Legislation authored by Clinton West Nugent

Includes legislation with Clinton West Nugent as the primary author for the 33rd through 34th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

34th Regular Session
SB 51 Caption: Relating to creating the 75th Judicial District of Texas; fixing the jurisdiction of the district courts in said district and the terms of court in the several counties in said district.
SB 192 Caption: Relating to the issuance of bonds for the purpose of constructing and maintaining macadamized roads; providing for the revocation and cancellation of unsold bonds by popular vote.
SB 205 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing for county depositories, providing that such shall be limited to National Banks and State Banks, providing that the amount of the bond of county depositories shall in no event be for less than the total amount of revenue of the county for the next preceding year.
SB 264 Caption: Relating to amending the Revised Criminal Statute prohibiting the use of any deer call, whistle, decoy, horn, call, pipe, reed or other device, mechanical or natural, used for calling or attracting the attention of deer; fixing a penalty for the violation of this Act.
SB 301 Caption: Relating to permitting W.A. Eastham, Duncan Eastham and Luther Eastham, Jr. to sue the State of Texas and the Prison Commission of the State of Texas in the District Court of Walker County.
SB 302 Caption: Relating to authorizing and permitting B.A. Eastham to sue the State of Texas and the Prison Commission, in the District Court of Walker County.
SB 322 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Grimes County, Texas.
SB 325 Caption: Relating to authorizing the citizens of the state to take insurance on their lives payable to business partners, firms or corporations of which they are members or stockholders, religious, charitable, benevolent or educational institutions and to assign policies to such.
SB 326 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the use of deer call or decoys or any other device for the calling of or attracting the attention of female deer; fixing a penalty.
SB 355 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the hiring of county convicts.
SB 368 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing that police officers in certain towns must be bona fide residents of such towns and that they be bonded.
SB 405 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute affecting the formation of limited partnerships and joint stock companies.
SB 422 Caption: Relating to regulating the trial of suits to recover delinquent taxes from and including the years 1885 to 1905.
34th 1st Called Session
SR 41 Caption: Authorizing the Penitentiary Investigating Committee to compensate travel expenses for members and witnesses.
33rd Regular Session
SB 72 Caption: Relating to placing laborers handling timber under the provisions of the law relating to laborers' liens.
SB 73 Caption: Relating to providing for a better protection to the fish and oyster industry by prescribing certain penalties for taking, harvesting, catching, or selling unlawfully. Defining breeding season, providing for license for wholesale dealer, and defining the duties of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner and his deputies.
SB 101 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of $100,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to provide funds for the operation of the penitentiary system.
SB 127 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code relating to the selling, bartering, or giving away of examination questions for teachers' certificates, adding articles 1512a and 1513b.
SB 146 Caption: Relating to creating the Sixth Supreme Judicial District, to create the Seventh and Eighth Supreme Judicial Districts, and to create the Ninth Supreme Judicial District, and to provide for the organization of a Court of Civil Appeals within the Sixth Supreme Judicial District of Texas.
SB 187 Caption: Relating to providing for the establishment and maintenance of a state training school and home for the feeble-minded of Texas, to locate same, and to provide for its control and management, and for a board of advisors to determine conditions of admission, and to make appropriations.
SB 222 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the pernicious practice of "hazing" in the State educational institutions, to provide penalties therefor.
SB 241 Caption: Relating to prohibiting breweries and other manufacturers of alcoholic, fermented, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, or the officers or agents of such, from loaning or advancing money to individuals or firms for the purpose of purchasing liquor licenses for such individuals or firms to carry on retail liquor business.
SB 242 Caption: Relating to prohibiting breweries and all officers and agents of breweries from leasing and then subleasing premises for the purpose of carrying on retail liquor traffic and prescribing a penalty.
SB 313 Caption: Relating to preventing filing on as pert of the public domain, surveying and issuing patents to land in conflict with titled or patented land, and to provide a penalty.
SB 314 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any retail dealer in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or medicated bitters from locating or operating his place of business, within two miles of any local option line unless the same shall be within the corporate limits of an incorporated city or town; providing a penalty.
SB 315 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering the State Normal Schools Board of Regents of this State to acquire by purchase or condemnation lands for sites on which to erect and maintain buildings and for other uses of the respective schools.
SB 370 Caption: Relating to amending title 51 of the Revised Civil Statutes, relating to guardianship of persons of unsound mind and habitual drunkards, so as to add thereto articles 2743a and 3743b; providing for the partition and distribution of the estates of persons of unsound mind by their lawful heirs at law.
SB 375 Caption: Relating to providing for statements of facts and exceptions in all cases tried in the District or County Courts where jury verdicts are set aside and new trials granted, and for appeal from orders and judgments granting new trials.
SB 376 Caption: Relating to amending the Special Road Law of Montgomery County; providing a penalty against county convicts who escape while being worked on public roads.
SB 377 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of one thousand (1000) dollars to pay for certain paintings left in the Capitol and destroyed by employees.
SB 403 Caption: Relating to creating a special district court for the counties of Montgomery, Liberty, Chambers, Hardin, San Jacinto and Polk.
SB 405 Caption: Relating to amending statutes, providing that irrigation, public road, drainage and levy [levee] bonds issued under the provisions of law may be deposited with State depositories, on equal dignity with United States, State, county, independent school districts and municipal bonds.
SB 421 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the creation of deficiencies or debits in the name of the state by regents, directors, officers or members of governing boards of any of the educational or eleemosynary institutions of the state; to prohibiting the making of any contract or the creating of any debt inconsistent with existing laws, making invalid all such contracts and debits, providing penalties.
SB 444 Caption: Relating to requiring owners or lessees of enclosed land to give outlets by lanes or gates to owners or occupants of contiguous lands to public roads, stores, gins and other public places.
SB 456 Caption: Relating to permitting B. E. Eastham to institute and prosecute a suit in the district court of Walker County, against the state of Texas and against the Prison Commission.
SB 471 Caption: Relating to permitting W.A. Eastham, Duncan Eastham and Luther Eastham, Jr., as executors of the will of Mrs. Delha Eastham, deceased, to institute and prosecute suit against the State of Texas and against the Prison Commission.
SB 481 Caption: Relating to appropriating twenty-five hundred dollars to purchase a marble bust of General Memucan Hunt, the purchase price to go to his widow.
SB 488 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of rural banking associations, for the purpose of extending productive loans at reasonable rates to its members for the promotion of agriculture.
SB 490 Caption: Relating to requiring trunk lines of telephone companies, and telephone companies operating trunk telephone lines to afford on reasonable terms connections with local and independent telephone lines and companies and individuals operating local and independent telephone lines.
SCR 1 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to prepare for the inauguration of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
SJR 26 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to set the salary of the Members of the Legislature at $2,000 every two years.
SR 30 Caption: Providing a stenographer for the committee investigating the office of the Attorney General.
SR 79 Caption: Appointing additional members to the Committee on Congressional Districts.
SR 101 Caption: Granting Senator Vaughan the privilege to take up any Senate bill or resolution he desires.
33rd 1st Called Session
SB 29 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the creation of deficiencies or debts in the name of the State by regents, directors, officers or members of governing boards of any of the educational or eleemosynary institutions of the State of Texas; providing for penalties for violations of this act.