointment of two committees to notify the Governor and the House that the Senate is organized and ready for the dispatch of business.
SR 4 Caption: In memory of Senator W.S. Bell of Foard County.
SR 12 Caption: Inviting A.W. Bloor to address the Senate.
SR 18 Caption: Requesting that the House appoint a committee of three members to participate in memorial services for Senator W.S. Bell.
SR 23 Caption: Expressing appreciation for the citizens of Austin for barbecue and entertainment.
SR 31 Caption: Approving the action of the Chamber of Commerce of El Paso in being the first commercial body in Texas to join forces with the National Association for the Protection of American Rights in Mexico.
36th 3rd Called Session
SB 27 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws so as to prohibit the sale or offering for sale of road vehicles of certain carrying capacity with tires of less than the herein prescribed width within the State of Texas; fixing penalties.
SB 68 Caption: Relating to declaring the Pink Bollworm a pest and providing for its eradication and destruction.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to amending Article 637-h of Chapter 2, Title 16, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1911.
36th 4th Called Session
SCR 3 Caption: Providing for Sine Die adjournment.
SCR 6 Caption: Invoking the assistance of state agencies for the help and protection of cotton growers.
35th Regular Session
SB 11 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State of Texas into congressional districts, naming the counties composing the same, and providing for the election of a member of the Congress of the United States from each district.
SB 12 Caption: Relating to fixing the time of filing an answer in all cases where the defendant is cited by publication.
SB 83 Caption: Relating to corporations formed for the purpose of storing, transporting, buying and selling oil and gas and other products.
SB 111 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the lavish or corrupt use of money in Primary Elections; creating a felony and providing for punishment in cases of conviction.
SB 112 Caption: Relating to the creation of a State Board of Chiropractic Examiners to regulate the practice of chiropractic in the State; defining Chiropractic, providing for licensing Chiropractors and prescribing penalties.
SB 131 Caption: Relating to the maximum amount of fees to be retained by certain officers and to fees of district attorneys in districts composed of one or more counties.
SB 149 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 117 of the General Laws of the State of Texas, passed at the Regular Session of the Thirty-fourth Legislature of Texas relating to county libraries.
SB 175 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to services on foreign corporations.
SB 193 Caption: Relating to providing for the nomination of candidates in primary elections and for first and second choice at the same primary election.
SB 196 Caption: Relating to establishing a prison system and declaring the policy of the State with reference thereto, etc.
SB 210 Caption: Relating to permitting any joint owner or claimant of real estate or of any interest therein to authorize an attorney to bring suit to partition real estate, and providing court hearing partition suit shall allow such attorney bringing suit a reasonable attorney's fee to be taxed up and paid out as court costs.
SB 267 Caption: Relating to defining a delinquent child and regulating the treatment and control of same; providing a penalty.
SB 274 Caption: Relating to authorizing Local Commercial organizations to contribute to the support and maintenance of State Commercial organizations.
SB 280 Caption: Relating to amending Article 1063 of the Revised Penal Code, defining rape.
SB 303 Caption: Relating to amending Act creating a more efficient road system for Grayson County, Texas.
SB 311 Caption: Relating to authorizing the County Commissioners' Court of Grayson County, Texas, to appropriate money for the purpose of using additional Farm Demonstrating Agents and for a Canning Club Demonstrating Agent.
SB 338 Caption: Relating to amending section 696 of the Penal Code, relating to leaving dead animals in public roads or near dwellings.
SB 390 Caption: Relating to amending an Act entitled "an Act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a State Training School upon the cottage plan for dependent and delinquent girls in Texas," and making it an offense to persuade, coerce or employ any inmate of such institution, or any home selected by the authorities thereof for any girl committed to such institution, to leave such institution or home, and making it an offense to aid, advise, encourage or furnish means for any inmate to escape from said institution or to aid or facilitate such escape, or to hide or conceal any inmate after she has escaped, and providing for punishment therefor.
SB 391 Caption: Relating to amending Section Four (4) of "An Act to amend the Charter of of the City of Gainesville by creating a Board of Water Commissioners for said City," relating to the control and disposition of funds derived from the sale of water.
SB 392 Caption: Relating to authorizing individuals, partnerships and corporations to exchange among themselves reciprocal or inter-insurance contracts.
SB 411 Caption: Relating to authorizing traveling men and all other persons unavoidably absent from their voting place on Primary Election Days to vote by mail; providing under what circumstances they may vote; providing penalty.
SB 420 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the salary and compensation for expenses of the Commissioner of Agriculture.
SB 484 Caption: Relating to establishing a Junior Agricultural, Mechanical and Industrial College at Sherman, Grayson County Texas to be known as Munson Vocational College, making an appropriation therefor.
SCR 8 Caption: Providing for the consideration of general appropriation bills and sine die adjournment.
SCR 13 Caption: Providing for a committee to determine the fields of operation pursued by the Texas A&M College and Department of Agriculture.
SCR 16 Caption: Memorializing the Secretary of the Navy to the advantages of Gainesville, Texas as the location for a proposed armor plate plant.
SCR 24 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die at 12 o'clock, Friday, March 16, 1917.
SR 37 Caption: Providing for the employment T.J. Owens to work the State Library.
SR 104 Caption: Inviting former member of the "Secession Legislature" J.M. Lindsay to address the Senate.
SR 115 Caption: Recognizing Lieutenant Governor W.P. Hobby on appointment as secretary and director of the Federal Land Bank of Houston.
SR 118 Caption: Recognizing Senator Smith on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 122 Caption: Providing a system of appointment of all officers and employees of the Senate.
SR 126 Caption: Providing for the reconvening of the Finance Committee seven days before the start of the First Called Session.
35th 1st Called Session
SB 9 Caption: Relating to authorizing Board of Education of the State, counties, cities, etc., to adopt school books other than those provided by the text book law.
SCR 4 Caption: Providing that the construction of buildings for new institutions be postponed on account of the war.
SCR 10 Caption: Inviting Marshal Joffre and Rene Viviani to address the Legislature.
SCR 18 Caption: Authorizing the correction of certain errors in H.B. No. 46.
SR 33 Caption: Inviting former Senator S.B. Cowell to address the Senate.
SR 45 Caption: Granting the State Farmer's Institute permission to use the Senate Chamber.
SR 50 Caption: Providing that L. Brook Lemburg be recommended as a page in the U.S. Senate.
SR 52 Caption: Recognizing the wife of Representative McFarland for her remarks relating to conservation of food and reduction of the cost of living.
35th 2nd Called Session
SB 7 Caption: Relating to authorizing commissioners courts to purchase planting seeds for poor farmers of their counties.
SCR 3 Caption: Authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to use discretion in the matter of forfeitures of school lands for non-payment of the interest by the purchasers.
SCR 4 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate the State University and its management.
35th 3rd Called Session
SB 10 Caption: Relating to amending the Act relating to the State Institution for the Training of Juveniles.
SB 28 Caption: Relating to an assignment of able-bodied male persons between the ages of 19 and 50 to work in occupations of the State when not otherwise employed.
34th Regular Session
HB 69 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the lavish or corrupt use of money in primary elections; creating a felony and providing for the punishment thereof.
HB 71 Caption: Relating to extending the time for the payment of all taxes for the year 1914.
HB 130 Caption: Relating to preventing the recitation in deeds, mortgages, vendor's lien notes and any and all instruments purporting to convey and conveying an interests whatsoever in realty of a greater consideration than that actually paid for said realty; creating a misdemeanor; prescribing a penalty.
HB 178 Caption: Relating to prescribing and regulating the standard measure for wheat and providing that failure to use the same, when requested, shall be a misdemeanor; creating a punishment.
HB 200 Caption: Relating to prescribing the form of Poll Tax Receipts beginning with the year A.D. 1916.
HB 201 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute defining Conventional Interest; prescribing the legal rate of interest on written contracts.
HB 214 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute fixing the time of filing an answer in all cases where the defendant is cited by publication.
HB 267 Caption: Relating to regulating administration of estates in cases where the property is community property and the surviving wife or husband is the sole beneficiary under a will.
HB 332 Caption: Relating to validating acknowledgments to all instruments of writing conveying or encumbering or purporting to convey or encumber and interest whatever in realty that have been recorded or may hereafter be recorded for a period of five years in the proper books in the offices of the Clerks of the County Courts.
HB 333 Caption: Relating to requiring the transferor of a vendor's lien note or a note secured by deed of trust on lands in this State to execute and acknowledge a written transfer thereof to the transferee.
HB 334 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute prescribing the form for acknowledgment by married women to conveyances of realty.
HB 335 Caption: Relating to the disposition of the bodies of dead domestic animals; prescribing what shall be done with said bodies; providing penalties.
HB 342 Caption: Relating to allowing the shooting of doves north of the 32 degree North parallel of latitude from and after the first day of October.
HB 343 Caption: Relating to allowing the shooting of doves in Cooke County Texas from the first day of October each year until the first day of January of the following year.
HB 344 Caption: Relating to amending the provisions of the suspended sentence law.
HB 370 Caption: Relating to providing for the nomination of candidates in primary elections.
HB 415 Caption: Relating to establishing county free libraries, circulating libraries, branch libraries for rural districts and rural high school district libraries.
HB 417 Caption: Relating to providing for a lien in favor of owners of breeding livestock.
HB 419 Caption: Relating to providing that separate telephone companies operating in the same town must be able to transfer messages from one company's lines to another's; providing a penalty.
HB 489 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing for the bonding and licensing of commission merchants dealing in farm products.
HB 502 Caption: Relating to amending the charter of the City of Gainesville, by authorizing the city of Gainesville to require railway companies and interurban companies operating trains or cars on tracks crossing the streets of the city of Gainesville, to maintain flagmen or safety gates at such crossings or to construct and maintain safety gates at such crossings, or other suitable appliances.
HB 645 Caption: Relating to organizing the agricultural interest of the state to appoint and provide for the election of officers for said organization; prescribing penalties for the failure on the part of officers to perform their duties; fixing the pay of said officers; prescribing penalties.
HJR 31 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing a conventional rate of interest.
HJR 43 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for taxation of all public utilities for school purposes.
HR 82 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the House Rules.
HR 105 Caption: Granting the women stenographers permission to attend the debate on the Woman's Suffrage Resolution.
34th 1st Called Session
HB 30 Caption: Relating to apportioning the State into congressional districts, naming the counties composing the same and providing for the election of a member of the Congress of the United States from each district.
HB 57 Caption: Relating to granting the Board of Control of the Girls' Training School additional time in which to use the funds appropriated and donated to the State and re-appropriating said fund.
HR 7 Caption: In memory of State Rep B. A. Calhoun.
HR 27 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to inspect the creation of the block photo of the Members.